Ariadna in N4

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by psychoticstorm, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    So? There's nothing fallacious about it. It'd be great if CB could manage to show equal care and imagination to all 39 armies in the game, but for all the issues with their approach they come pretty close. Balance-wise there are very few armies that fall slightly behind the pack, and no faction gets an unfair concentration of them.

    Model-wise - here I'm inclined to agree, it'd be great if CB could ramp up their release schedule and manufacturing capacity to provide for resculpts and for filling holes in unit lineup, especially since in recent years a lot of release spots is being taken over by Operation boxes - which are great, but mean that only two factions get something that month. Maintaining full availability would be good for the game, and if SKUs are a problem just switch to larger boxes. Which seems to be happening, as Action Packs are about to start taking over old starters spot. Now, if unit boxes would include six models instead of four - and if we could do away with this asinine ideas like including Grenzer in Securitate box, or Deva packed with Dakinis...
    Teleute and Tourniquet like this.
  2. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    This is where the fallacy that I'm referring to exists, IMO. It's saying "39 armies in the game"...but there's not. There's 10 armies(JSA, PanO, YJ, Ariadna, ALEPH, O-12, Tohaa, Haqqislam, Nomad Nations, and Combined Army).
    Those armies feature subarmies with different availability on items and some subarmies feature unique profiles or crossover profiles from other factions.

    If the balance is there for the units in the first place? Subarmies shouldn't have issues with balancing. That's my take on it. Saying this as someone who's been getting into Warmachine of late, the theme armies there are frickin' amazing when it comes to looking at these things.
    I hope you're right. I really do. But until we see the stuff from Beyond Red Veil and Icestorm available, I'm still a bit hesitant to start cheering them on.
    I'm sure you'll say I'm doing it to be argumentative--but I actually enjoyed the Grenzer with Securitate and Deva with Dakinis. I'll admit that I don't think they should have 'taken the spot' of one of the units present--but they definitely could have been perfect for a 5 or 6 model set.

    We all knew that the Securitate Feuerbach wasn't going to be in the box anyways, I feel. It's the same situation as the Alguacile Hacker--they claimed it was "for non-faction players so they didn't have to buy a box that inconvenienced them!", but they know that the purchase will likely be made with no thought when it's a 'key item' for some lists.
  3. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Yes and no. While any change to particular units affects both their sectorial and vanilla faction (to an extent - unique loadouts, lt options, etc. do exist), availability, links, and mercenaries/loaners make each sectorial a distinct entity. And in the end you have 39 of them to balance, regardless how you call them. So I doubt we'll agree on this one.

    It's not about cheering for me, it's just that I like the game, wish the company all the best, and I don't care about rough spots much; for one, there aren't many of them, and I can simply go and play something else until the problem is fixed. And ultimately I play Infinity to have fun, if I'd focus on complaining about issues instead I'd have less of it. So I prefer to discuss them and move along, and wait for them to be solved. More fun for me this way.

    Nah, we can prefer different things and that's ok. And on this one we seem to be in agreement, larger boxes would make it easier to include such an additional model as well.
    Teleute and chromedog like this.
  4. FreezeZ

    FreezeZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I am okay with mixed boxes if it make sense to do so. I wouldnt say no for mixed tankhunter and veteran box. New ML and AC for Tankhunters, and Mk12 and shotgun for Veterans.
    Teleute, Stiopa and colbrook like this.
  5. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Yeah, Tankhunters/Vets would make sense, though two separate boxes, one for Tankhunters and one for Veterans would make even more.

    Not to mention doing something with Spetznaz box (adding the fourth loadout to it, to be precise).
  6. FreezeZ

    FreezeZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I will open two separate boxes with open hands but I dont know what I will do with so many rifle profiles.
  7. McKaptain

    McKaptain Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2018
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    I’d be frustrated if they released a new Spetsnaz box with all four but there was no option to get just the fourth by itself. As I already have the other three... now, if they are all new sculpts. Then we are are talking
    #247 McKaptain, May 15, 2020
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Stiopa likes this.
  8. Tongfa


    May 6, 2018
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    hopefully we can snag liang kai for n4. I will happily trade kendrat for him. that man is fire.
  9. Moxie

    Moxie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Just was looking at my ratnik and remembered I really want them to have chest mines in n4, its litrally on the model already.
  10. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Where? I don't see anything on a Ratnik with "Front Towards Enemy" written on it like the Blackjacks's chest mine (or "Фронт Навстречу врагу" I suppose)
  11. Drunkergnom

    Drunkergnom Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It would be "К противнику" that just "Torwards enemy". And there is no sign of this on Armata-2
    colbrook likes this.
  12. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Thanks, I'll admit I used Google translate, but yeah, no sign of chest mines in the Ratnik.
  13. Moxie

    Moxie Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2018
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    always assumed the round things on his chest were mines literally strapped on.
  14. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    I mostly play CHA. Just wish listing, and wanting others opinions...

    o Wallace- I dont think CHA needs a CoC unit, it will become an auto include and CHA has enough of those already. Give Wallace an extra wound so you can play more aggressively with him. He brings things to the sectorial that no other profile does. It saddens me that the leader of this army has to sit back and watch until turn 3.

    o Scots Guards and Better Fireteam: Haris options in general- Scots Guards need a haris option. Duo does nothing except add a little efficiency. This would make them more enticing to bring. And give them a Doctor profile. They are suppose to stand alone, beholden to no single Clan. Spec Forces Units are self sufficient, haveing a weapons expert, comms guy, engineer, and doctor. Moving all together as a unit that is what they were made to be. Give them a Doctor and an Engineer. Make a Scots Guard Fireteam that can do it all!
    Switch out the special fireteam rules of Mormaers and Grey Rifles. Giving the Grey's the haris instead of the Mormaers will let them shine harder than they already do. It would also make bringing that AP HMG Mormaer a must. With the Greys, being able to run up the field claymores held high sounds like freedom to me! Also, get the Greys a paramedic!
    The Wulver and Mormaer haris is nice and pretty strong, but just so darn expensive that you lose alot of needs to be viable.

    o Traktor Muls- I love the idea of traktor muls, but they need help. They honestly just need better range bands. As I was once a Forward Observer for 10 years. Observing and shooting artillery hits hard for me. Perhaps spending a long skill to " lock down" to do so. Artillerymen use to have to dig their howitzers in. Why not do something similar to give them the longer range bands. Even if its only the increased to marksmanship rifle range bands that would be good. Another idea is, Lets dig deeper into the artillery aspect of it. Ever heard the term "Mass the Fires", "!@#$ your gridsquare", or "Fire for Effect". On spec fire shots, let them shoot off 3 rounds of direct template action.

    o More T2 ammo- Why does TAK have more T2, when Caledonia has the most and the largest veins of teseum? Give all that to the Scots Guard.

    o HI (including Wulvers)- Mormaers need 4-4 movement and NWI. Thats it. I LOVE THE WULVERS! They are perfect in every way except... a wild card option would be awesome. Especially one with a Core of Galwegions!

    o S.A.S. - SAS's are awesome not jumping for joy with the price of the FO but sacrifices must be made. The only thing they really need is antipersonnel mines. You dont have to give them a minelayer option just give them some mines.

    o Isobel McGregor- Bless her heart she hardly ever gets used. give he a normal hacking device or at least give a special program on her WHD or something to help the Muls. As Ariadna's only faction specific hacker she needs to be worth bringing!

    Thats it for Caledonia. I figure alot of this is pie in the sky. But the intent is to not drop the low tech for fancy toys, or lose the "FREEDOM" vibe. I love it. I want to enhance it, while also making sense. While reducing order spam. They have so much flavor! The only thing left to mention I think is Natural born warrior. I think most of the units should have it. If they dont already have berserk. They are highlanders after all. A people of such entensity fighting deserve that at the very least.

    I'll do the other sectorials later if this one goes over well.
    #254 Jukebox3113, Jul 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
    McKaptain likes this.
  15. Hecaton

    Hecaton EI Anger Translator

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Nah, that's part of the game. Just don't play dumb with him. Onyx has similar issues and clearly CB thinks it's fine.
  16. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    Good sir, i fear you may be comparing apples to oranges. Where Onyx has 8 LT options CHA has 6. None of Onyx's LT's would really change how your game is played. CHA has 1 camo LT that is 2 swc, alot of your things are still irregular. Mormaers and Grey Rifles have LT options yes. but you run into the same problem. Onyx's LTs (Maakrep and Malignos) have auto medkits to pick themselves back up if they were to not get killed out right. The Samaritan has a vorpal CCW if he wereto take a wound, it has the possibility to get it back. Still does not change the base function and options of the army as a whole. William Wallace, does. Lets take Wallace's counterpart, Joan de arc. The only other model with inspiring leadership. She has 2 wounds. Basically filling the same functions, however because of what sectorials those two are in, Wallce's does more for his army. I want to reiterate, that my above post is mostly a wish list. and while yes it sucks to to get unlucky one time getting hit with shock damage. Comparing Wallace to any of the LTs in Onyx is not the same by any means.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  17. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    What? Onyx Lts can't sinergy with their troops the way Wallace does. Simply they are not comparable
    Jukebox3113 likes this.
  18. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I think @Hecaton has a particular gripe with the Umbra being some of the few units left, along with Wallace and some Aleph guys, who actually dies when hit with the increasingly common Shock ammo or anything heavier. This means that, like Wallace, you really can't justify exposing your cool 50-point lead-from-the-front badass if anyone's got ammo that can oneshot him. I actually think Wallace might be on the vanishingly small list of things that could warrant Total Immunity, thanks to his status as a real ALEPH Recreation and his army lynchpin status, but 2W is a bit out for fluff reasons.

    While Billy the Highlander may be a little more important than the average LT, Loss of Lieutenant always sucks. It's why active LTs are so rare, and Jukebox seems to want to use Wallace more actively- he actually seems like a fairly well-designed backline sitter as he stands. That's where the Onyx Umbra Legate is comparable; you want to use him to kill things, because it's cool, but it's not really worth it at the moment.
  19. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Here is hoping in N4 Shock becomes much less common, changes significantly, or both.
  20. Jukebox3113

    Jukebox3113 Highlander

    May 27, 2020
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    I hear ya @SpectralOwl! If Wallace were to get total immunity, I would be on board. You could use him as more of a Sun Tze LT. Sitting him on the backline wouldnt feel as bad and you would have the option of to push forward with (while still cautious) not out right fear of losing your LT. This would also make up for his lack of BTS.

    I thought about the 2nd wound not because it would be cool (tho it would) but because lore wise and historically he led his warriors into battle. adding him to the volunteer link with the Grey Rifle AP HMG. That push forward with the core link to hold the mid field is much more feasible or setting him in the rear with no link to let him go crazy turn 3. Its the ability to have the option that I most would like to see.

    Thank you for your kind input.
    #260 Jukebox3113, Jul 4, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
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