Chaksa Longarms

Discussion in 'Tohaa' started by Cothel, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Ah my bad then!

    I'd personally rank Spiral Corp higher than Vanilla Tohaa and very high overall. I've done very, very well with them since they've been released.

    It's definitely possible they just work really well for my playstyle or that people I've played against haven't adapted to them but they haven't felt weak to me.
  2. thirteenpixels

    thirteenpixels Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    As someone who has played against his Spiral a few times, I can confirm they work well for him.
  3. borings

    borings Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Im curious to know what lists yer building, ive been struggling to find something that isnt just a bad ariadne list
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    I posted a bunch in the spiral corps forums somewhere. When I get a chance later I'll go through my notes and put some here (including mission and opponent)
  5. TheRedZealot

    TheRedZealot Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Embraced the Smart Rockets Borings. Do It!
    borings and RobertShepherd like this.
  6. Metal730

    Metal730 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2019
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    I'm on my phone so apologies for any wack formatting. I cherry picked some of the lists I've felt strongest with. Between tournaments (14) and casual games (4) I'm 15 wins - 2 ties - 1loss (I'm still lightly salted about losing on the grid. Opponent tanked 4/6 Panzerfaust saves and 6/8 K1 saves which kept me from destroying 2 "scoring" antenna but opponent likely would've tied it up even if those had gone through)

    The spoiler tag will have mission and opponent and the tag below it will have brief observations.

    Dog Beta 2──────────────────────────────────────────────────GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]9 [​IMG]1 NEEMA Lieutenant (Advanced Command) Breaker Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust, Nanopulser / Viral Pistol, Shock CCW. (+1 | 46) TAAGMA (Tri-Core) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 21) TAAGMA (Multispectral Visor L2) Viral Sniper / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 25) KAELTAR (Chain of Command) Light Shotgun, Flash Pulse + 2 SymbioMates / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 21) DRAAL (Minelayer) AP Marksman Rifle, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 40) KIIUTAN Submachine Gun + E/Mitter, E/Mauler / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 28) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) DIPLOMATIC DELEGATE (iKohl L1, Specialist Operative) Nanopulser, Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5)GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]3 [​IMG]4 KRIIGEL Breaker Combi Rifle + Smoke Light Grenade Launcher / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27) REEX Boarding Shotgun, Contender, Nanopulser / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) REEX Boarding Shotgun, Contender, Nanopulser / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) WARCOR (360º Visor) Flash Pulse / Stun Pistol, Knife. (0 | 3) 7 SWC | 299 PointsOpen in Infinity Army
    I really like starting the msv2 sniper in the tri-core to break any linked or TR/neurocinetic AROs. That model doesn't really do well moving out though so I'll reform it to link with nearby baggage chaksa to maintain strength and be annoying.

    The Kriigel doesn't need to be in the tri-core to land consistent smoke. At long range he's still 2 dice on 9s. Sixth sense 2 is nice for eraser but on C&P it's an attack to grab the beacon and you can zap them then. I deployed him to easily smoke enemy beacon from like 22" away.

    The kiutan is my reserve and does whatever I need him to depending on mission and opponent. On cap and protect he used hyper dynamics to dodge 3x mines, nab beacon and then run straight into my DZ pooping out emaulers on the way. It then became such an uphill battle for my opponent and they could never recover. On frostbyte he killed a ninja, brawler HRL and E/M'd 2 Tankos (Tenkos?).

    Helots in limited camo are such an order sink. I don't care if they die, always try and make your opponent spend an order to discover and then another shooting.

    Shuffle that tri-core model around wherever you need to. It's the Tohaa version of assisted fire and neemas extra token is gold. I have used every single command toke in all 18 games.

    Miami Beta──────────────────────────────────────────────────GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10 RASAIL Lieutenant Viral Combi Rifle + 1 Chaksa Peripheral / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 39) [​IMG] CHAKSA PERIPHERAL Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, Knife. (- | 4) DRAAL (Minelayer) AP Marksman Rifle, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 40) KOSUIL Engineer K1 Combi Rifle, D-Charges, Nullifier / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 29) TAAGMA (Multispectral Visor L2) Viral Sniper / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 25) TAAGMA (Tri-Core) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 21) KAELTAR (Chain of Command) Light Shotgun, Flash Pulse + 2 SymbioMates / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0.5 | 21) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10) CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor, Fireteam: Special Triad) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10)GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]3 [​IMG]4 KRIIGEL Breaker Combi Rifle + Smoke Light Grenade Launcher / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 27) REEX Boarding Shotgun, Contender, Nanopulser / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) REEX Boarding Shotgun, Contender, Nanopulser / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 13) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) HELOT MILITIAMAN Submachine Gun, Light Rocket Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 9) DIPLOMATIC DELEGATE (iKohl L1, Specialist Operative) Nanopulser, Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5) 6 SWC | 300 PointsOpen in Infinity Army
    The Kosuil, Draal and Rasail can be a lot of different things based on mission and opponent. I played a version of this with an igao that just crushed. I want to try a version of this with Aelis (viral combi version).

    The Rasail is great but his little chaksa buddy is the real gold. This list has a lot of threatening pieces even if your stuff dies but it's light on specialists.

    Orlando Beta──────────────────────────────────────────────────[​IMG]10 DRAAL (Minelayer) AP Marksman Rifle, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 40) DRAAL Submachine Gun, Pulzar, D-Charges, Dazer / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30) DRAAL Submachine Gun, Pulzar, D-Charges, Dazer / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30) KIIUTAN Submachine Gun + E/Mitter, E/Mauler / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 28) KIIUTAN Submachine Gun + E/Mitter, E/Mauler / Viral Pistol, Knife. (1 | 28) NEEMA Lieutenant (Advanced Command) Breaker Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust, Nanopulser / Viral Pistol, Shock CCW. (+1 | 46) KOSUIL Minelayer K1 Combi Rifle, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 25) TAAGMA (Multispectral Visor L2) Viral Sniper / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 25) TAAGMA (Multispectral Visor L2) Viral Sniper / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 25) TAAGMA (Tri-Core) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 21) 7 SWC | 298 PointsOpen in Infinity Army
    This was a LI tournament but I'd consider running a variation of this outside of that, it's very beefy and if you get to go first the all Draal triad is some scary shit. Drop a dazer after you go on your killing spree to make it an extra pain in the ass for your opponent to punish your aggression.

    You can coordinate laying emaulers and nobody likes that. The second sniper is a nice back pocket surprise.

    It's been really busy for me lately but those are the few that I've liked the most.

    I didn't have any heavy specialist lists I liked enough to share.
    Zsimbi, daszul and Golem2God like this.
  7. borings

    borings Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2018
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    Awesome, thanks for sharing, im gonna try these out
    Metal730 and Golem2God like this.
  8. Hiereth

    Hiereth AI Artichoke

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Disclaimer that these are unfinished profiles for testing from that whole beta app thing.
    However it's quiet here so as they are personally my biggest disappointment with the spiral update (outside of it being an NA2 faction) do you think this would be enough to warrant them?

    The BS bump is big, bs 11 heavy weapons are a hard sell. Along with +1 dam and bioimmunity, which is a skill we don't know the use of in N4 yet.
  9. RobertShepherd

    RobertShepherd Antipodean midwit

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I'm very much looking forward to playing Tohaa at the end of the year, but that enthusiasm does not, alas, extend even to these new Longarm profiles :p

    But they are closer to playable now. Maybe there's something there to experiment with.
  10. Hiereth

    Hiereth AI Artichoke

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I think I'd really like to be able to triad them normally, exiling them to the only haris feels weird, even some sort of special triad.
    For Spiral I only expect small tweaks, but for the way Tohaa has been I am hoping for big things.
  11. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Played enough Kurgat autocannon to know that these changes are like sprinkling sugar on your shit sandwich. Its gonna taste a little better than before, but you're still eating shit.
  12. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well, they are indeed a little bit better than before.
    I might even try that Mk12 profile, looks like a nice deffensive option in supression fire + some mines. Without visual modifiers it won't win many BS rolls, but when it hits it'll hit hard.
  13. Vanderbane

    Vanderbane Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2018
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    so insofar as the above relates to the actual profile, a couple interesting things. There's no contender on the cheapest profile anymore, swapping it for a combi, a point of BS, and 3 points. the autocannon is more expensive in swc and shaves off two points. all taken together, Im not seeing a strong argument for these as a big improvement on the profile by itself. Add to that the likelihood that some of the bigger units (like the kiel saan) are probably getting cheaper, which would make chaksa an even wo lrse pick.
  14. Hiereth

    Hiereth AI Artichoke

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Neema dropped about 5-6 points, less if you opt for Lt L2, Kiel-san is down 7, potentially.
  15. Abrilete

    Abrilete Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Where can I find all those leaks?
  16. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    At this point I'm probably giving CB too much credit, in my head Longarms were originally supposed to provide a Core Link for Spiral. That was later scrapped for Tri Core and no one bothered to improve Long Arms (who then lost Core for Haris).
    Not that a Longarm Core would have been great, but at least it would have been something to offset their awful package of a Profile.

    At this point I'm working under the assumption a good chunk of the leaked Profiles are final. Some where clearly not done and a bunch were missing or inaccessible. More than enough to get a rough idea on things with the officially communicated Profiles though.
    melkiach likes this.
  17. melkiach

    melkiach PheroBoosted

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The "Unofficial" profile has improved a lot with respect to the current N3 profile, however Longarms still have the problem that they are Haris and therefore you need 3 longarms to play Haris, and the points are a bit too much for you.

    If they allow Auxiliars to be put into Haris, then, I think we will see them on more than one list, be it offensively or defensively.
    Abrilete likes this.
  18. Spellbreaker90

    Spellbreaker90 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
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    If I am not wrong Auxiliar come with a new FTO profile. Maybe they can go in more fireteams than just the one with Taagma.
    melkiach likes this.
  19. melkiach

    melkiach PheroBoosted

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Maybe with N4! Let's wait until September 25!
  20. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I am liking the possible changes. The combi on the base profile makes it more useful as anything other than just the cheapest model in the link. The changes definitely make me more interested in trying these out.
    melkiach likes this.
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