New nomad unit in N4 ?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by PurpleSquid, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. Darkinga

    Darkinga Nómada Nómada

    Feb 2, 2018
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    we are talking about a troop with MV1 not 2, unbound, and using an ability that cancels ALL firing mods, by a single -3. that curiously there is no other troop like it, (that I know ...) that has those skills next to the visor, of course there are more powerful troops with better weapons, I emphasize that before I could NOT do something like that because the smoke It blinded him, now you can plant smoke, place it wherever you want and any other troop without a visor, be it TO, DDo etc ... you destroy their lives with that CD10 burst3.

    Tu ya me entiendes ..
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  2. jfunkd

    jfunkd hard forum hittin Carlos

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Grenzer's issues in N3 cannot be contained to that unit alone and were an issue with almost all MI in that edition.

    I am hopeful that Grenzers will see a modest point reduction and get 4-4 movement in N4. If were really lucky some of the profiles could be re-worked to be more efficient. I would like to see them be more versatile in N4, and the MSV1 rework, lowered cost, plus the additional movement could do that.

    My hope is that if we are still bound to having a keystone profile with Harris in order to form a Harris in N4, that that particular Grenzer profile needs to be worked into a more useful profile; preferably the one with Sensor. IMO it would be even better if CB just abandoned the Harris profile requirement across the board. It's a redundant team slot, point cost and SWC tax that no other Fireteam requires.

    While very few players ever ran a Grenzer harris, the one Grenzer that joined a Securitate squad was often one of the best gunfighters or ARO units in your list and very much worth the points invested. Nothing else in TJC filled that role as well as the lone Grenzer in a Securitate link. It's just that having more than one Grenzer had diminishing returns on the investment because of their higher cost and movement restrictions.
    #242 jfunkd, Sep 8, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
  3. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    yes, I get what you mean, is just that I cannot agree with you. I've played piwell enought to know that -6 is nice, but not "so powerful" in a complete order, in the end, the difference between those 2 will be shotting BS8 or BS10. Piwell is awesome, but because a lot of extra things: better movement, beter normal ftf shotting, bringing a repeater, can be buffed and so. This dude will bring a very similar toolkit, that will need the help of someone else. In vainilla, I doubt they will get a place (there is a lot of competence), and in the sectorial, it will deppend on the fireteams. A lone sensor didn't work for me when I tried, and I've never seen someone play a lone sensor grenzer. But for smoke combo, the CK will do better most of the time, she will go BS13-16 for cheaper, in one less order (remember that triangulated is full order, so it needs to be placed before), and the smoke tools are not cheap neither (24 the cheapest at the moment).

    The CK will be more useful for that role. Remember that you will not do that tactic against the long range dude of a 4-more dudes fireteam because of sixth sense with the grenzer, going BS10 B3 against BS14-16 B2 has a lot of chances to fail. But I agree is quite interesting against lone ARO pieces as TR bots (BS5 R4) and more against snipers/ML TOs
    Darkinga likes this.
  4. redeemer

    redeemer Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2017
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    I wonder how the cheerkillers would be sold as a box of 4 and the 5th one sold separately probably the one with the msv2 and rifle or we will get a new set for JCT with 3 cheer killers instead of securates and the other 2 options sold in a pack
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    One of the podcast interviews with Bostria said they were planning a box containing 3 Cheerkillers and a ML Grenzer.
  6. Ghost87

    Ghost87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    Is this fake or why is nobody talking about it? :D
    Darkinga likes this.
  7. Modock

    Modock Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I hope this is fake because these are almost like Grenzers...
  8. RolandTHTG

    RolandTHTG Still wandering through the Night

    Aug 10, 2019
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    Per the comments on an Ariadna leak today, they are legit, were previewed to warcors privately, but leaked from there.
    Not a nomad player, but I like them, seem to be a decent toolbox unit, especially if they get mixed links in a sectorial.
  9. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Initial impression on N4 Wildcats: A bunch of sensible, obvious adjustments they should have got some years ago (and maybe would have if Nomad players complained as much about our sub par troops as PanO did about Bolts), and MSV1 on every profile which on first impression appears to push them up in cost enough that they won't get played often. Probably about as bad as they were before.

    Smoke shooting with the new MSV1 (+ Lupe), especially combo'd with flamethrowers is potentially a cool trick. Still a lot of squishy expensive points in a bunch though.

    Depends a lot what their link option are. Still hold some hope a Lunokhod might be able to join the team.

    Overall: somewhere between meh and WTF. This is what we wait 5 years for? Disappointed so far. Wait to see the full picture.
    #249 Hachiman Taro, Sep 10, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
    inane.imp, Darkinga, nazroth and 2 others like this.
  10. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    If this is the real profile, then it looks like they copied the Grenzer Profile to Corregidor. Doesn't make sense for me. It's almost a 100%-copy of Grenzers. Only differense is ARM-1. And the new profiles are not even cheaper than Grenzers who are considered too expensive already.

    It's a good profile, sure, as is the Grenzer one. On paper. On the table it's an expensive 1W trooper. The best thing about Wildcats till now was that they were cheap BS13 troopers.

    And, if this is the real profile, what do Grenzers look like? We know already that Grenzers still have MSV 1, because they are featured in the explanation sheet, how MSV works. So we get two profiles for essentially the same trooper? Are we PanO now? Doesn't make sense.

    So I hope this is fake.
  11. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    MSV1 NCO Spitfire seems pretty amazing actually, especially for the chicken-headed "command skills are for losers" faction. BTS6 KHDs aren't to be ignored, especially when linked, and that normal Hacking Device may see some use judging by Code One and the N4 batrep- maybe allowing for mean stunts with DTWs through IMM'd REMs, or gumming up a TAG long enough to allow a CC gang-up to crush it with D-charges. It's a fair change, but kinda dull and overlaps with Grenzers. Really wishing CB could come up with something cool that isn't just a Mimetism/MSV arms race across all factions, but I guess if everyone's super...
    Tourniquet and Spitfire_TheCat like this.
  12. OrphanOfToast

    OrphanOfToast Heated Bread

    Dec 24, 2018
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    I know it’s probably foolish to comment on “leaks” that may or may not be true but:

    1) Hope that’s not the new wildcats.
    2) If it is, I hope the Grenzers are updated to something new. All this new design space with un-nested skills I’d be pretty let down if two of the nomad MI options are practically the same unit. Was already recently bummed with the Winterfor release after the Nokken/Locust deal.

    That being said, there’s only two more weeks and the photo doesn’t look right (N3 Army Format) so we shall see. Also as long as I have my intruders and Moiras I’m still hype for Nomads N4.
    #252 OrphanOfToast, Sep 10, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2020
  13. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    not entirely sure what to think about this.

    We finally got the SWC cost reduction they severely needed and should have gotten years ago, the NCO is interesting and means you can actually use that intruder's/ alguaciles' order, KHD is useful and so is the HD with the HD changes, and native haris is great.

    however a what looks to be a 5 point price hike across the board for minimal gain I'm not exactly enthused about as the best thing going for old WCs was that they were dirt cheap. MSV 1 while undoubtedly useful does muddy up the design space with the other core linkable MI in the army, and I would have liked them to pick up something else (Climbing plus maybe?).
    I don't like losing the stun grenades in the shotgun or the Assault pistol on the HRL both provided useful options for the team and it's disappointing to see them go.

    Not awful but I'm not exactly screaming enthusiastically to throw a fireteam on the table either (though the defensive HRL haris with embedded LT may be viable now), but they do warrant some play testing.
    inane.imp and Hachiman Taro like this.
  14. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    If they had the MSV as an extra option for some profiles (the two heavy weapons and the combi LFT say) gave back the stun nades and assault pistol and made the points cost for the non MSV profiles same as before, they'd be about fair value, maybe.

    Especially if you let a Lunokhod go in the link, like the Sputnik does with the Alguaciles now.
  15. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    AFAIK Stun Grenades are not in N4. One of these weapons and pieces of equipment that went the way of the dinosaurs, just like the Sniffer.
  16. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Wonder what the RG's will replace it with considering one of them is throwing one.

    Also speaking of the "No one uses this" Sniffer, why they hell did that get deleted and the deactivator stayed? one of these is useless and until i saw it on parvati's profile completely forgot it existed, and the other provided useful piece if camo counter play, albeit at the cost of order efficiency.
  17. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Yeah prob seen a sniffer used in maybe 1/20 games (which would be drastically improved by making a sniffer always on on the carrier like a repeater, rather than needing an order to place) but a deactivator used... never in 5 years of N3. Maybe they have changed function.
    Tourniquet likes this.
  18. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Wildcats shouldn't have gotten MSV1 across, but the Haris could be good if the wildcards stay the same. Linked doc and smoke on the Spitfire with NCO. Not sure what they're doing here thou.
  19. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I saw it on FB, didn't find any trusworthy clue about it. Looked fake to me, so I decided to share not.

    Why I think it is fake? mainly knife instead of CCW (As seen in all new spoilers), the swap from AHD to HD and KHD options, and the lack of assault pistol. The MSV typo might be also an indicator, but that could be just a typo made by an spanish, speaker, so I wouldn't look at it.

    if it is true, well, they steal grenzers plaze in vainilla completelly at a "cheaper" price. Supposedly, in the new edition there will be an ARM discount, and this, with 1 less arm than grenzers, will only be 1 point cheaper? It makes not much sense.
  20. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I played me some Wildcats in early N3. Nowadays wouldn't considered fielding more than one. Still looking back at N3 profile I would have considered fielding them in N4 under 15 order cap, with some wildcards and other changes coming to Corregidor. CB seem to be like "so, you complaint about N3 wildcats... we will make you take that back!". New profile is over 25% more expensive, bloated with a piece of gear nobody asked for. Literally every other MSV option is better (more optimal) in both Vanilla and CJC except for Spitfire NCO vs Grenzer Spitfire situation. This one instance I can see a Wildcat is on top.

    Sure 4-4 MOV, SWC drop is legit, but these are standard N4 changes. NCO is the only really solid change as now that sad Alguacil can do something with three otherwise wasted orders. But the overall cost of new profiles... is atrocious.

    The main problem with meh MI's was always they're too expensive for a 1W model. ARM 2-3 is trash for the points cost it adds to the unit. I do not understand how this could have led to Wildcats getting more expensive.

    Overall Sad Fast Panda face.
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