I found the thread for reporting Army bugs for the new edition, but can't seem to find one for the actual rulebook. In the PDF for N4 (downloaded ~an hour ago) I spotted this: Page 60, Repeater, Effects bullet 3: "There can be no reaction against a Repeater that" That's it, the line ends there, cut off after the word "that." EDIT: Found another. Formatting bug, p. 72, Shock Ammunition Effects. All three lines of the second bullet point have bullet points of their own, rather than just one bullet to the left of the first line. It looks like automatic paragraph styling for the list converted multiple hard returns into separate bullets.
On page 167, a K1 Combi Rifle is listed to have 13 damage, but the N4 army app shows it as 12 damage.
The main bug, for me, is that I can't read the rulebook in the printed formed at all due to the small font :( Anyway... I found a similar error in one of the scenario descriptions: Page 144, Specialist Troops section: "Doctors and Engineers cannot" [end of the paragraph] BTW. @wes-o-matic ,where can I download the N4 PDF? I checked the Downloads section and there's no N4 stuff in there...
It's there. URL for the correct page: https://infinitythegame.com/resources/downloads (expand the first button to see the links for the rules PDF, the annex PDF with fireteam rules, the markers sheet, and the sectorial fireteam lists) The URLs for downloading the (English) rules and annex PDF files directly are: https://downloads.corvusbelli.com/infinity/rules/infinity-rules-en.pdf https://assets.infinitythegame.net/downloads/annexn4/en/v1.0/annexn4.pdf
I can't find Inspiring Leadership in the N4 Rulebook, can anyone give me a pointer? Or is it actually a bug, since Joan still has it?
Page 62: Zero Pain is not listed in the Hackig Device Programs Chart. As a result, no HD of any kind has this program. Page 71: Immobilized-A Box contains the sentence "Let’s suppose a Zhanshi is in Immobilized-A state State " under Effects. That doesn´t belong there. Page 72: Shock Ammunition Box has too many bullet point triangles. Page 74: Stun Ammunition Box has one bullet point triangle too many.
Page 85, green box 3-A has a bunch of repeated +3 forCover / -3 for Cover texts that don't seem to make any sort of sense.
can we get clarification that Hidden Deployment (p.98) counts as "in marker form" for the purposes of surprise attack (p.114)? eg. Hassassin Nadhir who has no Camo
Pages 62 and 64, Oblivion has a burst of 1 in the chart on page 62 and a burst of 2 in the description on page 64.
This means that if you come out of Hidden Deployment, you can declare a Surprise Attack as if you had been in Marker form. (Being in Marker form is normally a requirement of Surprise Attack, so Hidden Deployment waives this requirement.)
"Game modes" are mentioned on p. 138 but we seem to be missing some? Relevant passage from p. 138: The only game modes actually listed in the book are Standard Game (p. 137) and Free Game (p. 138). What's a Raid Match?
Oh, I misinterpreted your first comment! By "give clarification that" you're not looking for a rules cleanup, you meant that there needs to be a line added to Hidden Deployment that says you can use Surprise Attack. I read it as you saying that the line was there but not clear.
I'm not sure this is a bug, intended feature, or just misunderstanding. Page 89: Berserk is entire order. It says it allows to declare Move+CC as an entire order. A triangle under it says any FtF roll will instead be a normal roll. Is this only applied when I declare Move+CC? If the model is in engaged state, can I use berserk to make a FtF roll to a normal roll? I assume the +Mod applied to the CC attack can be applied to any CC attack whether it is a normal or FtF roll.
I think that’s a misunderstanding. If you’ve declared the Berserk Entire Order Skill, Move+CC Attack is what you’re doing, there is no other option. You can’t use Berserk if you’re already in CC, because it’s not on the list of Skills you can declare in Engaged State.
OK. So I can't use Berserk in CC. Then FtF will be Normal Roll only when I Move+CC. Lastly, +3 Mod in example will only apply to the attack made by Move+CC. Am I correct?
I think there’s still a misunderstanding. Berserk is an Entire Order Skill. Either you declare it, or you don’t. If you declare it, you Move and CC, there will be no Face to Face Rolls, and any MOD in the profile will be applied to the CC Attack. If you don’t declare it, nothing in the Berserk Skill is applied.