Lets talk about our new Boy. Bostria said something about hassassins need "more punch". What you think this guy can do? Ps: Can somebody post he pictures, iam to stupid thanks :D
He was also lurking in the trailer video - And was called Fiday-Ayyar lovechild ;) SMG gives hope for cheap version, as a Hassassin he could/should be deadly in CC, which, paired with D-Charges, can be really interesting. And maybe he will be an infiltrating high mobility HI?... PozdRawiam / Greetings
Looks like a Holo or Impersonation suit. And somehow the loadouts scream forward deployed unit. Cant wait to see, what he is like.
Well, the weapons presented are optimised for short-range combat. Up to 8", well maybe up to 16" with the Rifle. A number of our close-in troops choose these, don't they?
Though they have a mix of Fiday bodysuit and Barid armour, based on the gear I'm leaning towards HB's first Hidden Deployment option. Probably with infiltration.
Keep in mind that - with un-nesting the skills - you can now have Hidden Deployment on an unit without having TO Camo on it. This may change the meta siginifcantly, if such units show up - especially among multiple armies who lacked TO camo and thus access to Hidden Deployment in N3.
Damn, Infiltration HI on HB pleases me! I like HB as it is right now, it's my main faction, but i liked the changes so far and i guess that HB will need less assymetrical trades. TAGs and HIs are good for Infinity, that's the selling point of the game! And boy... Arabic assassins in power armor gives me pleasure! :D
I struggle to see any indications in the artwork, that it is an HI. Do you have knowledge we dont have?
In the twitch video around 4:11:25 Bostria is introducing Yara Haddad (Intel Spec Ops Mutafawiq Officer) as "Shujae-Style Character". But the armor of the Shujae artwork does not match the Yara artwork.
Keep in mind that the intel spec ops often have unique aesthetics based on their parent faction and it differs from faction to faction, like the various types of Ariadna spec ops, or the differences between Yuriko Oda and Xi Zhuang which are (were) both Gui Feng spec ops.