Inside and Out: Shiwen's Terrain Log

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by Shiwen, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Will hopefully be able to get some stuff up about two apartment blocks (need to discard too-blurry shots and find WiP images for a few components that were started far too long ago) over the next few days, the third block has some elements that need a bit more work to figure out.

    For the moment, though, a glimpse of furnishings in the background on the day I did all the doors.

    the doors.JPG

    Too many doors by far, so much versimilitude, so little playability, if I'm going to get people to have their minis lounge about on my little beds and couches I probably need to propose a houserule for treating them as automatic-opening LoF blockers rather than using Short Skills to open them up.
  2. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Apartment Block - Corporate

    Here we have the tall LoF-obstructing bulk of of a MicroArts District 5 apartment block. I've got several of these, and while from the outside they can present a unified sloppily-painted cityscape, I wanted to give each one its own identity on the inside, settling on Residential, Luxury, Corporate, and Industrial. Odd to start with the apartment block containing no actual apartments, but its the one that is most ready to go, so here we are: the Corporate Block. To guide us through the building let me introduce this post's bespectacled protagonist in the lower right, a Mr. Steve Urkel, arriving for work.

    Far above, the roof and its solar panels (from Warsenal) is secured against corporate espionage. Perhaps this corporation is engaged in cutting-edge research. Perhaps is is contracted as call-centre for Military Orders customer support.

    The first floor, with its inoffensive scenery paintings and its lobby seating.

    Mr. Urkel stops a moment, waiting for his shift start, conveniently demonstrating that in the unlikely event special forces soldiers started fighting in this area (but what are the odds something like that would happen?) one might settle behind the couch for cover while keeping both entries in their forward arc of vision.

    corp5.JPG Alas, the daily grind must continue, and so Mr. Urkel heads up to the second floor, to take a seat at his workstation.

    corp6.JPG The seats here I'd gotten from someone who does 3D prints, as folding chairs for a briefing room. They underwent a hackjob 'conversion' to render them more in line with an office chair (and also more stable when affixed to the floor).

    corp7.JPG Screens are fun, I love screens. I had a few (including some wonderful wallscreens from Antenocitis Workshop), but needing a large number, I decided to try and build some of my own out of bits of scrap card and medical test strips. That's recycling right there, I'm doing my part to save the environment.

    corp8.JPG Filling screens is the best part of the whole thing. Here we have the typical office environment, screens full of graphs and text windows and that one co-worker watching something NSFW on YouTube.

    Also some furnishings which will appear in a Luxury apartment block at some point down the line.

    Here they are, in position.

    corp9.JPG As with any good terrible office, there's the manager's office, separated from the work floor, and the water cooler.... the wall next to it really needs a motivational poster.

    The capstone of any good corporate building: the boss' office on the top floor.

    I ran into some trouble finding a desk for this office that would properly fit the role of something massive where an evil CEO runs their corporate empire, and in the end had to improvise something from scrap bits from MDF sprues.

    Truly a commanding piece of furniture.

    Every good CEO/villain office has a bar where they can offer a drink as they outline their wicked plans. These are tiny and wonderful.

    If that screen looks sideways to you, you've obviously had too much of the whisky.

    If someone offered me an office with just good scotch, I'd take it, but in this case a few more details were added... a couch for lounging, a high-backed chair for looming, and numerous screens for data overload, and there we have it.

    Suitably menacing.

    And, with a lot of open floor space and access points (balcony, elevator from roof and lower floors) a great place to put an objective console or HVT for a game of Infinity centered on corporate espionage.

    Oh dear, Mr. Urkel has been summoned up to the boss' office on the top floor, for a performance review. Did his obsessive auditing reveal misappropriations best left unmentioned? Has he forgotten to submit his TPS reports? Find out next time on Shiwen's Inside and Out terrain log.
  3. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    All these little details make your stuff really awesome, i'd love to murder your little dudes on this table (or any of your terrain, really, not picky about that :tongueclosed:)
    Hoffbauer and chromedog like this.
  4. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    The terrible truth is that, as much as I love wargaming, I am not... good at it. So as a result of many years of terrible dice-rolling and abysmal situationa-awareness, I've decided that if my miniatures are all doomed to die, at the very least when they go out they're going out in style.
  5. Monkeysloth

    Monkeysloth Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Quite happy to see you've continued this here as you always put the effort into the interiors I say I'm going to do to myself but never end up doing.
  6. andre61

    andre61 Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    very cool!
  7. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Apartment Block - Residential (Part I)

    residential 1.JPG

    Alright, here we have the second apartment block, and one serving a residential role, with a couple of apartments. Mr. Urkel resides in one, and he now returns to it after a long day's work at the Corporate Block.

    residential 2.JPG
    Above, the community garden is tended. One would think at a glance that this planter would be an obstacle to AD troops trying to drop in, but it is a well-known fact that cabbages cannot impede action, instead doomed to dramatic-comedic destruction every time.

    residential 3.JPG The ground floor of the block is home to some amenities: couch, trash can, clothes washer & dryer, vending machines. The wall between the two doors was meant to make the interior a little interesting for movement... the building offers cover from fire, but getting through it takes more movement than risking the same distance outside. Recent threads on the forum have me a little concerned about how much (time-consuming) LoF-measuring difficulty this could create when 'slicing the pie' from the doors or the wall end. Maybe the solution is to get a chess timer, and whoever runs out first needs to buy/bake us an actual pie.

    residential 4.JPG
    Mr. Urkel makes his way in. Perhaps on a better day he'd slump down for some TV, but he's hungry and wants to keep going.

    Those vending machines are actually supposed to light up, but I need to get a soldering iron since each time I affix the battery and connect the wires I get a flicker and then they're out again. Also, you may have noticed the giant vent opening attached to the wall in photos above... this was because I wanted a television/console here, but the wall had a bunch of windows, and hanging your screen over shutters that open and close seemed a little silly.

    residential 5.JPG
    Up on the 2nd floor, we have a family apartment: residence for a couple and their child.

    residential 6.JPG
    Again, tiny glasses. A set may cost as much as a miniature, but I find the presence of a wine glass or a bottle of soda really helps make an interior immersive even if the painting isn't particularly good.

    For these, the 'wine' is just a burgundy/crimson wash thickened with a touch of gloss varnish.

    residential 7.JPG
    Here we see the interior furnishings in progress. Spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread, courtesy of dollhouse food makers... my own oh-so-impressive work is limited to a couple 'bread slices' on the tabled plates which still await their pasta.

    residential 8.JPG
    Every child needs a toybox and a TAG action figure.

    Detail on some of the furnishings in this room and other rooms/apartment blocks, to get an overhead look at the obvious-freehand patterns on the bedclothes.

    residential 9.JPG
    And here it is. I'm quite pleased with the child's room here, I think the poster, sheets, toys and scattered blocks do well to sell the small family atmosphere of the apartment.

    However, analyzing my own layout, it may be a little darker. One parent is served first, the rest of the family after, and the one doing the cooking (presumably not served first, since their chair is pulled back so they can return to the kitchen) seems to be coping with the only glass of wine. They may have some issues to work on, but I'm sure they'll get there, provided their lives aren't upended when special forces troops storm their home in search of Objective Markers.

    residential 10.JPG
    Mr. Urkel stops in on his way upstairs, hoping to be invited in for dinner. His hopes are dashed, there isn't a spare chair for him. Or plate. They've made sure of it.

    residential 11.JPG

    And, so, he heads home, to the top floor apartment, the Nerd Den. What madness awaits within? For dramatic effect (and because I havent had time to sort all the pictures), all will be revealed next time on Inside and Out!

    Hoffbauer, alexroy, timberfox and 3 others like this.
  8. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The level of detail you put in your terrain is amazing, just amazing.
    Also obligatory:
    Hoffbauer and Shiwen like this.
  9. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Apartment Block - Residential (Part II: Nerd Den)

    nerd 0.JPG

    When we last left our intrepid residential apartment block, it was happily celebrating the fact it was inhabited by a loving family living wholesome lives. Alas for it, one floor remains.

    The top floor of the Residential Block is what I term the 'Nerd Den'. The name is explanatory, it is a place, inhabited by nerds. I'd actually been accumulating little parts for it for years, thinking of throwing them in as references in various scenery projects, before choosing to concentrate them into one single chamber of geekdom... some things make fun of generic nerddom, some of friends and acquaintances and their particular living arrangements/hobby obsessions, some of me and MY living arrangements and hobby obsessions in times past. For those so referenced and so mocked, if mockery comes in the form of quarter-scale furnishings assembled and painted over long hunched-over hours, then surely it is a form of love.

    That disclaimer presented, shall we begin?

    Here we have it, the nerd den. Walls covered with 'heavy metal' posters (sourced from another wargame that is likely all-too-familiar), television, ratty couch, cheese puffs, computer, board game, Nerf gun, fedora, excessive knife (ought be a katana, perhaps), overflowing trash can...

    You may recall that computer from my collection of consoles. I'd thought about doing another one fixed down, but then realized it made no sense to double up, so this is removable, the little sprue tabs at the edges there to keep it in place when its needed and when it is not the gap leaves the room with more room for movement.

    The television screen references Bad Television, the Nerd Den cable plan obviously including the CW. What are the rules concerning profanity on this forum? Because that screen says 'Barry Allen pucks it up again', obviously. Its a Canadian thing.

    Lets say you want to set up a nerd den. Lets say you know nerds who collect action figures. What are your options?

    6mm wargaming is a thing that exists and I continue to be shocked at the detail which is possible at that tiny tiny scale.


    A challenge for all of you, as somehow my Terrain Posting career has seen people get my admittedly-esoteric references to Star Trek episodes and cabbage-hawking merchants*.

    A clue that no one needed: Transformers.

    But, those foolish enough to still be down this terrible terrain rabbit hole, WHICH Transformers?


    Another reference set, with things both more obvious and much less.

    Another clue: those arent just Green Lanterns, those are Hal Jordans. Why would someone have so many Hal Jordans? I wish I could answer you.

    Here, the various 6mm models serving as 28mm action figures are assembled on a shelf, along with a library of books. I would like to say they are all classic literature. That would be a lie, they are all RPG books.

    And everything in place. Shelf of books and models, giant scantily-clad anime poster, the mattresses stacked as bedding in a corner...


    And so, having passed through the hall of nerd swag, Cheetos having failed to stop his stomach growling, our protagonist Mr. Urkel stands upon the balcony for a breath of breeze and traffic fumes, his journey having at last come to an end.


    * Antenocitis' Undertown Kickstarter gave me a produce stand, and I hold to a policy of every shop on the table having a corresponding shopkeeper. Once I figure out how to sculpt a petit goatee, all will be complete...
  10. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I may or may not have squeed at some of this
  11. descrii

    descrii Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Outstanding detail! Top shelf!
  12. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Its a shameful thing to put in 'my' terrain thread, since its a miniature and a prepainted bit of scenery (a grey market stall from @Antenociti 's Undertown those stalls are amazing everyone should buy ten), even the paintjob on the resin veggies there aren't mine (credit to @alexroy for the incredible work). And yet...

  13. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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