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Camouflage and Mines

Discussion in 'Rules' started by Lawson, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    A couple questions about how Camouflage in C1 is supposed to function from an etiquette standpoint.

    I recognize that the identity of concealed units is essentially supposed to be private, though it seems easy enough for the opponent to potentially guess the identity of your units if the camouflage markers show a mimetism value on them (-3 or -6) that may correspond to your specific units. I presume, first of all, that the numbers on the tokens included in the C1 Kaldstrom box are meant to allow you to identify and mark which units specifically are camouflaged. I'm curious about what the acceptable way of doing this is? Do players usually play with a 'DM Screen' or similar blocking device in front of their army list so that they can make notes on their list? Are there additional numbered tokens that you can put face-down next to your troop models while they are sitting off the board (while being represented by camouflage tokens) to prove which one is which?

    Second question is in regard to mines. I wanted to buy some additional mine tokens since I've picked up the VARG soldiers and that means I may need more than the 3 total mine tokens intended for the Guilang Skirmishers that come with the base Kaldstrom box. I noticed that all the mine tokens I've seen out there, however, don't look like the ones in C1. The C1 tokens have the -3 Mimetism bonus listed on their Camouflaged side (and mine side), whereas the 3rd party ones do not (and in many cases they are actually not double-sided either), presumably based on the assumption that once a mine is discovered you simply swap the token from a camo to a mine. So here's the somewhat existential question... even in the N3 rules it suggests that mines gain their mimetism bonus of -3 whether they are camouflaged or not (I think), it looks like almost all the camo markers pre-C1 didn't actually list any mimetism bonus on them. I realize that the way camouflage and mimetism works in N3 is actually pretty different than C1 (so I think the mimetism bonus was just assumed for items with TO Camo), but I'm wondering whether its obligatory to let your opponent know visually what the mimetism level of a camouflaged item, in this case a mine, actually is? OR are the mimetism -3 and -6 values listed on the C1 camo markers just a player aid? In this case, if a player is attempting to DISCOVER a camouflaged figure or deployable weapon without an indication of the mimetism value, can they ask you what it is, or is it really only meant to be revealed when the skill is resolved? Are you required to obviously display the mimetism value of all camouflaged units, or is it okay to just have a marker that says "Camouflaged"?

    I noticed that C1 also contains markers that JUST say Camoflaged but don't have a mimetism value on them, and yet it doesn't seem like there is a single unit in C1 with the ability to Camouflage that doesn't ALSO have at least Mimetism -3... so what's the deal? Should I just play with standard Camouflage markers which don't list mimetism on them?
  2. solkan

    solkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    How I usually saw it played for Infinity was that you'd have your private list with the various bits of private information (like which Camo marker a trooper was hidden under) written down. You're playing across a table from the other person, so just having the list on a clipboard or something and then being careful not to flash the other player was usually fine.

    As far as the Mimetism level that a trooper possesses while in the Camo state, according to the rules:
    • Camouflaged Markers can possess the Mimetism Skill, so Camouflaged Markers indicate the MOD level that Mimetismapplies, if they have it.
    A lot of the existing Camo markers are from Infinity N3, which didn't have that rule. Comparing N3 Camo to Code One Camo... N3 has two Camo markers, regular Camo which was usually done in a green camouflage pattern and was effectively Mimetism(-3), and TO Camo markers which were a blue camouflage pattern and effectively Mimetism(-6). You might be able to follow that convention, but I'm expecting it's going to be risky because there were a whole bunch of skills packed in that N3 Camo vs. N3 TO Camo that aren't going to always be packed together and using the markers without -3 and -6 is going to feel either misleading or confusing for some people.

    Either way...
    No, you absolutely know what the Mimetism value (what the modifier is). It's on the markers because that isn't secret.
    Lawson likes this.
  3. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The Mimetism modifier needs to be visible because it applies to Discover rolls as well as BS Attacks.

    You can also potentially have Camouflage without Mimetism, which would be represented by a Camo token with no modifier, in N3 this was known as Limited Camouflage.
  4. Lawson

    Lawson Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    I assumed as much based on the way N3 appears to deal with camouflage. I had checked the entirety of the current Infinity Army 7 lineup and it seemed that anyone who had the ability to conceal themselves via camouflage also had at least Mimetism -3, which was part of my confusion related to the tokens... since I couldn't figure out what the Camouflage tokens that didn't have mimetism would be used for - but that makes sense.

    It seems that C1 has split out the individual skills associated with the tiers of camouflage rather than making multiple sub-skills inherent to CH LEVEL 1, 2, etc. As a noob this *seems* to make it simpler, since I don't need to remember all of the individual perks associated with each level (the only exception seems to be the way Martial Arts has levels that apply series of mods). Is it worth trying to figure out the various CH Levels if I think I'm going to step up to full Infinity, or is N4 presumably going to follow C1 in completely parsing out the individual skills that used to make up Levels in N3?
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    N4 is keeping the C1 method of un-nested skills and equipment, expect N4 to look very similar to C1, just with more (the two games were developed in tandem with each other)

    The Kaldstrøm tokens seem to be aimed at both games too, I'm pretty sure I saw a Fireteam leader token in there.
    #5 colbrook, Sep 2, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
    Lawson likes this.
  6. ijw

    ijw Ian Wood aka the Wargaming Trader. Rules & Wiki
    Infinity Rules Staff Warcor

    Apr 25, 2017
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    To expand on what colbrook said, N4 builds directly 'on top' of CodeOne, so it adds extra abilities and rules rather than doing things differently. So the way Camouflaged State and Mimetism combine in N4 is identical to how they combine in CodeOne.
    Lawson likes this.
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