Jump (and C+?) appear to be measured from the top (or closest point) of your Silhouette now. So you can still jump over a wall higher than your S (for S2, roughly 1" higher since you need 3" to get back down). Generally speaking you lose around half the vertical "free" downwards movement distance from falling compared to N3. But you can jump your entire S higher up than before (provided your touching the same Y axis). Horizontal is roughly the same as before depending on railing or no railing.
What you describe sounds like it's violating the General Movement Rules which requires you to always measure from one point of the base to the same point of the base. (Yes, they use the word "base" specifically) The illustrations in CodeOne measures from the central bottom point of the base to the same point, completely clearing the obstacle. I haven't been able to find anything that allows a unit to be able to clip through the obstacle at all (Jump doesn't have the "half silhouette width" thing that Move has). So, 1,75" or more up plus 1" or more for the base to move forward and 1.75" down is more than 4" total even if the obstacle is a single micron wide.
I think it is the case of conflicting slides I remember a post about that on fb and the latter one was said to be true for N4 (not c1)
No need for 1/3 of your silhoutte to be covered just any part in contact with terrain piece No need to be prone on roof to get cover from units below as long as you are obscured partially in summary
They removed the requirement to have 1/3 of your silhouette covered, all that is required is that any part of your silhouette is obscured by the scenery item you are in base contact with.
Never saw the second one from FB till now, only know about the first one from the official CB presentation. Just checked the C1 Wiki and it also has the second one (didn't have any example pics last time I checked). That sucks. A lot. Without *free* falling Jump and Superjump are significantly worse than in N3. As @Mahtamori mentions you can barely jump higher than you can vault. With Superjump generally being the worse Skill compared to C+ for several reasons (can't split up jumps across several Orders, can't combine with MOV Short Skills in Links/Coordinated Orders, can't abuse as CC defense,....) Superjump troops with 4-X Movement value can't even jump up/down most 1 story buildings or walls/obstacles barely higher than S but too wide to land on. 4" Move Superjumpers are basically delegated to 2" up+down jumps to peek on rooftops and horizontal jumps (while 6" Superjump still does most of the things it's supposed to do. That means you basically have to build tables with S2 4" Superjump in mind if you want to enable it now, wasn't much of a problem before that. Jotum getting cover from a lamp post is my favorite meme. Generally like the change since it favors the reactive player, makes positioning much much easier, gets rid of the discussions about "is that 1/3rd" and speeds up the game. Also pronounces the downside of not being able to access cover in certain situations (i.e. Impetuous, C+ and Superjump).
Where did you find that? Where can longer jump strait horizontally off a roof gaining max distance then falling safely?
The first diagram is a very old out of date version that was shown by mistake in the livestream. The second graphic is the correct one, and is what's in the CodeOne printed book, PDF and wiki, and will be in N4. In the Jump rule. https://infinitythewiki.com/index.php?title=Jump The Trooper’s MOV value must be sufficient to reach a landing spot, and the landing spot must be equal or larger than the Trooper's base. See also the second example, where a Fusilier can't reach the ground, so has to choose a different landing spot.
yep. this is funny, very funny :D . But believe me, it makes the game much faster and avoids many of the arguments that were going on during the game.
Yo mate, would you like to pitch in on the Superjump changes? Did anyone do the math on how little verticality 4" Superjump enables now? Was Superjump considered overpowered or something? From where I stand C+ always was the "better" Skill with less downsides and more options attached.
This thing isn't a big deal, it's mostly just going to come down to players to adapt their terrain a bit. In the same way careful consideration should be made about not creating a sniper tower of doom with terrain layout or a massive open killzone, not littering the streets with tiny fire hydrants or ultra thin lamp posts should just become normal table set up.
Yeah, every game I get into a philosophical argument about what is a third of a model exactly, so I get the change Hopefully our tables wont overdo scatter terrain now!
I found quite the opposite. C+ never provided any free MOV and had almost exactly the same problems as a normal troop when Climbing onto an occupied structure (DTWs mostly), and was only particularly strong when combined with Camo or on very tall terrain- or used with extreme creativity. Super Jump could get a trooper shots onto high ground, get free MOV distance without risk when descending buildings, deny cover, get damn well anywhere on a long skill Jump and still ignore prepared firing lanes just as easily as C+ in most circumstances.
https://infinitythewiki.com/index.php?title=Jump By the example in the wiki a jump can clear a 1.75 inch high obstacle. https://infinitythewiki.com/index.php?title=Silhouettes Considering a 4-4 Troop, you can Jump 2" in the air and land in the same spot it started, adding the height of the Silhouette it can clear up to 3.5" for an S2, at least where i play our buildings are 3" high for each level, a 6-2 S2 troop (like a Hollow men) can get up to 4.5"
Precisely the problem. Even at 3" per story, add a 0.5" railing you need to pass both ways. That's 4" and already impossible if the trajectory is supposed to be parabolic or if the railing has a thickness. If you can combine Jump with vaulting, that would solve it, but the example doesn't seem to agree.