Quite a bit currently, I already have a lot of PanO and a little Aleph so had a good stock of models to use.
My IA has a great number of miniatures released so I usually only proxy a few things to make it easier to differentiate (e.g.: using a Kappa to make it easier to see where the Zhanshi Light Grenade Launcher is), but for O-12 they managed to release almost exclusively the profiles I don't want to use, so loads and loads of proxies there For example, I tend to use the same miniature for my Alpha as I use for my Dahshat McMurrough. Looks like the melee beast the Alpha is instead of the recon-team look the official model has going on.
Yeah, I don't get why the Sirius has what looks like an attack dog when it's just an expendable glue gun, and then the Alpha has a thin bot with a gun. Seems to me those would fit better the other way around. The siriusbot could easily justify GuardL4 and Biovisor (ala K9 sensor other units have)
I have been playing about with my list a bit, I am going to proxy Vangarian guard in the next game. I am a little confused by the infinity app though, the app gives the guard an impetuous order eachbeach nothing in their profile (on the app) makes reference to any type ofiof skill as far as I can tell. What type of impetuous do they have if any?
There's an icon next to the unit logo along with Training (Irregular/Regular), if they have a Cube, etc that tells you. http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/index.php?title=Fury&redirect=no Varangians are normal Impetuous (red arrow on white background) Compare that to the 45th who are Extremely Impetuous Or a Wulver that only has Frenzy
Thank you, that is great to know. That brings my order pool up nicely =), I know they are weaker than kappas but with that and smoke they seem like they should be more expensive.
I should probably also note that there's only one type of Impetuous in N4, and Frenzy is now a skill (though we don't know exactly how either works yet). I'd actually say it's rare that you'd want to take Kappas over VarGuard in N3, the smoke, DTWs, optional free order, Dogged, CC prowess, etc is generally worth the loss of cover. The exception being the Kappa hacker who is a pretty good deal.
Well... We had a major hint for Impetuous in the Battle Report... Need to move in contact of an enemy or toward enemy DZ
So had my first full game of infinity today after a few smaller practice battles the week before. Thank you for everyone's comments here, I did in fact buy team Sirius on someone's suggestion and I am glad that I did. I also proxied VG instead of using kappas. The Sirius bot was my favourite model to paint, and in the first active phase the Sirius bot combined with fire power from Goldstein took out two heavy bots, an engineering remote, a mine, and some other camo character. Very lucky with dice rolls in that turn it has to be said but that basically won me the game.
This game seems a little dice dependant at times haha, yet another match won purely on lucky dice rolls. This time man of the match was the beta trooper who survived five rounds of successive attacks with his dodge/hyper dynamics winning me the match (if he had died I might have lost, it was fairly neck and neck)