Maru Painting and stuf

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by maru, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Hello !
    before i add something new will migrate old (part of it to a new forum - this one )
    and i need to get a grip how this forum work with Spoiler tab (if there is any one working in easy way ) and how it display pictures
    so lets start with some oldis
    Yes i know Fox Trot do not fit rest of photos he is not siting or crouching .. but got one thing in common - i like this sculpt
    will ad more .. like a way more
    and i got new Awatar on forum .. decide this picture looks nicer :)
  2. taylor

    taylor Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2017
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    I love the gritty realism of your models, Maru. Your stuff looks awesome - as always.
    maru likes this.
  3. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ok next part of oldis :
    ok all of thous got i think one thing in common - all of them are OOP minis
    some of them are better other well good they get OOP

    Scout on Cateran base - i like how it turn out it is slightly converted
    Para trooper - i like old ones they got something in to them that make you whant to painthem
    Morat Vanguards - yes thous are Old morats sculpt - i like them in my book they ware way cooler then new dark grim ones - it is just my taste to drift toward silly funny - maybe i painted to much Warhammer / 40K dark Gream shit sculls over sculls soi drifred towards babuns .. ;)
    Djanzabanzanete - yes a Female Djan - cool mini but do not fit new minis at all .. i actualy again preffere old Djans over new ones
    Son of a shitpickle micro Ahilles old sculpt - this was damn OP - he was smaller then a normal LI but with Tag stats ..
    Old Van Zant - this sculpt got so much going around him way more feel then new one - yes new one is actualy way better executed but old got this something .
    ha Old Tank humpers in Red block cammo - best hacking team across the whole Infinity game
    And last for now - Abarable Wulver - this is the one that jumped over the road block - a bit converted - this mini got so much off .. good we get new 4 pack of Wulver and Wulveretes
    moar strange things is on the way ;) need to upload it , sort check and then post but tilt then i hope you like this archive :) (it is not all OOP minis i got in it but enught in one post :) )
  4. Belgrim

    Belgrim Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You really like old minis, don’t you?
    maru likes this.
  5. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's more like he's been painting Infinity since these were new
  6. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    well i painted this below when it was new relice in a new game no body know from a manufacturer of 15 mm historic minis ;)
    for a new ppl - this is Female ORC unit from PO - it comes in the ages unknown to a present ppl :)

    ok other thing is i paint some Noimaids in a times begone :)
    do you like Oranges - i hope you do XD
    in my book is best Hellcat reliced to thisday - yes i know the gun looks like a super ghettoblaster but hey at lest you know it is HMG XD and that Ass ..
    intruder Twins - thous werae one one of the best minis on the market maybe today they do not hold to a lvl but hey at lest not Fugly
    i canot explain what is going ther XD .. a green dildo rem and herdryer one .. is this OOP ??
    Old Dactari .. yes classic .. i want Mroooooar and last intruder HMG one .. all ppl who play Vs Nomads thous days h8 this model profile XD
    Alguacil Dj .. oop .. and for a good reason XD - im still surprised how good this fugly mini looked after painting ..
    Zoe and Pi Well - so nice minis and i got so much strugleto paint this at lest acceptable .. no idea why ..
    Moran .. so awkward mini pose is he on rolerblades ??
    yes it is Zero and a Mobile Brigada ... lets say new design differ a bit and gets a rabit ears .. in the process no idea why
    Carlota Covalsky .. so awkward mini super tomcat with medicore sculpt .. never les turn out looking aceptable :)
    and a classic Alguaciles i must admit i realy like thous minis in a days - only other human grunts we get in Sf setting was Imperial Guards from GW -the quality gap was so huge IG compared to thous looks like bunch of impared apes dressed in uniforms and other armies from infinity could just only dream about quality of this 3 Alguaciles.
    I think it is worth to look at them from different angels - thous are one peace cast with hell of dynamic poses
    and HMG one was reliced way later when all units got hight reduced and became more slim and fragile - yes first minis ware actualy comparable size to new relices
    hope you like this type of archive posts i got some more of old materials and i will postthem before i go to "modern things " and sculpts so lvl of painting you c is not exacly on par with my current one some of thous minis got over 15 years or so .
  7. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ok next part of old things :)
    a bit of OSl on this one
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    a Wanda Wade - Leady Deadpool conversion :)
    Haqq Spec ops - a bit converted . was going for Kill zone effect l;ook but got caried :)
    Max Scorpio - o my a bad casted limited mini - no wonder he is rare - he was one huge miscast in all version
    good times when Morats wear Hammerpants havaian shirts and rave party blouses ... good times .. i so much prefere this theme then Greem dark new way
    Hellowin Drones :)
    a short time existing Cool morat Hi //
    no infinity but i decide to throw this in is quite old thing .. i fuck up eyes .. but nobody look at them in this mini any way ;)
    it is quite good HVT or cyvilian mini (or your Impersonation marker ;) )
  8. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ok next part of old things with a bit of comment
    a Dr Worm - so cool design and in pait with Floating Cyber tentacle monstars CA drones .. before they gey replaced with new ones ..
    caind of more of same i used a spounge to get a texture on thous minis
    and ye same minis defferent painting - just love thous worm bots :) and ppl comishioned thous a lot .. wonder why ??
    old Yoagays - this was for me a pick of morat design - just before they get redesigned - only flaw for me thous have is a scale - they ware small, smaller then the old ones - bit Predator esk design was on spot and over shoulders PF - bulseye - new ones are just a far cry compared to awesomnes of thous
    o and i do not even mentioned old CA guns - i prefere old ones - they look a bit crude but was easy to paint and gotthis specific look - ne Ca looks like something from H&K factory a line of modular guns
    and you could easy teal what weapon is what and who got PF - so goooooood .. after rework i dropped my collection of Morats - new do not appel to me
    and clasic Rasiat :)
    and for thous that do not know - thous are Orginal Antipodes + controler - hard to say i do not much love the new ones - they weight one as 3 of thous so if you are about to carry our army - well
    and a controler that looks like your sexy teacher checking clas over the desk ..
    and yes i think the sole design of this character is way superior to a new one that just looks generic - i would love to c same mini just up dated with new sculptors skills but same design (and i must admit i like the cammo i made back then on her pants )
  9. gru6y

    gru6y Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Can't say I agree with you on old Morats. The new design is way more menacing and badass, while the old ones... I dunno, just looked a bit goofy to me. I think the redesigned models capture really well the proud and menacing feel of that species.
    That said, I love the poses on the old Yaogat squad. They are so much more diverse and inspired than the new generic ones.
    Belgrim and maru like this.
  10. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Ha ha ther is nothing menacing in old Morats - they are all goofbals
    this abowe is old morat before they show up as a Morat Agresion Force - the one we got was Actualy Morat Hunting Party - Duds on Safari :D
    old Preta and Gaki to :
    they just look funny
    i was up for Aliens on Safari hunting across Paradiso
    and yes i re painted them later - thous above got touched up and het NMM weapons + improved contrast on minis
    and ye ther was only one Zerat and i need 2 to list so i converted one
    but CB change the theme and story line progreses and Morat Hunting /Party got replaced by a n Army of morats so no more Safari rather boot camp + prison camp
    the thing that appeal to me was this goofines and the thing that appeal to you is a serious Morat Army that came after - so it is not exacly the Quality but concept of design - new morats would be unappealing to you if they would not change the concept .
    So it is hart to say which one are better - yes old ones are old and it shows - but in terms of design they share this thing with old hand sculpted models - a fun you c in them as sculptor made them and put a lot of character in them (character not details ) the new one can and usualy have impresive details but for me they lack this "fun" - to much copy paste
    But no worry i got some old minis in my archive to show and even get a comparsion of sort old Vs New :)
  11. gru6y

    gru6y Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Nothing really to add, you pretty much nailed it.
    Except, oddly, I find the old Pretas and Gakis way better than the new ones.
    The old ones have this sinister alienish look to them and remind me of xenomorphs, while the new ones with their poses (prancing joyfully like idiots) would fit the old Morat ascetics better. I have a full huntig party of two Oznats and 8 old Hungries on my desk now and will post pictures once they're done.
    Modock and maru like this.
  12. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    O my i don't whant to brake your bouble but i have a hard time to consider them serious after sieries of this comixes (menage to dig up only one but ther was more of them )
    and about new design .. it would work in plastic mini ..
    tox, xagroth, Pierzasty and 5 others like this.
  13. gru6y

    gru6y Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Pure gold :D
  14. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    ok a something else
    minature i made for a competition years ago cool project with OSL , and cobwebs and YJ mini and idea with a corridor and all cool stuf including rust and so on .... and then i fucked up and do not arive on this Competition .. :mask:never less i like this mini alot - is one of best CB mini made to this day - everything is right - proportions , the way the character is bend creating natural curve , details (enught to be well detailed but not to much to be crowded ) and She looks like stright of Shirow manga .
    Odalisque Spitfire - about same time as YJ Engenieur
    funn fact - never menage to replicate this NMM - as 3 of paints i used on this one get out of production in same year and replacment for them was not equal and react in other way when mixed - minature painted mostly with glazes over grey / white basecoat
    another amazing mini so good to paint
    and for last this (got way more but migrating and sorting everything after previous host fuck up - photofuckuped it a bit time consuming ) for new players - thous are old Naffatums - For HQQ - so much character in them - compared to new Pastafarians i would say completly other class and yes this is my experiment in collor theme - as with arival of Aleph ppl get charmed by new faction even if Torikitay minis leave a lot to be told and other aleph minis from first wave was not on pare to - ppl ware hungry for aleph and talking all day long how amazing are thous minis even if the silver minis standing in front of them got a lot of issues . So i decide to check something and paint other faction minis in an Aleph theme and force ppl to look at them and compare .
    like 90% of ppl thout thous ware a new Aleph minis XD and when they compated thous 2 old as hell minis with Torikitai they usualy menage to c at last how badly Torikitay are made XD as amazing color theme provided by Angel Giraldes menage to put an ilusion over they eyes and convince that Everyhing Aleph is amazing (from the first wave i would say Deva and Asura minis are stil good rest is questionable )
    so this is an example how important is collor theme (and again at lest 2 paints of this mini are no longer produced XD )
    HellLois, McNamara, paloji and 7 others like this.
  15. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Please state the source of the mini!! Some of us are in dire needs of proxies for certain profiles... :p
  16. RAF

    RAF Something Wicked

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Old Zanshi engineer, now only available in YU JING SUPPORT PACK.
    xagroth likes this.
  17. Aldo

    Aldo Spare 15

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yu Jing Support Pack.
    xagroth likes this.
  18. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    or just secound hand / some obscure corner of mini shop still possesing a single blister
    have i mentioned already that some old minis was amazing way above new digital :)
    jherazob and xagroth like this.
  19. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    They are indeed!

    I will probably use the guy as a clockmaker for Nomads, since I have the old kitty daktari, and the girl can be my second Danavas hacker, or something (since I also want the Kanren hacker XD).

    Yu Jing, source for Aleph's proxying needs since I showes up on the board XD
    maru and jherazob like this.
  20. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    well in this case you may also like this mini :
    it is not from "old minis part " but lets consider thia an replay :)
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