I'm that weirdo who likes the design. It reminds me of the RX 78-5, and all splayed out like that it'll be very easy to paint.
I like the design and I think that the painted mini will look way sicker than the art or the render tbh
I think it’s beautiful and amazing and I can’t wait to get my hands on one. I just hope they gave it some type of vis modifier in N4 so it’s actually the pinnacle of human tag technology
While I do like the design, I themed my O-12 paint scheme on Dominion Tank Police, and by Jove, I'm making a Bonaparte Tank for a proxy Zeta.
He looks like Popeye. The underarms are way to big. Then the gun is also mounted on the underarm. The big baggege canisters on his shoulders makes uneccessary bulky. The only things I like, are the torso and head and the idea of the the ammo drum changing mechanism.
Is the box under his left shoulder another ammo pack? How is he able to get to it? Neverminding the gun being attached to his left arm, which I would use to grab the next ammoback from my left back...
Wouldnt surprise me if that housing its in contains some auto loading mechanism such that it isn't required for it to manually loaded like other tag weapons.
I like most of it... just not the gun. The gun takes it over the top into cartoon goofball territory.
I absolutely love the design! My only issue with it is the model not really depicting Climbing Plus really well? But besides that, the design is perfect and it'll definitely be the first TAG I pick up.
The model pose is not depicting any climbing, but ropes are visible on the back. Bronzes have the same device with ropes on the back, so it seems to be a way to depict Climbing Plus on miniatures.
Oh my! I somehow didn't notice the wound up rope on his back. Thanks for pointing it out! I love it even more now.
I absolutely love the model, my favorite part is probably the faceplate, but it has so many brilliant details I'll probably be shortening the HRMC barrel to a snub just because I like to give my centerpieces some individuality
Gonna buy it to have it as the Zeta is a good TAG in game, but it's far from my favourite CB miniature and honestly probably my least favourite 3D-sculpted TAG. I like the dossier art with the smaller shoulder plates more.
I think I'll just stick with my Dragao as my Zeta proxy. The head fell off it a while ago (no great loss, there. I loathe the spiky evangelion/gundam head anyway). I'll just have to find a suitable blocky sensor unit to use instead. Then it will just become my 80-X series O-12 security drone (since my O-12 are done up like the Czech state police from Deus Ex:Mankind divided).
Got a tidbit, Zeta's N4 profile. Mmm. Looking like some big discount on points and SWC. NCO is a very nice surprise. And it's gizmokit doesnt have a secondary value. So could be 16's to heal from a distance. I'm really liking this.
If this is real, that's kinda interesting. Because it's f*cking cheap. -17% for the Zeta (TAG) -10% for the SuJian (HI) +/- for MI + ??% for LI Seems like CB set the center around the MI and tried to converge the points more towards MI ... Dunno if this will be good. Seems like "N4 Armor Edition".
You need to have gizmo kit in your profile to be able to be repaired by one. The new Haqq TAG is Phys 14, has it but specifically noted in it's profile as Gizmokit (Phys 11) So thinking this one will get it on it's base of 16. Which is awesome.
not quite, it had gizmo kit with a phys mod in skills, it didnt have it as equipment, the zeta does implying it carries one, now the question is can it target itself with it?