It's possible that the Armata-3 never saw actual service as it was developed in parallel/very shortly before the Armata-4, maybe a huge flaw was found shortly after adoption or the 4 was just found to be better/more economical. Happens all the time in militaries, like the US M2 SMG in World War 2, the British EM-2 rifle, or the Russian AEK-971. Or it was like the knockoff Iron Man armours from Iron Man 2 and swiftly swept under the rug after it hurt/killed the Operator. Going from 2 to 4 also reinforces the 5 year in-Universe advancement between N3 and N4.
Yes, it really sounds logical, why stick with a lower version? But ... couldn't that apply to the Ratnik? I know maybe it is giving too much thought to everything but I'm curious, will the Kosmosoldat now have TAK instead of the Ratnik? o They will continue with this because it is a "reliable" version (which perhaps the Armata-3 did not show and that is why it is not seen) .. o That they take an Armata-3 for TAK which is another option hahaha
Different role, the Armata-2 is a heavy assault mech, the Armata-4 is for void combat. Plenty of examples of militaries keeping older tech around because it still serves a purpose (US military still uses both M16 and M14 rifles, with the M14 repuposed into a Marksman role). The 3 might have been a competing design for the void armour role that never quite got off the ground, or an improvement to the assault armour that wasn't worth the additional cost. Or maybe it was designed to fill a role that wasn't really needed like the Russian SKS, and all the Armata-3s are languishing in storage until deep sea warfare happens!
General thoughts on Kosmoflot: I like it. I think it's got legs. Any faction that has Inspiring leadership is worth a look in, and Kosmoflot definitely has that in spades with Wallace (this is assuming Wallace can be an Lt in this sectorial) who is bringing along some excellent irregular pieces to turn into astronauts, like the Cateran, Irmandinhos and even the WarCor. It's definitely interesting that the space wulver doesn't have frenzy. I actually think this might be a misprint, and that the actual release profile will have frenzy. Even so, I think the space wulver is very interesting in that now it doesn't have 2 wounds, instead going with the Yu Jing route of 1 wound + no wound incap. Maybe the wulver platform will change significantly? Who can say. I really want to like the Armata Proyekt-4 as he is literally Russian Space Man Dan. In vanilla it might be hard to swing him as the Vet Kazak is just better and the Armata-4's MSV1 shooting through smoke is very unreliable as a solo piece. In this sectorial though, maybe? Him not getting to link with the cheap line infantry is a pain, so the opportunity cost of building a whole Frontovik link around him might be too expensive for what it does. To me, Kosmoflot is a sectorial with some big guns that are subsidized by Inspiring Leadership but dispenses with mid-board camo shell games as the 'new scout' Zenit doesn't have inflitration. Frankly, it's a sectorial that doesn't break any boundaries or add anything crazy new - but maybe that's what you want when we're entering a new edition. You just want something stable to play, and that is ultimately what Kosmoflot is. Obligatory space bear comment: yeah it's fucking wild. love it. Imagine going to space and getting vibe checked by a bear. I am shook.
Kosmosoldats can only form Duos, so no Fireteam bonuses for them. The APHMG does bring his own burst bonus though!
Thanks for the pick-up. I totally misread the special fireteams page, so I thought the Kosmoldats could plug into the Frontovik 4-man team to form the 5-man link; not the other way round. Rip the dream of the MSV1 5-man Autocannon.
This is kind of a dream come true for someone who's always been interested in CHA's aggressive playstyle. I've been waiting for Cameronians to get resculpts since the new CAD-era Dog Warriors came out; getting Margot and Duroc alongside Uxia, Wallace, and Cadin is even better. The Space Wulvers being wildcard is awesome, though I do wish they had proper 2W so they could be healed by the linkable Doc in a Rokot link. Still, they look like oodles of fun, and being a brand new sectorial, I'm seeing a lot of flexibility in mixing and matching wildcards and characters to fill out certain fireteams. I do wonder who the sensor profile would be. Maybe Polaris, like the Strelok K-9? Though since it's a bear, I imagine it breaking things rather than sniffing stuff out.
Kaztec, the most founded weapons research corporation in Ariadna, creator of the Cherkesska, Armata project, Apex ammunition, Hopak ammunition... There are also DTZ and TVZ, mostly working on trains but with interests in the weapons research too.
I'm very glad to be able to get more mileage out of my SAS and Uxia, and I'll be keen to pair them up with aggro specialists like Irmandinhos and deployment-tricksters like mirage. This is going to be a very aggressive army that doesn't skimp on button-pushers and I love it. My main concern is how close Varangian seem to be to Galwegians, and Volkolaks to Wulvers. I'm sure it's been said before, but this seems like they're sunsetting Caledonia... including these troops makes it feel a bit like they didn't have to. But goddamn it, they had to go and put a space-bear in there. I'm in.
The Varangians are pretty much a straight up upgrade to Galwegians in every area. They are what the they'd evolve into if they were pokemon. I'm not really into the Highlander look; Especially the Galwegians. I'm really hoping the Varangians have the Caledonian equipment, but none of the clansman gear.
It's an experimental TO suit, but they have no idea where it is and are waiting for the battery to run out.
Here is how Varangians are depicted in RPG book But I'm with Kreslack, I'd love for them to look original, especially since they go in more armies than Brawlers at this point
varegians are simply "Ariadnan veterans from the Paradiso conflict who now work for the Varegian Guard Merc Company" watching the Ariadna borders or working for the O-12
Look! the best men to send to space to represent the ariadna interests in our space force, Yuri Gagarin would be so proud...
Yeah, an upgrade for sure (with a cost to match), it's just a similar enough role that it's making me see this faction as a bit of a "Caledonia Plus" (Caledonia evolved?) rather than something entirely new. I'll just be sad to see Galwegians go if that's what's happening, I've always been pretty fond of that aesthetic myself!
Shame about AVA 1, but understandable. This man will be a core piece of my Vanilla force. Let's just hope he doesn't get a Mukhtar pose.
So on the Sectorial Chart there are entries for Team Polaris, and Polaris Bearpode. Team Polaris is most likely the Strelok + Antipode combo from the promo picture. Does that mean Polaris Bearpode is a pack of 3 SPACE BEARS!