I love your concept of "continuously updated": ISS is dated as fuck, they got Adil shoehorned in and he can't even link in the Sectorial, so nothing to see here. IA got Quing Go and Lei Gong, characters from other games, JUST THE SAME than Rouhani and Wild Bill, who were added to... can you guess? Oh, yes, Qapu. Seriously man, how can you even argue those sectorials are being "continuously updated" when they got the same or less than QK got? Also, yes, it only took 2 years from Uprising for YJ to get on par with secondary(fluffwise) factions like Haqqislam on number of Sectorials, until 5 months ago the supposed second power of the Human Sphere only had 2 Sectorial while every other HS faction had at least 3. And now you get at least 3 profiles added to HB, while YJ Sectorials (and a lot others) get nothing, but somehow you still feel like Haqqislam is being ignored or something? Edit: BTW, your "Invincible Army came and added lots of good stuff" point is not only wrong but also stupid in this comparison because at the same time Haqq was getting RTF with awesome profiles and was still ahead of YJ in the Sectorial game. But yes, poor Haqq being so maligned by the developers.
Hey, you seem a little aggressive here, im sorry if i made you mad or bothered you. My intentions were a purely casual disscussion on me wishing QK got some more updates and wondering why other factions have so many more sectorals. Everything i said on yu jing was just my impressions based on the info i know and you were right i did forget about wild bill and rouhani. Im actually genuinely sorry if i did bother you though and hope this helps clear things up so we can take Papa Beys advice and jump back on the shakush train. Speaking of which, has CB released any S6 models in a single model box? Cause if i remember right most have been 2 model boxes right? So should we expect the Shakush box to have extra stuff?
Old Sphinx, Anathematic (though they're technically both pre-Silhoette) Presumably the new Sphinx and Blue Wolf too. All pre-N3 TAGs were released with 40mm bases in the box which technically would make them S6 if released today.
Are you suggesting they are going to drop a double Shakush box on us? Given these are AVA 2 in Bahram, and able to form a Duo Fireteam, and there are two (slightly, model-wise) different loadouts, and there are precedents (Gecko, for example), I'd say it is not improbable.
Also isnt the uhlans/tikbalang box a 2 tag box? Also dog warrior varieties have multiple models. But i figure itll probably be shakush and pilot which would be pretty cool since i dont think haqq has an up to date tag pilot model.
Define up-to-date. I mean, is anything wrong with the Maghariba Pilot model...? She's the only Haqq TAG pilot there ever was. Also, including a Pilot in a TAG box, well, that'd be a big change. Save for Operators (Anaconda and Iguana), no TAG to date had a Pilot model included with it yet. Even though that would have been a logical choice.
The Avatar comes with his little remote pilot chap. The TAGvember ones won't because they're for Code One, which doesn't have pilot rules.
Isnt maggy pilot hand sculpted? I know CB is trying to go full digital sculpts for everything. But i do think shes still good.
She's a Juan Navarro sculpt, so I'm pretty sure she was done traditionally. It was definitely during the transitional time when we had CAD and traditional sculpts side by side.
Haqq are definitely not unloved by CB, no. If there are any problems with Haqq atm, they likely have more to do with how the game is managed in general atm and definitely aren't Haqq exclusive.
Shah Kush in Farsi means "King killer", as in He who kills Kings, not a King who kills. Maybe during playtest someone used the AP Spitfire at good range against a Jotum and bad dice were rolled for armour saves?
This makes me want the tag even more. Like, i just hope it has a great pose, cause ill buy and run 2.
I keep getting more and more excited for the Shakush the more I look at the artwork and the profile. I really want to see the mini!
Well, there was some speculation toward the non-zero chance all of us will be buying two. Except for those who would be splitting the box with a friend :P Running two, well, that's another kettle of fish ;)