The Crooked Grin Of Corregidor: Tactica

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by GHoooSTS, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    omg my people.

    Only recently started posting, but long time lurker. I'm focusing a lot on JSA these days, determined to field them fully painted; but the more I upgrade my painting, the more guilty I feel about Corregidor, my OG faction and still my first choice. I've already touched up a bunch of my CJC models, but there are quite a few to go; and I'm planning on stripping a handful of the particularly old ones that are going on 5-6 years since I've painted them. They're not horrible, but man, I could do such a better job now. Lupe, time to get in the paint stripper bath.

    I don't know exactly what it is about Corregidor - but I'm just the most comfortable with them by far. Fielding them, building lists for them - I feel that whatever the opponent throws at me, even if it blindsides me, I always have a way to deal with each problem. It's often not 100-0, like if I lose one ftf roll or piece, I completely lose my chances of winning. It feels like victory is almost always within my grasp, and if I grit my teeth, I'll pull through with some focus, cleverness, and a bit of luck. No other faction has quite given me this feeling of 'layered options' yet, and when I play CJC, I'm best able to keep my cool and not let bad dice tilt me. Well, maybe except when my Intruder gets critted on 2s or something...

    Also a shout out to you guys specifically; the energy and positivity in this thread is just straight up awesome. Might sound a bit cheesy, but I think CJC players in general are a cocktail of chill and determined, just like the fluff. We might not be as new and flashy as some other sectorials, and our tools don't have all the new fancy rules, but damn do we get the job done.

    With that carebear stuff out of the way - what are some of you guys' current impressions of the Gecko profiles? I've always looked at the Mk12 profile because of the higher damage and better range bands, but I do definitely prefer a Panzerfaust as a backup weapon rather than the Blitzen. Also intrigued by the idea of a duo with Lupe as well, definitely gonna try that out soon.
    Hachiman Taro, loricus and Darkinga like this.
  2. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    There were some good discussions about the Geckos in the "Nomads in N4" thread, as they are now I need to agree with mostly everybody, they are impressive Turn 3 bullies when you need to hold an objective or an Area. Just don´t expose them early on.

    I tended to favor the Mk12 for the same reasons you mention BUT with Fat1, those dual combis hit like a Spitfire in its shorter bands, which is amazing (in paper). If only they were MULTI Combis, that would be amazing.

    As for the positivity, I feel the Nomad Nation in general is less... worried about powergaming? Or we have other factions to do that?
    Lately I have also been feeling that CJC helps with the cognitive load, which in turn feeds into that composed play nature you mentioned. We don't need to remember odd fireteams, nor Jammer rules, etc.

    As this is a Tactica Thread, it would be good to start thinking about N4 and impact of different tactics.

    For now, the one confirmed change to Crits are making Brigada and Geckos more valuable, what do you think? I am hoping for MBs to become 6-2, that would be amazing!
    The dodge change in active is also going to be Bandits with their PH13, even getting them through mines in the midfield! And what about that Sr Mass / Jaguar Haris, rolling forward for contact?
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I think we really need to know how Hacking and our MI come out before you can make any serious tactical discussions.
    Hachiman Taro, loricus and colbrook like this.
  4. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The MK12 has a lot of advantages, especially is suppressive fire. But I find I prefer the Combis for the extra burst and closer range. Lower cost is a nice bonus as well.
  5. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    Let us not forget that currently Geckos can also DUO with a Tsyklon to cover their bad range bands.

    So a Feuerbach Tsykon could go with either Gecko to give it some longer range threat, while also bringing along a Repeater to let Jazz/KHD Bandits deal with enemy hackers.
    loricus likes this.
  6. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've certainly considered that. Not owning the Tsyklon is what's holding me back. The Tsyklon becomes the uncontested gunner so I'm not sure which Gecko to take. Combis gives you a different rangeband but the MK12 has the +2 damage for suppressive fire.

    Biggest downside is that your main gunner is smaller than your specialist so you might end up in situations where you can't hide the Gecko while getting a shot. Even more so for the Brigada HMG.
  7. Darkinga

    Darkinga Nómada Nómada

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Gecko Feuerbach.... Mmmmmmm... yeeeessss... Nice idea.
    loricus likes this.
  8. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    I considered pairing a Gecko with a Tsyklon as well, but it feels a bit redundant. I imagine I'd want a Gecko in the midfield as a durable firebase/suppression platform that can be annoying and/or too costly to dislodge, which can later claim objectives. I pay for that relatively high 5 ARM and 3 STR, might as well make use of it. If I have a Tsyklon, it would be the better shooter by quite a margin with its better guns, X-Visor, and Assisted Fire.

    Obviously the Gecko is far more durable than a Tsyklon, but hiding behind the rem and its repeater while it does the shooting doesn't feel making the most out of that bulk. I'd probably prefer Jazz for hacking/pitcher support, or more likely Lupe for smoke support. Her panzerfaust and being a dogged specialist are icings on the cake. Of course, just getting both a Tsyklon and a Gecko into the midfield efficiently through duo has its own appeal. Maybe I'm worrying about synergy a bit too much.

    What I obviously wish we had was a linkable engineer. Tomcats are incredible, but they have so many other things they could be doing, and also can take a good amount of orders to reach a Gecko or Tsyklon in the midfield, depending on the situation.

    If Gecko pilots were engineers, that would be pretty great for Gecko/Tsyklon duo...
    Darkinga likes this.
  9. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Redundancy can be as good as synergy for a duo. When you look at duo'd guys you just have to think of a plan that involves moving them both. For Tsyklon/Gecko my plan would be to use the Tsyklon's shooting strength and ability to be easily repaired to preserve the wounds on the Gecko until it is properly positioned. Then the 360 Visor is ideal for covering against rear attacks and they Tsyklon can rampage from the middle if there is an opportunity.

    edit: a weakness of the Gecko is clearing a path with enough orders left for the Gecko, and a weakness of the Tsyklon is having enough orders to do the mission left after clearing a path, so you could see that as a synergy.
    Darkinga and Ecthelion like this.
  10. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Yeah I'm not that experienced with duos, but I keep reminding myself to focus more on two units that are both competent and useful in the midfield, rather than trying to make a deathball. They don't get anything for being linked except the order efficiency, after all. Basically, I need to paint my Geckos and go to town with these duo options. Almost all of them have something compelling about them.

    Changing gears a bit - and apologies if this has already been talked to death, but any ideas on the Intruder MSR? The Beyond Icestorm model is my favorite sniper model in Infinity (which is saying a lot), but I can never seem to justify fielding her. Way too valuable to leave out in ARO even in token state, and weaker/riskier in active in most cases compared to the HMG. The X-Visor giving her ridiculous range is cool as hell but rarely relevant on most maps. Sure, she can ruin any chainsmoker's day, but she's way too expensive for overwatching Galwegians then dying to a linked Highlander Grey.

    I think I've gotten better use out of basically every other Intruder profile than the Sniper - though honestly, I haven't fielded an Intruder MSR since like... the start of N3. Which is a damn shame, since her sculpt is probably my favorite. Any ideas? I could obviously just shut up, paint her, and try fielding her again, but yeah.
  11. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Ecthelion I used to consider MSR the superior option but the meta of the game shifted and especially TR HMG has become rarer. Most AROs now have extended range to match so you can't take advantage of that.
    The X-Visor is mostly for close range unopposed shots (which are decently common when the unit is used correctly) and sniper ranged discovers.

    Right now the Intruder MSR is likely to drastically change with N4 so it is a bad time to discuss it. It's possible (not even close to confirmed) that the MSR will become a weaker weapon and the MSR will become the budget long range Intruder option, and if that comes with a SWC decrease I think it will fill a popular niche.
    Darkinga likes this.
  12. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Gotcha. Yeah, I noticed that in Code One the MSR lost B2 DA and instead only get B2 AP or B1 DA. I assume they'll get a B2 Shock option in N4, but yeah - guess all we can do is speculate, and wait. Only a few weeks left now.
    loricus likes this.
  13. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Of course the other possibilities are that that was a temp. version for C1, which will leave the Intruder MSR in a questionable area, or that it is like that but did not go down in price, which will make it probably not useable. Or something else. No way of knowing for now.
    Savnock likes this.
  14. Alguaciles_Ortega

    Alguaciles_Ortega Active Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    what I am currently looking forward for, from N4, it will be a possible revamp of Wild Cats, as probably the kind of unit I would think off trying to describe CJC. They are kind of pricey, based on the average model we can field, still the sort of flexibility they could grant it makes worth the price.

    Something I do hope it would happen, it is the possible upgrade to the link team options I really hope CB will do for them, making them and Alguaciles sort of interchangeable.
    Spitfire_TheCat and Willen like this.
  15. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I hope for something as well... looking at the Nox, tbh, keeping the price but hiking them to 4-4 Move would already be enough. Yes, the HRL is overpriced in SWC, don´t need to talk about it AGAIN. But as a solid attack Haris with the Spitfire and dragging a couple specialists or a Wildcard along, they would be great with move 4-4. And it would fill the role of a shooty Haris, which we don´t have atm.
  16. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've already been finding the Wildcat Haris useful enough as long as I happen to have extra SWC. We already know they will somewhat change even if they aren't looked at just because they're a 4-2 MI. I think it will be very very easy for them to find a place in the faction will even minor modifications.
    Willen likes this.
  17. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Are they? For what you get and their general effectiveness their points cost is fine, and they are priced pretty much on par with their counterparts in other factions, but its just the SWC costs on them that's the problem.
  18. Alguaciles_Ortega

    Alguaciles_Ortega Active Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    In my mind that would be a comparison with a core alguaciles fireteam with the add-on of a Tsyklon / MB.

    They indeed come along with a lot of equipment and the sort of, still between SWC and being 4-2 I don't remember seeing them being discussed as a valid choice, when it comes to fireteams in a sectorial that already struggle with SWC as for its nature.

    As an example I could think off, I tried discuss having them or an Alguaciles fireteam vs USAriadna ( and all that heavy flamethrower that might possibly end up in your deployment zone ), and ended up going for the Alguaciles as if only for the fact I might not risk to lose one third of the list ( point wise ) for a single template.

    As something you said yourself, the cost it is not excessive and they would have lots of uses. Also considering the work that it is currently going on, based on what we know from Code One, and the fact several choices will need to be revisited, I do really hope Wild Cats will be one of the units that would have to get the most from it, as I am really looking forward to play them.
    Tourniquet likes this.
  19. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    I've used them from time to time but its very much a niche thing, such as a defensive haris if I can spare 2.5 SWC that also has a WC LT in there (which costs the same SWC as the old aggie fireteam with LT), or more recently as a toolbox core for Highly classified/counter measures as the team can cover nearly all of the cards in the deck.

    In CJC i often find points not to be an issue but I constantly trip over the obnoxious SWC costing, which if they change nothing else I hope they change that.
  20. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Well, I don´t know if this comparison is fair... and these two links are both pretty non-mobile anyway... But the MB and the Tsyklon are so much more survivable...

    Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor
    WILDCAT Heavy Rocket Launcher / Assault Pistol, Knife. (2 | 20)
    WILDCAT Spitfire / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 24)
    DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    JAZZ FTO . (0.5 | 18)
    [​IMG] JAZZ Hacker Submachine Gun, Pitcher, Cybermine / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    WILDCAT Lieutenant Combi Rifle + Light Flamethrower, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 19)
    4 SWC | 95 Points
    Open in Infinity Army

    Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor
    MOBILE BRIGADA Missile Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (2 | 40)
    TSYKLON Spitfire, Pitcher / Electric Pulse. (1 | 31)
    DAKTARI Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14)
    JAZZ FTO . (0.5 | 18)
    [​IMG] JAZZ Hacker Submachine Gun, Pitcher, Cybermine / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 18)
    ALGUACIL Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 10)
    4.5 SWC | 113 Points
    Open in Infinity Army
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