Not impossible... rogue CA units in a weirdoNA2 force seem like a kind of obvious but interesting design space. We’re already seeing Grief Operators in both CA and an NA2 army, plus Krakots and whatserface the UberKrakot. A Shas traitor (or double, maybe triple agent) seems possible.
Looks like Left to Right: New Biker Unit Kappa with a brace of pistols? Saladin Kappa HMG New HI with Red Fury Crusher?
HI, biker, and Saladin, maybe the akimbo guy. Of course, these boxes are usually ~10 models, so there 4 not depicted on the cover.
Still saying the akimbo guy is a SpecOps model. Something about that feels right. Also, lol at them doing the "start collecting" thing. :D
Guy at the back looks like he could be holding a BSG. Magazine seems to be of the drum type with a grip in front at least. Would be interesting if the akimbo Kappa had an SWC weapon like a Missile Launcher or Multi Sniper (slung over the back or similar - who said the main gun has to be held in hand on the miniature?). Spec Ops being released inside a starter seems off to me and it looking like any old Kappa just doesn't work, either, IMO.
I think the AD is a Crusher, they're a Naval unit so definitely fit in Starmada. Edit: Though I guess the Crusher is a new unit from an N3/4 perspective.
The completely done and stand alone sectorial that is JSA's army pack came with it while still looking like a completely unique unit, yes. O-12 isn't a fully featured stand alone sectorial and this is an action pack. Next you'll be seeing Nomads spec ops in the Corregidor Action Pack and it looking like a Moderator. Doesn't sit right with me.
JSA and Spiral had the Spec-Op as the Preorder bonus, not as general release box contents, and they weren't featured on the cover art.
This might be listed as an action pack from our leaks that we'd seen, but the box says something different. And why wouldn't a SpecOps potentially look like the base unit? Let's be real here: "preorder bonus" is basically code for "buy the shit now and maybe get them later to flesh out your army more". Neither JSA or Spiral had their respective starters ever released individually. They know what they're doing.
Looking closer at the John Woo fan he doesn't seem to have the glowy wrist/Inside bicep/calf you'd expect from a Kappa. Could be an entirely new unit.
Seems too big to be a Team Sirius. I'd lay money on an Space SWAT type of unit. Big, beefy, and ready to crack skulls.