Huh? I can put an Umbra or Nexus in a fireteam, too. They could put him in Mormaer or Highlander Grey armor to get Shock Immunity. But overall, Shock ammo is far too common, and the new units with NWI are given Shock Immunity, which defeats the point of Shock ammo... that whole rules space needs to be rebalanced, but CB is too high on making staff self-inserts and new golden child sectorials. Removing Shock from SMGs would be a good start. Regardless, the game is tilted towards having to play safe with your Lt for a number of factions, and it would be a significant boost to CHA's power for that to be the case.
@Hecaton What we are trying to say and failing apparently is, while yes you can put Wallace in a fireteam as with Onyx's LTs. However because they do not have Inspiring Leadership, and do not have anywhere close to the amount of irregular orders. Not to mention Onyx has 7 more units than CHA not including characters. Wallace changes the play of the entire sectorial by just being there. Where as Onyx's LTs do not. Also comparing LT choices while from one sectorial to another in the same faction is closer to the mark in comparison. Comparing sectorials from different factions isnt the same in any sense at all. This is also a fine idea. I have to say the thought of Total Immunity sounds more appealing. This is still a good small buff.
@Jukebox3113 @fari Ok, so, even more reason to play cautious with Billy. Your argument is essentially that the WW lt is so good that you shouldn't be punished for losing him, which is ridiculous.
I almost never agree with Hecaton. That said, I agree on this point. WW is too much of an army buff to make him more survivable. If he were buffed enough to be a front line fighter, he would also need a substantial cost increase. And to be fair, fluff wise he probably should be a front line fighter, but at the end of the day suspension of reality has to start somewhere. Instead of changes to Wallace, I’d rather see other units made more viable. I think CHA could have the ability to be a LI Army. OR You could have an alternate Wallace profile that doesn’t have inspiring leadership but maybe Strategos LvL 2 and put him in Mormaer Armor. Make Mormaers true heavy infantry and give them blackjack sized sculpts and tactical awareness. Rework the Wulver links to be able to accomplish objectives. If certain units were altered just slightly, I think CHA could play a distinctly Ariadna style army that functions in a similar way to IA. LI with functionally 12-13 orders. And let’s be honest, a Mormaer (blackjack) with a kilt, flowing hair, and a giant sword would pretty badass.
A Wallace MK2 trading out the tactical prowess for straightforward ass-kicking could be interesting. Leave him the Highlander link team with a Scotsman Control Device. Issue him Total Immunity, a HMG and an LRL to make USAriadnans annoyed that their reference was stolen.
Really what needs to happen is they need to stop adding stuff like Shock Immunity to characters like Cuervo Goldstein, and take Shock off of SMGs.
@Hecaton once again no. We are saying to just make him a touch more survivable. Not game breaking or even great. Just a little bit. No where in any of the post did anyone say, imply, or hint at " we shouldnt get punished for loseing wallace." It is abundantly clear you do not play CHA, by having no understanding of what we are articulating. Of coarse you have to play cautious with wallace as with all LTs and would continue to do so with any buff. That is common sense. @McKaptain i have no problem with any point increase. He is a warband with warband skills and stats except for inspiring leadership. Even shock immunity would be helpful. Other than that i like everything else you said. I said similar things back on page 13 of this thread.
Your argument for why he should be more durable is that he has Inspiring Leadership, basically. That's a bad argument. Why shouldn't you have to keep your important lynchpin commander model safe? Removing risk from the CHA playstyle just because they have a higher reward (and the same risk) as other factions is just saying "buff CHA." It's a problem because CB already has the precedent of putting Shock Immunity on characters like Cuervo Goldstein just because they're designer favorites; I'd rather walk that back than give characters like Wallace Shock Immunity.
I always think we shall move Inspiring leadership to a more static unit, like the Caledonian Justicar, and transform Wallace into the shocktrooper spearhead he is, with a Mk12 or simply a T2 rifle
Aug 6, 2019 starts this thread and there are many Ideas for Ariadna N4. Question on CB; is Kosmoflot the Answer? S.A.S. with mines? better muls? Alienbear as Tag answer?
Alien bear as Tag answer with fireteam duo as the specialist... its gonna be a 60+ unit for sure, something akin to the purchasing of Scarface and Cordelia... I'm hoping CB fixed the other sectsorials
An idea for the new 15 unit limit era: Change Traktor Muls to be peripherals added to units with a Traktor Mul Control device. Add other weapons or purpose to the not-artillery one as well - personally I’d like to see sensor. Fluff wise it makes sense to me, they feel more like remote controlled units rather than the more independent REMs of more high tech factions.
Yeah, reimagining of the Ariadna REMs is one of the things I'm hoping for in N4. Becoming the faction with semi-reliable (useful FO?) indirect fire would be amazing.
Muls already had problems but now all the variants will need to justify the 3 troop slot investment. In top of that each FO will be more valuable making the risk of trying to observe something even more risky. So I expect a total rework of muls and kuryers. They don't have a new resculpt so they are free to make a complete redesign.
The idea is that peripheral means they wouldn’t have to justify the three troop slot investment- they would be the one troop slot investment for the guy with the control device. I’d would like to see a rework for Muls too, and was spitballing peripheral as a possible route the redesign could take to solve that ‘justify slots’ issue. I’m not sure we will see a fundamental redesign in the September Army release though, otherwise we might have seen them on the discontinued list.