The leaks are full of mistakes, half-done jobs and, likely, abandoned concepts. They may be an interesting piece to have an eye for in the meantime, byt in the end I'd say they are of no consequence. Therefore, I don't think one should think of any implications from these. It is Wednesday today, the new rules and Army Builder are scheduled to be released on Friday. I believe we can stand two, maybe three more days to see the intended end result (give or take any bugs CB will have to hunt down out of the Army and .pdf profiles after the release. Given CB's track record with previous updates, I'd say that will be taking about a month, max two).
Yeah I'd say give it two more days. As for what MI even means at this point, they used to be known for higher armor and their 4-2 movement. Now that 4-2 movement doesn't seem to be a thing for them anymore, I think they can be classified by their higher protection (Armor 2-3 and sometimes higher BTS), better aim and specialized roles. Of course, Haqqislam is a bit of an exception to these distinctions with tour super soldiers. I think MI will be used more for elite, specialized infantry and for game rules, probably for objectives. We'll see. Let's take a look at our current MI and their roles! Djanbazan: regenerating and MSV to deal with camo and perform cheeky smoke tricks. Druze: hard hitting medium range troops Lasiqs: long range hard to hit snipers Ragiks: drop troops that can survive a hit(most drop troops in Infinity seem to be medium infantry?) Saladin: everybody's favourite Fiday enabler Sekban: accurate 360 visor troops So I guess if those leaks are to be believed, it would make Zhayedan regenerating marksmen.
AD: Combat Jumpers, yes. AD: Airborne Infiltrators & Parachutists are often LI. Let's engage in an exercise of checking that up (at N3 level, because that's what we have confirmed): PanOceania: Echo-Bravo: AD Airborne Infiltration - LI. Akalis Sikh (& Kripal Singh, Akalis Sergeant): AD Combat Jump - MI Crusader Bretheren: AD Combat Jump - MI Yu Jing: Tiger Soldiers: AD Combat Jump - MI Liu Xing: AD Combat Jump - HI Ariadna: Equipe Mirage-5: AD Airborne Infiltration - HI & WB (but they are characters, thus, a special case) 1er Regiment de Para-Commandos: AD Parachutist - LI 6th Airborne Rangers Regiment: AD Parachutist - LI Kazak Spetsnazs: AD Parachutist - LI Roger van Zant: AD Tactical Jump - LI (again, a character) Haqqislam: Bashi Bazouks: AD Parachutist - LI Hakims: AD Airborne Infiltration - LI Nahab: AD Airborne Infiltration - LI Ragiks: AD Combat Jump - MI Nomads: Tomcats (& Carlotta Kowalsky, Tomcats Sergeant Major): AD Airborne Infiltration - LI Meteor Zond: AD Combat Jump - REM Hellcats: AD Superior Combat Jump - MI Combined Army: Imetrons: AD Combat Jump - ? Fractaa Drop Troop: AD Combat Jump - LI Cadmus: AD Combat Jump - LI Rasyat: AD Combat Jump - MI Ko Dali: AD Combat Jump - MI (a character, but in line with her previous role as Tiger soldier character) Aleph: Netrods: AD Combat Jump - ? Ekdromoi (& Diomedes, Ekdromoi officer): AD Combat Jump - LI Garuda TacBots: AD Combat Jump - REM Tohaa: Gao-Tarsos: AD Combat Jump - MI (turns into LI once Symbio-Armor is destroyed, but drops as MI) O-12: Delta Unit (& Cuervo Goldstein, Basilisk-level Delta): AD Combat Jump - MI Mercenaries: Cube Jaeger: AD Airborne Infiltration - LI Yuan Yuan: : AD Inferior Combat Jump - WB Raoul Spector: AD Combat Jump - LI So, not counting non-unique characters (that is, characters who are part of a specific unit and match that unit's level of AD) we have a total of 30 Airborne Deployed units in the game. Of these: 4 are AD: Parachutist, all of them Light Infantry. 6 are AD: Airborne Infiltration, 5 of them Light Infantry, the 6th is a character choice of HI & WB 1 is AD: Tactical Jump (van Zant), a LI. 19 are AD: Combat Jump (of various levels of profficiency): 1 is HI (Liu Xing) 1 is a WB (Yuan Yuan) 2 are REM (Garuda & Meteor Zond) 2 are undetermined (Netrod & Imetron) 4 are LI (not including the Gao-Tarsos, as he drops as MI) 9 are MI.
Interesting, I never figured there were that many Combat Jump troops compared to parachutist/Airborne Infiltrators. I guess that's because most people I've played with (and myself) usually use Airborne Infiltration rather than the jump. The Cadmus is also special in that regard in that it cannot do anything until the second turn after landing nor can it use the other forms of airborne deployment.
I wouldn't read too much into them being medium. In N3, the only results from that are the general statline changes KwarkyMats mentioned and a classified or 2. In N4, with the shift away from 4-2 movement, it will matter even less. I do think we can glean some information from the leaks, as error-ridden and not final as they are. The final version will probably give them all marksmanship and move away from the shock/breaker interaction. That would require marksmanship to not include shock in N4, but that seems likely with the denesting of skills.
The shock/breaker interaction is already fixed by virtue of the fact that shock doesn't target ARM anymore as seen in Code One ammo types. So no more extra armor rolls. There's also the question if marksmanship will be changed. Will it still ignore the BS modifier to cover or will it instead ignore the cover ARM modifier? A Zhayedan core HMG shooting at 18's before visual modifiers in optimal range would be delightfully disgusting :P
I agree that it would be very powerful. It would also be a huge change to how Ramah can play, since the premier gunfighters all capping out at 24" is a pretty significant feature and, frankly, limitation. But it's also a very expensive team. Unless they get a significant price decrease or improve their link options, you're paying close to HI core costs for them.
Which is why I sticked to N3 profiles. Because we do have all of them, and they are full, official & confirmed. With N4, not so much.
Oh man, those Maggie loadouts are really true. Thanks to Baggage and double Shot you can now yank out two mines per order and reload again. Crazy...
Why would I? Yes, she would lose a direct confrontation, but Maggie has become a toolbox. She does nothing as good as those two, but she can do more.
So eh, since there is no vanilla thread, did anyone see Zuleyka's profile? She's even better than in N3 Shock Immunity, B4 Breaker Pistols and B2 in CC with an EXP CCW
You could just start a Vanilla thread;) Yeah, she is awesome. But Kum in general look like an alternative to Mutts now. The 6 point LSG profile is definitely worth a try imho. But Zamira is a headscratcher. That +1 Bs and Shock Immunity is expensive.
So nerfs to Fatality L2, but buffs to Khawarij. Nerfs to Nahabs versatility, but buffs to their survivability and CC. Fanous have ODD now, MSV2 Khawarij also gets NCO and no SWC cost, and we get an additional MSV2. In most armies I was considering dumping flashpulse bots, but now we get 3 ODD blindy boys for 21 pts...