While Aquila Guard are great, if Code One is any indication, Shona has just been collecting a paycheck as a Aquila Guard trainer (CC15). Maybe N4 will radically change the profile, though. EDIT: On topic, I love the Judge Dredd feel of Lawkeeper. I could see the Peacemaker to be some type of Visor (MSV or Biometric) HI. I have no idea what the Bluecoats could be like.
My guess is that Bluecoats are the Starmada equivalent to Shukras and Puppetmasters - essentially a cheerleader with Counterintelligence and/or CoC utility. Maybe Strategos or advanced command as an LT option and an SMG to keep the unit cost-efficient.
Infinity N4 Preorder blog post says this, but only in spanish: Una letal y resiliente contendiente en cuerpo a cuerpo, no hay enemigo alguno que se pueda resistir a su gran espada. Si lo que quieres es acabar con el oponente a espadazo limpio no dudes en alinearla en tu ejército de PanOceanía o de O-12. So Shona can be used both in PanO & O12, it seems.
If it is, well... this is the definitive end of Alpha. Cho was already a nail in it's coffin, but if they bring an Akimbo dude with counterintell (plus Saladin), who whill play big Alpha anymore?
Well, it depends on what full suite of skills the Bluecoats bring to the table, as well as how the Alpha's skills might morph in N4.
I’m new to O-12 (Still building/painting with no games in) and wonder why there isn’t much love for the Alpha.
I love the Alpha, pairs up great with Cho. and actually has potential to take in a non leadership role and be used offensively and as a button pusher. B3 shotguns are always pretty nice. And he's one of the most frightening CC combatants in N3
Ok. That’s good to hear because that’s how I see him on paper. I could see how prior to Cho it wouldn’t have been amazing as it suffers from OLS. I recently wrote a LI list I like that includes the Zeta and the extra order from the Alpha is pretty nice.
I think Yu Jing and Tao Wu has shown that a Shukra equivalent can exist without being a cheap cheerleader, as has been shown with Pheasants and how CoC units can also be really expensive while e.g. Kaeltar CoC are very cheap. What I mean with this is; don't assume they would be affordable or even cost effective just because equivalent units are in other factions. Conversely, don't assume them to be meant to be cheerleaders when equivalent units in other factions are, you may find you have to use them actively to get the most out of them. Additionally, if they are leadership units in Starmada, there are several cases, particularly with leadership skills, where a sectorial version of a unit has a more complete set of skills than they do in vanilla. It's fully possible Bluecoats have Counterintelligence in Starmada but not in vanilla.
technically she was training aquila after her first time retiring from aristeia (before the board game we know as aristeia takes place), she then wins the crown from "board game era" matches and retires again according to n4, and the fluff for koj in the kaldstrom book states she now trains them, likely on contract while still being a security chief on a circular ship she has the koj armor on including the weird leg flaps, so safe to say they have stepped her up from aquila sword trainer to a station of actual merit lol thank you for coming to my shona talk
I thought that was a fluid attachment on the Bronzes, but as it turns out the gun the model has is a Multi-Rifle + Light Riotstopper and not a Spitfire as on the box art, so the individual load outs of the miniatures differs from the box art. Also, seems like the likelihood of the Bluecoats being leadership miniatures is diminished by the confirmation that they are circular security (plus you know, with Saladin in the same box...)
I'm sure you can hear my eyes rolling out of their sockets right now. GREAT! ANOTHER MEME! Not interested.
Oh, I'm very much aware. I was willing to kinda/sorta wait and see what the Lawkeeper would be but the Judge Dredd knockoff is eyeroll-inducing. This box goes from a "I really want to get it, in spite of the biker" to "I'll wait for it to be on sale if I still want it".
My bet is on CoC. Saladin is the obvious LT choice and, being rather fragile, will need some CoC backup. Bluecoats seem the most likely unit to carry this skill in the Starmada box.
Shukra and Bao also have a similar-ish role in the fluff, so a Biovisor (or N4 equivalent) and maybe MSV seems likely-ish.
CoC unit doesn't need to be in the starter box, it can be on a unit that's not yet released or on a unit Starmada-only profile. If at all. CoC isn't required for a sectorial at all.