Basically Yu Jing is being Flanderized, presumably because fans latched on to the oppression meme to the point that it started influencing CB.
I don't think Yu Jing is being fladerized, so much as Corvus isn't working on the heroic aspects because IS can't be good people or something. Invincible should change that, what with being a Party force (and a new guard one at that*) instead of a judiciary one. *the new guard of the party should be better than the old guard, right?
That's largely because it's designed for a western market. We like stories about the plucky underdog, the maverick not the committed apparatchik. And yeah, I'll give you that YJ is being flanderized. But, whatever anyone says about Gutier's story, all the factions are more trope than substance. I mean seriously: how were the JSA ever stationed on Japan and allowed their own command structure? Clearly they should have been garrisoned on a mainly Korean/Han native population (and vice versa) with Han commanders.... but rule of cool, that's why.
The problem is that Yujing as is presented even in "their own words propaganda" as inflexible and monolithic, a dire necessity that is compounded by the fact that they believe TRULY their "Manifest Destiny" is their Hegemony in the Human Sphere. . . In the "Outrage" Manga the same Imperial Secret Service that masterminded the Pan-O Fiasco, when speaking with the Corrupted Lobbyist that leaked the Location and Tech-Specs of the "Black Op Wetwork" of Emily the Hexa & Friends, is surely a very High-Level Operative of the Jade Empire Bureaucracy, perhaps a Strategist just a few ranks removed from Sun-Tzu. . . But it describes the Offensive of the Combined Army of Paradiso as an "Ephemeral Menace" that could not verily affect the direction of the Human Sphere Politics, claiming the need to curb Pan-Oceanian Influence as the most important work of a State-Empire Officer. . . It is just a ruse to not spook its clearly vapid Pan-O Mole. .? It is "Selective Blindess" for a Politician that truly seethes with contempt for its Radically opposite enemy. . .?? Or is just PLAIN STUPIDITY of a shortsighted Person that should know a lot of more. . . . .??? "Ephemeral Menace" My rear end. . . . .!!! Is as if a Third World Country "Prime Minister" or "General Army Commander" will arbitrarily decide that is better to concentrate on their Rival Neighbours and sabotage their Commerce, rather than being preoccupied with an U.S.Navy Task Force that is approaching an Harbour (that is on the Border between the enemy countries) and that their Aerial Recon Drones, Stealth Fighter Bombers and Navy Seals Squads (armed with the very best offensive technology available to R.W. U.S. Armed Forces) are an "Ephemeral Menace" towards their half-trained Militia of Ex-Farmers Youths that have barely functioning Soviet Age Firearms and Gear. . . . .!!! I could understand that maybe is a biased In-World Character P.O.W. but it is not as if the horrendous efficacy of the small, but lethal, Contingent of E.I. Troops towards the Lost Zones of Yinxiang and Daheng on the Paradiso Frontlines could be so callously ignored by an High Ranking Party Member. . . . .!!!
The CA is a disease of the skin, PanO is a disease of the heart. That's Chiang Kai Shek's logic. And that agents logic. It didn't work for Chiang too well, but his China was corrupt and incompetent. Also, stop with the random capitalization already, it is really annoying to read your posts.
@stevenart74 that are approaching a neighbouring country's harbours. Combined are approaching someone else's harbours and are unable to currently send sufficiently large forces. Don't forget that the characters in the story don't have our bird's eye view.
@Mahtamori But the Combined Army Assault of Paradiso wasted sovereign territory of Yujing and slaughtered countless “Comrade Subjects” of the State Empire. . . The most powerful forces of the “Jade Dragon” Army could at best hope to stall them, and when facing the onslaught an “honourable death” is the best that they can hope for. . . In Wotan Gate the E.I. sent what was essentially a half-wrecked “Junker Hulk” ship as their capital vessel and that had happily ignored all what Human Sphere supposed “elite naval troops” have done. . . My analogy was anyway a little flawed; should have prefaced that the rival thirld world countries are BOTH considered “targets” by that hypothethical superior “U.S.Navy Task Force” but that they stubbornly ignored the threat. . . But, honestly while Yujing could be a monolithical merciless dictatorial state then Pan-Oceania is a wickedly suicidal stupid hyper-capitalistic “Consumption Engine” that cares only for who abide to their twisted “Greed Is Good” mental attitude (just see in what contempt they consider their own “Atek” compatriots as they don't fit squarely in their “perfect worldview”). . . The ONLY possible positive outcome about interaction between the two competing Hyperpowers is that they start to concentrate much more on dealing with the “Alien Wolves” at their doorstep, and measure growing success in the international theatre of O12 in “Military Victories” against the Combined Army, rather than pointless sabotage and counter-sabotage. . . Instead, being callous Humans what they are, they continue to ignore the “Real” foe. . . Is as if, during the World War 2, the Allied Front against the Axis is fractured because U.S.A. and Stalin's U.R.S.S. continue to sabotage their own efforts, rather than advance troops against Nazi's Germany defences in Occupied Europe or Imperial Japan holdings in the Pacific. . .
And now what is the problem with the Forum Site text…? Could not even clearly write on another Word Program and import / paste the results????
First Ko Dali and now this??? Find another way to make me buy more models, CB. Snatching away parts of my army does not make this game more fun for me.
You should read on the 2nd Sino Japanese war. That is exactly what is going on right now in infinity. Actually, that was even worse, because both Chinas were more worried about resuming the civil war than about getting to the point they could resume it.
IAA HUGA? That thing will make or break on what sort of PH (for AD4:ing) and extra kit it's got (mimetism? Multiterrain?).
Nice Photoshop bruv. But the dossier style is outdated EDIT: And I doubt Corvus would hold things like this in Imageshack.
Given that one of the articles I read talked about YuJing sending in the Invincibles to stomp out the rebellion, it could make sense if The Invinicible Army sectorial was in this new book too.
Well done! it's a fake! Sorry for the false hope... but wait and See what CB prepare for us the next two month.