Alright, on the risk of sounding weird, I have a personal request for CB staff: could you guys refrain from making minis with poses involving skewering of enemy soldiers? Two minis like that will be released soon: Shona Carrano and Nourkias. Shona is pictured pushing her two-handed sword into a throat of a Shasvastii (I think?), while Nourkias is seen skewering some poor human (some YJ trooper, I guess) - with the official photos of the painted mini actually showing blood, I think. Of course, it's a matter of taste - but personally, I don't really like this stuff to the point it makes me lose interest in owning these models (and normally, I'd absolutely want to buy them). Why? Firstly, it's rather macabre. And yes, I know Infinity's fluff has some unpleasant stuff - but, so far, it didn't really translate into minis. It wasn't WH40K with minis featuring armour decorated with skulls, clothing made of human skin etc. Seeing people getting skewered really isn't a pleasant thing - and I'm saying this as a devoted horror fan. For some reason, such stuff made into a solid miniature form is... distinctly unfun. Secondly, I like to see the miniatures fit the scenery and in-game action - so that they all come together into a coherent scenes in my mind, so to say. That's why I'm not always happy with the minis incorporating pieces of terrain etc. - it kind of looks weird to have a mini stand in the middle of a building, if the mini itself is leaning against a big chunk of brick wall etc. Incorporating enemy troopers into miniature poses looks even weirder: I mean, let's say we're going to have Shona face Nomad troopers, but... she's going to be seen killing a Shasvastii? Kind of breaks my suspension of disbelief... I know, a minor thing, but I'd prefer Shona's pose to be less... story-specific, so to say. All right, I got this out of my chest. As I said - personal preference. Still, I thought I'd share this bit of feedback...
Shona Carano is limited edition and Nourkias is part of a special character pack, they're not really general release models. On the other hand I too fucking hate tactical rocks with a passion. I wouldn't have such an issue if CB sculpted them so they were a optional joint I could just replace with something appropriate to my base type if necessary rather than needing to get the damn saw out.
Ah, I see. Thanks :) Unfortunately, as Triumph said, there's no "general release" for these models. They are the only versions of these characters you can use.
I’m actually right there with you. I appreciate the nod on Shona’s model to historical statues of hero’s slaying dragons and demons and the like. (Very appropriate for a Pano hero too) And maybe her general release will be more standard. But I definitely feel the a break in immersion. Also, isn’t she distracted by the shas at that point, not paying attention to whatever she’s supposed to be facing??? The biggest issue with these is that while they’re very dynamic, if you choose to not have a tactical corps it’s much harder than previous rocks, debris, parts of troops. I just hope it’s not going to be a trend.
Shona will most likely get a general release later just like Valkyrie did. Nourkias probably won't though.
Good catch about Shona being a nod to historical statues! I thought about it, too. Still, I really think it's both a bit too gruesome and immersion-breaking. If Shona will get a more standard release later on, no problem. It'd be good to know that there will be one, though. And I'd absolutely want a more standard Nourkias... or, heck, an unnamed Samaritan in a non-weird pose (the current one is floating mid-air for some reason...). Hmmmm. Okay, I guess the Aristeia version could work. Nevertheless, my main point stands: can we not have more minis like these two, please? As Keith said, let it not become a trend...
True, but this is also a game we (or, at least, me) play to relax and have fun. Playing with a miniature sculpture of a human getting a sword rammed through their neck isn't necessarily relaxing. As I said, I'm not actually that bothered by violence in stories, movies etc. That scene in the Witcher TV show where Geralt literally hacks a group of mercenaries to pieces? I don't have a problem with it. But it doesn't mean that, if CB gives in and goes forward with Eternity, I'd want this game to feature a mini with a warrior ramming a sword into an enemy's head...
I would really like more violent sculpts. I enjoy the small stories such minis tell and seeing actual fighting helps sell the immersion of the conflicts in the game for me. Please make more violent and gruesome sculpts CB.
Nooooooo! Think of the children!!! :) Seriously speaking, I disagree. I really don't want to see minis with people blown apart by explosives or shredded by gunfire. Yes, it's war, so obviously it *is* happening in-story... but I'd rather not have it thrown at my face. Let's not make Infinity R-rated. :) Also, I don't really under how you immersion is helped by having character dragging around tactical corpses unrelated to the actual game you might be playing...
I agree with your second reason, it feels kinda specific when the mini already has some terrain, other troopers getting smacked, etc. Some of those are cool and I like it, but sometimes it's a bit too much specific that it limits the theme of the mini. Fir the first one, I think it is fully a matter of taste. It's legit to say "I feel uncomfortable to see those minis.", and I can respect your feelings. But tbh, I like some minis 'skewering' another models, since it feels real. So yes, it sounds a bit weird that you just skipped into 'this is uncomfortable, could you stop?'. Maybe you might have just express your feelings first, see what peoples think, and then move on to asking CB to reconsider the skewering business, I guess. I'm a bit worried that I might look like I'm trying to pick a quarrel. I'm just trying to say that I understand your feelings, but at the same time I've never thought those minis being skewered are excessively bizzare(although I still don't like tactical rocks). Hope you have a pleasant day.
This is also a matter of taste I think. I can't categorize how many people are playing the actual game, or just paint the minis and put them in a display case to enjoy them, but also I can't limit the meanings of 'immersion' into miniatures by 'playing them on the table'.
I've never been a fan of gore on models, and have made conversions when necessary to remove it (such as the Skiavoro).
I have no objections towards some gore in Infinity. To quote George Lucas, "That's what happens when you play with swords" (seriously, how are SW movies PG? The films directed by Lucas have between them enough severed limbs for an average slasher movie). The anniversary Achilles mini (the one with Morat head) is, in my opinion, the best representation of the character. That said, I do like to choose what is on my bases myself, and tactical corpses are even harder to remove than tactical rocks -__- Maybe they could be made a separate part, not molded together with the model itself?
I'm with you with the second part : if miniatures poses must be dynamic, they should stay as neutral as possible when it comes to extras like tactical rocks and the like, so that they can fit in any environment (but there comes the issue with how you base your minis, but that's another story).
When I saw the Shona Carrano skewering the Shasvastii I wasn't really inspired. I did however order it as I have a feeling I won't see another somewhat reasonable version of if (I don't count Aristeia options as reasonable, because they are (literally) China plastics AND depict theatre uniforms on celebrities). About tactical rocks. If you are sculpting some dynamic pose without it feeling it is falling over, you need some items to brace on. This is fine. It does make some miniatures seem bit odd in relation to the board we are playing on. However, I find this reasonable. When considering gore and depicted gore on models. Gore was "cool" amongst teenagers when I was young, I bet it still is. Same as poop is interesting to children. Hopefully some will grow out of the fascination... But back to the subject: Gore in and as an entertainment: In movies it is there to bring emotion of seriousness (or goofiness, depending on genre, both are still emotions) by showing the threat of violence and the result the character comes across it. In video games it is there to show the result/effect of your or someone else's action. It is there to bring emotion (fear? success? accomplishment? - depends on genre). Gore is depicted in art also. Especially in historical art pieces. However, the times when those were painted were times when violence was much more prevalent in society - time when combat and war were both considered heroic and worthy goals. It isn't so long ago, first world war saw so many casualties in part because it was still the time when war was seen as romantic. Now, back to art. So why have art depicting these "heroic deeds" of killing some monster or enemy? Because it was symbol of status to have money to buy art while also it showed you are "a tough person" for having such a gruesome yet heroic painting.* Now back to miniature games: What is the purpose of gore in miniature games or on the minis? Most likely answers are to bring out the mood of the game and to attract certain kind of demographic to buy minis. As I previously mentioned, teenagers are the most likely target audience for gore, most likely boys. So what is the purpose to have gore in Infinity? Most likely there is no other purpose than the sculptor just wanted to make such a pose and people who proofed the concept thought it was cool. This is the most reasonable option - no thought was given to it other than it looks cool. Alternatively this might one of the first steps trying to take Infinity towards more grim darkness with intent on changing the tone of the setting. I hope not. Or it is just calculated attempt on trying to appeal to Warhammer/Malifaux/Helldorado(etc.) audience trying to bring them in with "here is also things that are grim! We are not just a weeb anime inspired game". Either way, be it by chance, by goal in changing tone or calculated appeal to certain type of audience, I don't like this approach. I don't like seeing gore on minis unless it is a conversion by those who want to depict it. That is an expression of the artist who painted/assembled the mini (yes, it is expression by original sculptor also. I do honour that BUT it propagates that expression to all of the iterations of using that model unless someone shows determined use of saw and file) and I appreciate anyone who wants to show their work - even if our tastes differ - it is still a show of effort. For me Infinity is still the game inspired by the works of Masamune Shirow. Be it in visuals, tones, humour and seriousness. I like the humour side of things. Maybe this is the reason why Bakunin is my chosen faction. Cutesy spider-like robots, combat nuns, Forum (in all meanings of the word) Moderators as police force, dangerous bio-mechanical experiments and anarcho-feminist-punks in power armour. I'm in for humour (and sleek cool power armours - *salutes towards IA, thumbs up towards PanO*). There are plenty of games with grim-herp-derp and plaing grim going on. I would prefer that there would be a game that would not slide into that category. I hope that game would be Infinity. Otherwise it will be another "gritty wargame amongst gritty wargames". TLDR: I would prefer the gore not to be depicted on minis by default. You can do a heroic pose with two-handed sword without having to kill someone in the process. Let depiction of gore be decided and converted by the person assembling the mini. Gore attracts teens and historians stuck too deeply into pre-WW1 romanticism. As a side note on depiction of miniatures in (box) art: I don't like "mud effect" or other weathering effects on packaging pictures depicting high-tech stuff. Like Taskmaster or Garuda blisters both have. They are both deemed sleek high-tech suits and gadgets, why would I want to buy one covered in crap? Please, if selling something, make them seem clean and new. It is a new thing I'm buying after all. :P *Just a silly thought that occurred to me while writing, don't take this one seriously: A piece of art, where some magnificent hero is slaying a monster (enemy) in fields filled with gore, is hanging on your wall... You have depiction of gore hanging on your wall. Isn't that by human nature bit uncanny? What makes it ok? The hero in the picture makes it ok! This is in sense similar to the difference of having naked anime figure on your desk compared to having same figure but in bikinis instead. Both are bit uncanny (depending on viewer) but the other is for some reason "more reasonable". EDIT: Tried correct some spelling mistakes.
The minis are obviously a snapshot in time. So it's not like "it's dragging around a corpse". I'm all for making the tactical rocks and corpses more easy to remove so people who want to customise their minis can with less hassle. I just find this thread really one-sided. You are asking an entire company to change its design policy because "my immersion" and then "think of the children"-reasoning. The first one is extremely subjective and the second one is silly because the game is not aimed at children anyway. Not very fond of the entitlement you show to try to ruin the fun of those that actually do enjoy the more visceral sculpts.