If I would to put money... I choose to bet for "limited impersonator", or whatever the rule will be named in N4 :D
I'm pretty sure it will now be required to deploy on the back edge of the owner's side of the table. To restrain it's power.
Information is out in the new video! Seems like great close shooter and button pusher. An addition midfield minelayer will also be great for using coordinated orders to lay down a minefield. EDIT: Credit to @TenNoBushi for the Image!
I think he is a bit on the feet of the other new unit. Still, I think both units are great and I'm really hyped for hassins in n4
A bit, but the Nadhir is more like a Noctifier on the cheap. A HD Flammenspeer or Panzerfaust will play nice mindgames with opponents. The Shujae is more the offensive close quarters powerhouse.
I hope the flammenspeer keeps its blast template in N4. Forward deployed mini noctifier for 24 pts that can do FO missions later on in the game If no good targets present themselves? I’ll take that! Shock with a flame blast template seems really fun. I think all these new Hassasin stuff just made vanilla Haqq even stronger.
If the rules dont change drastically, I guess the SMG Shujae will be the most desireable profile. Is a prime candidate for going into suppression at the beginning of the game, cant be easily outranged because of the Flammenspeer and the E-Maulers are just a great tool. Yes you most probably can now reset out of iso and imm 2, but that will cost orders.
Yeah, on their own they dont seem too crazy in hassassin compared to the new links, but in vanilla, this adds even more head games. Can vanilla haqq start competing with ariadna and shas in the camo department now? Its more likely than you think.