I might be wrong here, but AFAIK, you need the actual Haris skill to form a Haris, which means a Zuyong is necessary - it's the two Yan Huo that can be swapped out.
The Kuang Shi "block buying" mechanic is not implemented nor checked by Army (yet?) Haris is a skill that must be present among the units that forms the Haris Fireteam Edit: Considering that they removed the nomenclature that it has to be a Zuyong Haris, you can replace the Zuyong as well as long as one of the units has Haris - which conveniently all Shang-Ji have. Edit: come think of it, Yan Huo can't join a Shanger... and technically the special Fireteam is only available to Zuyong (according to the Fireteam chart)... I wonder if that confusing ruling for Fireteams still is alive and kicking
Thankfully all Zuyong have haris now so it's a bit less of a chore and much less SWC to bring a Yanhuo haris, one whole SWC less
I'm really liking how ISS is turning out. Doesn't even have to be stupid strong either. I just like that I can build a full on dirty "deeds" group with some YJ handlers. Just need that Adil in Crane Armour now...
Blue Wolf has Berserk +3; do note that Berserk is ALSO Assault. At the same time. That's a 10" MOV and a CC Attack at +3 using Normal rolls.
A trooper that could leverage berserk against high durability is something I've always wanted. I just wish that Berserk wasn't hamstrung by LoS so harshly. But 10" helps a lot at least.
good stuff bad stuff, still going through everything. I don't understand how the fuck Gao goes UP in points when Tai Sheng went down. Gao's statline is identical to his N3 profile, I don't understand how he jumped from 43pts to 45 and 49pts for his two N4 profiles.
And that realy annoys me! It is no old sclupt or something, it is from Red Veil Beyond. And - I finished the paintjob on him 1 or a half year ago and painted the SF some month ago to play BOTH ... Now you have to fear to paint a relativ new mini for not knowing if you can use it still next year? Anyone will get hurt by the profile? I do not understand why the have to remove the HMG profile, its not that WB has plenty of good HMG profiles except fromt the knew and not even available Shang Ji and the Guijia (and they have AP or Multi HMG). PS: Adil was tuned down from MA3 to 2 compared to N3
I'm sure at this point someone in the studio was brutally demolished by a Daofei in their formative games and is now nerfing the shadow that exists in their mind. That or someone has a kink for using the Daofei to hurt me.
All multi weaponry lost its stun ammo and stun grenades appear to be MIA. Stun pistols and flash pulse are the only sources of stun left in the game. Army shows Multi HMG explosive rounds as burst 4?? ROFL. Probably wrong @Koni bug check please
Yan Huo fireteams are currently all illegal. There are no Yan Huo FTOs listed, so none may join fireteams
Shit, Yu Jing picked up a better ARO game. I've always liked this faction, salt and all, but hated having so few BS ARO options. Now theres the Long Ya and the Hundun, plus a few more crazy koalas. My models have sat in their case for literal years, barely seeing any table time since N2. Now they are gonna get some fresh air
Guilang LT did drop in SWC tax down to 1. That's definitely more of a live option than it used to be.