Again, that is considering a Core, which Jaguars do not have the ability to form. 4 Jaguars plus Massacre form a Special Core. You are assuming 1 Jaguar is enough, some of us based on Special Fireteam rules are assuming it requires 1 Jaguar PLUS 1 Massacre. EDIT: going through the Fireteam pinned post is painful, some of the answers are contradicting jajaja. I see how you guys can be right too.
I really need to stop telling people to play the 8/9 Jag archetype, literally everytime I do it causes the same issues. *fake sigh* [emoji14]
StarCo doesn't have any wildcard, is a different situation not your fault, we nomads got late to the "wildcard party" so we got to this discussion later than other factions, but you are right and that can be done (even if I don't see it more useful than making an alguacile core instead, but that's other topic). A wildcard can be substitute for any trooper in a fireteam (be it "standard" or "special"). And for cores, there is one extra requisite from erratas, and that is for at least 1 of the original "core" options to be there. One jaguar is just enought for that. But an special jag-core of lupe+jazz+dak would not be valid (you still need one of the troopers, a jaguar would make an special jaguar core for example). The "requisites" are not all of them "mandatory". for example, look at Léi Gong in WB, can join a duo of a shaoling+jing Qo. Or in our CJC, the gecko+mobile duo, we can substitute the mobile (we still need the duo skill) by one wildcard or a tsyklon, even if the special duo is gecko+MB
Só a ForCo-style A-Team of Massacre, Lupe, Jazz and Dak would be a legal core Jaguar? Since Massacre is part of the original team?
yes, it is legal but obviously, adding a jaguar to make them 5 is also an option. Another curious core is valeria, jazz, dak and lupe. They would be an alguacile core because valeria counts as one. And might even be interesting if they ever decide to use those rules they tested for hacker-fireteams (But if they didn't put it in n3, I suppose they discarded them completelly)
Adding the 5th Jaguar would be obvious, but I especifically wanted to it to be a jaguar-less configuration jeje. Going back to the OP, about ARO but in a non-shooty way, lately I have been very impressed by Jazz FTO inside a link, to the point that I consider getting her with Billy a worse option. She provides a scary Hack ARO to any target, and being in a link with SSL2 means nothing hackable can get past the Morans and Pitchers. And once that one Reset by a HI/TAG/Hacker is declared, there are typically more ARO options (because of course we are bringing at the minimum one Bandit KHD and one more hacker to buff the Tsyklon from outside the link). I know Hacking in general in N3 is controversial, but I find Jazz to be one of the BEST hackers in the game when you consider her price, and with SSL2 she is simply amazing. Our repeater network is great (double-shot linked Pitches what??) and she is an amazing watchdog. Maestro as an ARO on her WIP and BTS6 is scary as hell to opposing KHDs.
IMO, she is just a substitute for valeria, and works almost the same (Except for one program, which makes Jazz the best option from those 2)
I would prefer something new and interesting over those same-but-better replacements (looking at you, Jelena). They do not contribute much to a new experience and sometimes invalidate loved profiles.
yes, she is better in everything, but valeria was not so used anyway. What I meant, is that for someone who didn't "need" Valeria, Jazz is also not needed. For someone who used valeria, Jazz will substitute her allways. While I like Jazz, I think that was a poor dessign for them. Jazz opens a nice spot for a hacking in CJC, because that place had not so good options, not because it was empty, but also makes one previous option completelly obsolete. There is also the SWC topic. If someone wants to bring jazz in a core, a second normal hacker to buff remotes (tsyklon or reaktion, the other don't need those buffs so much) and moran to use those hacking... then half or the SWC is used in an allready expensive SWC sectorial. What to add to the core to make it useful in that situation? that's why I ended not using the 2nd hacker and, if I need the single hacker to buff the remote, but the enemy has LoS to the fireteam, I break it and do supportware without the fireteam, and then form it again
Totally in agreement there. Valerya got straight invalidated except as a miniature proxy for Jazz. Choices are choices and the beauty of infinity is that we can do a lot of different lists by tweaking a thing here and there. Since I was already using a Alg HD for a 6th man for buffing the Tsyklon Jazz was a straight update. I think this is a talk for the Tactica thread, how we use up the SWC. I typically feel I require 3SWC for my attack pieces, and that is all, but then it is a tradeoff between Intruders, REMs, the Brigadas...
That's honestly what I do, unless your meta has a big problem with TO AROs. An occasional command token is cheaper than always bringing a second hacker for me.
CJC has a lot of decent 0/0.5 SWC attack options so you can get away with fewer proper guns. I've run with just 2.5 SWC on fire-power successfully: 1 Spit Tsyklon, 1 Feurbach Tsyklon, Valerya (as this was pre-Jazz). Normally I also run a Hellcat Spitfire in that list, but I wanted the AHD for something specific (not that I can remember what ATM). Amusingly, and to illustrate your point, it's still a 5SWC list with Massacre Haris, Moran and Alg Lt.