Hey all. I’ve been out of the game for several years now, only keeping up with new releases every now and then. With the upcoming release of N4, I’ve decided to jump back in. So, assuming that the unit roles don’t change, you guys think this is a good start for playing Tunguska? Tunguska Sectorial Box Hollow Men Box Securitate Feurbach Heckler w/ Jammer Perseus My next buys will be the Pupppetactica box, Interventors and the Zondnautica. Any key units that I’m missing, in y’all’s experience?
Raoul Spector is an all-star, I see him as main reason to play TJC although with changes to shotguns in N4 I don't know if he will be as effective
for starters, if nothing changes in the roles, I would suggest you first to decide on which core do you want to run, if securitate or if hollowmen If you want to run securitate, you don't need the hollowmen box at the beggining, but the securitate box or the feuerbach blister are needed. Interventors, zondnautica, all 3 characters and hecklers are useful to them if you want to run hollowmen, you don't need the securitates from the starter box (but its one way to get kriza). For them, I see more useful the stempler zond than the 5th HM. But in overall, support pieces can be the same in both optoins
Spector is on my list to buy, as I’m a Moon Knight fan. I’d love to get his Defiance sculpt, big that’s probably gonna be difficult. Armihaul: thanks, I was weighing my options with the Hollowmen vs Securitate fireteams. I like both, but I think I like the Hollowmen a tad better. I’ll throw the “buy” list. Would grabbing an Engineer of some sort be useful for them? I’m assuming so, I didn’t really play remotes much before my hiatus, beating a Total Reaction HMG or some sort.
yes, if you go hollow, the clockmacker might be a must (at the moment, there is no other engineer in the sectorial), so the nomad support pack might be interesting (But you might also want to wait, maybe it gets a resculpt too). HM can only be repaired because they have structure points. I like to add also a jumping zond as the 5th member of the FT because it brings a lot to them (Specialist profile, can also superjump, sensor, repeater and so). The multi rifle HM brings pitcher, which combines pretty well with interventors and mary. Your specialist options apart from the remote are the hacker and the BSG. I prefeer the BSG because is another range weapon, and also because is not prone to be killed by a KHD, but that might change with N4.While the other are more of self explanatory. The problem is the support, remember that TJC is not a cheap sectorial, the support tools are a bit expensive, try to play some games using proxies to look what is good for you. If you bring perseus, you might not need zondnautica, but they work differently. hecklers are one of your main defenses, you might want 2 of them (not necesary jammer ones, you only need the enemy thing its a jammer below that marker). Another interesting option for HM is the duo hacker with kriza, is a way to move a hacker while the kriza crushes enemies. then, another part of the list: the lieutenant. HM are expensive and they don't have the option for one, so most of the time the lieutenan will be an interventor, but again, he can be the kriza or a lone securitate (at the moment, grenzer are too expensive). For the last two, you might want the starter box (but as I say, it don't seem a priority option to me), while for the interventor, they have their box as I say, try with proxies if you can before anything, maybe your way of playing tells you that you have more fun with other options
As said befor... or better... written befor Ad Spector and Mary Problems to your List. Oh and Kriza HMG + Hollow Man Assault Hacker Duo is fun
I also used several times securitate core with the hollow Haris. It worked fine to me. I only use the hollow core when I play only 10 orders. Enviado desde mi CPH1907 mediante Tapatalk
I like your starting purchases, as you build up your selections I find that everything except the ABH, Miranda, Sayluts, and Tsyklons have found their way into my lists. Some non-obvious stand outs that you haven't mentioned yet for me: A few players in this thread may not agree, but Mary Problems does a lot of work for me. Get at least one Spektr, probably two. Despite their price they have an excellent stat line and produce on the table. They don't go in every list, but they are perfect solutions for some scenarios. I highly recommend the Lunokhod and Meteor Zond in TJC. Transductors are nearly an auto-include if you build two combat groups.
I’m thinking I’ll try out a list using the Hollowmen link 1st, as I have Tunguska Sectorial Box Hollow Men Box Securitate Feurbach Heckler w/ Jammer Perseus arriving today, anyway. I’ll use the Heckler from the starter as an Interventor and the Securitate as various proxies til I get a better feel for what other support I may want. That leaves picking up a Stempler sometime this week, and I should be set for a lil bit, until I get a grasp on their play style. I played the Brigada pain train as one of my armies in N3(maybe it was N2, I don’t remember how when I last played, lol)so with a few adjustments, and taking everyone’s advice into consideration, I think I’ll have a ball with these guys.