Ignoring JSA because you can't deduce anything about future new releases for a specific sectorial from it
once again CB gets my hopes sky high by showing a dude with akimbo pistols on a box. Will it be true? and we'll get a bad-ass pistol guy? or will it be another Vargar situation and i'll be let down?
Well, I do feel like my model is a badass, when (once in a blue moon) my Zuyong ever get to use their dual Breaker Pistols xD
Yep. In a narrator voice! I don't get the appeal of dual pistols. I'd rather something practical instead of "LULZ GUNSLINGAH".
Dual Breakers on Zuyong are fucking awesome. So much better, and cost effective, close quarters alternative than CC18. I get to use those pistols a lot more than CC simply because of how surprising amount of damage they can do to a range of targets without BTS. But! I'll just hazard this: the pistols have to have a different ammo class or function than the main gun for them to be good. Zuyong work because they target BTS, several Heavy Pistols work because they have a higher DAM than Combis and do Shock (or AP in rare cases). In either case, pistols are really cheap so it's not like it's gonna cost much/anything if it's just regular nerf darts.
Are there special rules for dual-wielding pistols that I'm just missing? I'm not sure I see any reason for a unit to have dual breakers, or any two pistols with the same type of ammunition.
Dual wielding the exact same weapon gives +1 burst, so a unit with two Breaker Pistols will have access to a short-range B3 DAM12 Breaker option. This is typically better than using a Combi against a large number of targets, and much better than a HMG at short range. http://wiki.infinitythegame.com/en/Twin_Weapons Footnote: this is typically not true for DAM11 Normal ammo pistols, unfortunately, but most exotic ammo pistols have DAM12 or even DAM13
It's probably also worth noting that in Code One twin weapons is represented by a +1 Burst modifier to a weapon, rather than a unique rule.