Ariadna in N4

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Yvain

    Yvain Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Basically. Marauders got buffed a lot and they were already great. MM serve zero purpose. With the UKR being better it is hard to justify using even the HMG option in a grunt link.

    The unit is completely worthless.
  2. TriggerPuller9000

    TriggerPuller9000 Poverty Orde Wingate

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Is it just me or did other factions jump ahead in lethality/cost reductions while Ariadna just durdled?

    E.g., chasseurs? Nerfed. Vets? Some loadouts more expensive. Antipodes and all dogs? Nerfed. Tankhunter APHMG 3 pts more expensive when people rarely took it over the Spetsnaz before.

    Stuff either adjusted a point or two or got nerfed almost across the board. Meanwhile other factions are seeing cheaper and more useful EVO bots, and that Avatar dropped in points enough to pack two more orders in to fuel it.
    #362 TriggerPuller9000, Sep 25, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
    elmo and MATRAKA14 like this.
  3. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    They got buffed IMO, the ability to re-camo after murderizing their first target and no more WIP checks when losing a member are amazing
    Tongfa likes this.
  4. Yvain

    Yvain Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    How were the dogs nerfed?
  5. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Surprise Attack in C1/N4 works with Direct Template Weapons. Chasseurs have lost their terrifying (and unintended) ARO ability, but are noticeably better in the active turn as using the LFT from Camo is no longer a death sentence.

    Is that the Boarding Shotgun option? That's because the gun got more expensive.

    Oh hells no. Antipodes no longer have Frenzy, so can recamouflage, use cover etc, don't get IMM when one of them dies, and the Controller has Tactical Awareness for an extra Order.

    Other dogs suffer from Smoke being less powerful, but went down a lot in points while getting better in CC*, not having to charge forwards (Impetuous activations are optional), and gain quite a bit from Total Immunity changes, as Non-Lethal weapons like Flash Pulses, PARA weapons and most EM weapons have no effect on them whatsoever.

    *I don't know if you've looked at the Cameronian, who now has CC23 and Natural Born Warrior.

    I'm not a fan of them getting even closer in points, but good luck trying to take down a TAG in Cover with a Spetsnaz HMG. You're very likely to win the first roll-off before the TAG moves back slightly out of sight, but then you're looking at your opponent only needing to roll 5+ to save.
  6. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    This. We're not able to drown heavy targets in lead anymore, we need to take AP/K1 weapons to do the job, and Tankhunters are a prime source of AP in TAK.

    AP HMG Vet is still awesome, but it's just one model, can't be everywhere, and opponent is able to plan for and outmaneuver it.
    McKaptain, RasPuto and Teleute like this.
  7. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    At first I was going to point out that we can't view any CHA units, but if you set army7 to vanilla and filter the warbands it shows up... is the fact we can't see it the bug or the fact we can under specific circumstances the bug?
    Teleute likes this.
  8. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I just checked in the web version, and there's no need to filter for Warbands, the 2nd Irregular Cameronians Regiment are visible in the list anyway.

    Obviously this is in generic Ariadna!
    RasPuto likes this.
  9. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Yup, they're showing up now after a cache flush.
    They're still the only non-kosmoflot CHA unit that's available though which is slightly unexpected...
    ijw likes this.
  10. MATRAKA14

    MATRAKA14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    What I see is the following issue:
    2019 win rate

    No extra
    Ariadna 46,45%
    Caledonia 51,22%
    MRRF 46,55%
    USARF 44,70%
    TAK 49,28%

    Tactical window
    Ariadna 46,84%
    Caledonia 45,76%
    MRRF 35,00%
    USARF 36,36%
    TAK 43,13%

    MRRF and Caledonia are out of the conversation right now, but what do we have here.
    Factions who clearly struggle in tactical window, with minor bufs and virtually no price changes, against factions with major price drops like -23 points avatar, -13 sphinx, unerfed Dart etc

    The sad part about this is the feeling that many profiles have lost the reason to exist, USARF had 90% of usable profiles and now it has lost a ton of variety. The sectorial has switched from cheap troops combined to unknown ranger and the rest of less important guys.

    Same with vanilla where all lists are going to be full of the same characters over and over.

    I'm happy with the fix for the HRL ratnik but many other troops have been hit or not fixed at all.
    Traktor muls and kuryers are a sad joke they are not even able to use guided ammunition anymore.
    Foxtrot has no grenade launcher
    MK12 veteran is no more
    Scouts no longer have E/M minelayer
    Minutmen with the current prices are a joke, the game is now full of cheaper HIs with 2 wounds and plenty of gear.
    Tank hunters are more expensive and have AP mines because of reasons, I don't see the point of those at all. They make 0 sense.
    Explain to me how a 30 point scout can compete with the 34 points Dart
    Explain to me why CA and Aleph needs free order antennas if there are no longer any 15+ orders lists without special abilities (like the 4 orders of the avatar with a 23 point reduction)

    I just don't know, I will try them out soon but the situation is looking grim for ariadna right now. Specially for USARF. The N4 rules look good for the most part but the loss in diversity and faction charm has been huge, at least on the ariadna side.

    I will not buy kosmoflot, I want my current 4 armies working in the game properly. There is no point going on with the hobby if factions are going to be treated like this. MRRF is waiting for a proper fix since N2. We don't need new armies.
    #370 MATRAKA14, Sep 26, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2020
    RasPuto, M0rk4, iyaerP and 3 others like this.
  11. TriggerPuller9000

    TriggerPuller9000 Poverty Orde Wingate

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Superjump now requires you end your distance on the ground. You used to be able to jump 6" up, throw 2 chain rifles onto a high roof and then fall without consequence. It also substantially reduces mobility.

    Antipodes are in the same boat.
  12. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Muls are indeed getting worse every time they're touched, and Kuryers are a wasted opportunity to do something cool. USARF in general is Ariadna's red-headed stepchild. But the rest?
    • Veterans didn't need that Mk12 profile, it came completely out of left field, and proved unnecessary.
    • No E/M Mines Minelayer is a drawback if our predictions about general N4 meta will be accurate, but it's still a minor drawback, and at least we have standard Minelayer.
    • Tank Hunters getting more expensive is in line with other MIs, in general HIs and TAGs got cheaper, while elite MIs got more pricy.
    • How Scout can compete with Dart? At all, since they are in different armies, and don't have to compete for the same spot. And if you wanted to ask how he should fight her, then the answer is: from a distance. Dart has 0 weapons with +3 range better than 8". No Specialist option as well.
    In general - the playground changed, and instead of complaining that we got shafted, let's test what tools we have, and how they work now, before we pass judgement. The numbers you've shown don't show everything, Ariadna is very strong, and if anything, the overall balance should be better now. Save maybe for USARF, I really can't tell if CB knows what this one should be about.
  13. dhellfox

    dhellfox The keeper of the Forgotten

    Sep 21, 2019
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    finally, a point to take them over the other dogs in vanilla
  14. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    OK, got a lot going on here so its gonna be a long one. Mostly about Kosmoflot. *deep breath*

    Things that could be coming in the confirmed update.
    Muls may not have lost guided. The ECM: Guided on the Muls is probably a mistake. It should say BS Attack: (Guided)
    Wallace may still get LT options. I want to believe CB wouldn't make an entire Sectorial with only 2 LT options and 4 highly rated profiles to stay irregular without him as the LT.
    The Grunt Sniper should read BS +3 instead of Shock. Cause it once had MM LX. That's the only thing that makes sense.
    Saw TONS of stuff wrong on the weapons charts. That's sure to be fixed.

    The Good Stuff
    Unknown Ranger rework is Fantastic!!!
    Wallace rework is Excellent !!!
    Para-commandos are amazing!
    NCO on Scots Guard is a welcome sight
    Frontovik engineers are cheaper
    9pt Varangian Guard is great!
    Dozer w/ Gizmokit and 1 point cheaper (Mul Control device)
    The Artillery Muls are cheaper
    Wardriver may be worth it now. Time will tell.
    T2 Sniper Cataran went down a point
    Mirage-5 went down 5pts and got Van Zants signature move is AMAZING! (not to mention changes to impetuous)
    Uxia no longer has limited Camo on her Spec-Ops profile! and the MSV1 loadout went down a point!
    Team Polaris is Awesome! And you can bring an additional Bearpode w/ a HSG that does 16dmg!
    Cadin went down 3pts.
    Rokot 8pt Chain Rifle is a welcome sight.
    SAS FO is 21pts, has a Spec-Ops profile w/ a BSG and AP+Shock CCW! I love it!!

    USARF, TAK, and Vanilla-
    Minuteman +1 Command Token and an NCO option. Good!
    Van Zant going from executive order to NCO I personally thing is great and he's cheaper
    Devil Dog Team is cheaper. Wonderful they needed to be.
    Vet Kazak got all the T2. Only in Ariadna my friends!!
    Assault Pack got Tactical Awareness, how is this not good? AND Antipodes can re camo!! Yes Please!
    Dog-Face is cheaper!
    Kazak Doktor can finally join his Line Kazak brethren!
    If you don't love Carmen Johns then you don't need to be here!
    Voronin is now a Cold Blooded Killer!!
    Ratnik is possibly worth bringing YAY!
    Chassuers are still probably the best Skirmishers in the game!
    Cameronians got NBW?! Hell to the YES!!
    Isobel is now worth bringing! (This is all looking really good for CHA come NOV)
    REM Racer?! Ariadna has a single Repeater! What a time to be alive!

    Now that we have started out with a little love and hope, its time to ease into the Hell and hardship part of the sermon.

    The not bad, but TERRIBLE
    WHY IN THE HELL IS WALLACE NOT AN LT OPTION IN KOSMOFLOT OR FOR THAT MATTER VANILLA! jOAN GETS TO, AND NOW THAT WERE PLAYING TW WE CANT SPAM ALL THE GALWEGIANS WE WANT. GIVE WALLACE A DAMN LT OPTION EVERYWHERE!!!! One of only TWO units in the ENTIRE game the has Inspiring Leadership and we can't use it? WTF!! (I know what i said above but that doesnt make me any less salty.)
    They didn't fix the range-bands for the Muls. WHY?! Not only that they took took technical weapon bonuses away from link teams making it that much harder to blow things up with the Muls who are borderline useless now. Dont make it an option if you dont want us to do it! CB has made this 1000 times harder than it already was. On top of STILL no range bonuses to forward observe either!!
    Scots Guards should not be that damn expensive!! There are HI that are cheaper than them! "BuT ThEy GoT mImEtIsM" For those points they need X-Visors as well at the very least!
    The Rokots have no SWC weapons! These are suppose to be the most technology advanced group to leave Dawn, Why am I playing with Russian Volunteers at Metro Prices??!! Don't give things Russian names if they aren't gonna be the best. We all know CB must be scared pant less of Putin or they wouldn't be doing this nonsense!!
    The availability on these fireteam options are atrocious!!! Nothing can shine on its own because you have to plug in a character or wildcard to get the full potential/be optimal out of a core link team. Volkolak are the plug and play unit! Why cant they form a Haris of their own?
    For a moment if you will. Reimagine Kosmoflot at CHA 2.0. Take away all the names and thats what you have. Everything that CHA players have been asking for. S.Guard Haris, more T2, CoC, ect. they have all of that without the rich character of CHA.
    #374 Jukebox3113, Sep 26, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2020
    RasPuto and Teleute like this.
  15. korva

    korva Active Member

    Feb 8, 2018
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    Basically agree with all of the above, if Wallace doesn't get LT options I'ma fuckin' revolt or something.
    RasPuto likes this.
  16. Tongfa


    May 6, 2018
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    (copying my post over from the Kosmo thread, as I somehow saw that before the Ariadna N4 thread whoops)

    Couple of huge changes:

    1. No more 6pt volunteers - they having a vacation till Caledonia comes back online.

    2. Desperado Assault Pistols are now 6 points. Not sure if that is a typo or not, but that is insanely strong.

    3. The UKR is actually fucking yoked. He has MSV1, Shock Immunity AND TACTICAL AWARENESS. Between the Kosmo, Vet Kazak and the UKR, I would take the AP Spitfire UKR every fucking day. He is mega strong. He is also 6-2 Movement. This man is Doom Guy. Seriously consider him.

    4. Gals are 5 points a model, not 6.

    5. My Tankhunter MLs are now 33 points not 29 feelsfuckingbad. I want to give away the AP Mines I don't need them ty. I'm still taking 2 TH MLs though, they're still really good.

    6. The SAS has a new profile and it is bonkers. It is a 21 FO with D-charges and a Chain Rifle. Is this the new Chasseur? I seriously like him, even without the mines.

    7. Speaking of Chasseurs rip their glorious mid-field ascendancy - they've carried so fucking hard but now we might actually need to not just slam down 2 frenchies automatically. Sixth sense is now no longer a delay ARO, but instead a dodge without penalty unless immobilized (-6)/a fire from any direction (which is meaningless as they are camo tokens). They still have a strong place as a LFT/mine/FO problem-solver, but one of their core catch 22 strengths is gone now.

    8. The impetuous change makes running lots of warbands much easier to manage. Something for us to leverage.

    In terms of list-building, not sure how it is for you guys but a lot of my lists have been essentially a mega-strong Group 1, and a 25-30 point Group 2 composed of warbands.

    Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

    Group 1: 9 Regular, 1 Irregular
    Vassily - 40
    UKR with AP Spitfire (fuck TAGs - and HE HAS MSV1 and TACTICAL AWARENESS) - 47, 1SWC
    Spets with HMG - 38, 1.5 SWC
    Tankhunter ML, with ugh...AP Mines, just make me 29 points again - 33, 1.5 SWC
    Tankhunter ML - 33, 1.5 SWC
    Foxtrot Sniper - 20, 0.5 SWC
    Foxtrot FO - 18
    Foxtrot FO - 18
    Assault Pack - 27

    Group 2: 5 irregular, 5 impetuous
    Desperado with ASS pistols - 6
    Gal - 5
    Gal - 5
    Gal - 5
    Gal - 5

    General principle of the list is that Group 2 and the UKR force the opponent to put up AROs otherwise I just sweep them with cheap warbands and a 6-2 MSV1, Tactical Awareness AP Spitfire Machine. If they pop up AROs, I still have my Coordinated Fire strike with 2 MLs and a Foxtrot Sniper. Assault Pack and 2 ever-reliable Foxtrots help me control the midfield.

    It still plays like Ariadna, it still feels like Ariadna. Praise be to the UKR. I cannot wait for this model to carry me.

    (edit: In the above list, you could also drop the Desperado to upgrade both the Foxtrots into SAS FOs. I really like that idea. I think camo chain rifles and AP close combat threat will always be strong. You still have mines from the...Tankhunter MLs).
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  17. Tongfa


    May 6, 2018
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    I think they're still strong but the new SAS FO is seriously worth looking at as well. 1 point for Chain Rifles, D-charges and an AP CCW with Martial Arts may be worth giving up mines. I think they're really interesting and are just so much more exciting than the old SAS FO with a boring ass rifle.

    good eyes mate - fucking didn't see that. More free smoke yes please.
    RasPuto and Jukebox3113 like this.
  18. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    It’s an AP Sniper Rifle.
    Jukebox3113 likes this.
  19. Stampysaur

    Stampysaur Wallace is my LT

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Antipode is one troop now due to peripheral rule. Order activates the controller and dogs at the same time. Tac aware keeps us with two orders, but now we only fill one slot.
  20. Disko King

    Disko King Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No one talking about B3 multi sniper knauf? He might be actually worth fielding now. Still don't see reason why in vanilla I would ever take Ratnik(or blackjack) over Unknown ranger or Vet kazak.
    Still don't rly get point of traktor mulls, compared to other amaizing REM's out there..yea it's kinda cheap, but it will also die super easy so...

    That's why you have antipodes or plenty other AP options.

    Polaris team is great.

    Komosoldat, once again, not rly sure I would take him over vet or UKR. A bit tougher, but is hackable and no mimetism means he just geats hit easier...I would rather not get hit than have 10%(5% if by AP) easier time saving when I get hit.

    ROkots are 10-12pts camo tokens so you might as well replace your kazaks with them.

    Zenit-7, because why would we give FO to marksman rifle that wants to go to mid, rather give it to sniper which wants to hang back...makes sense.
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