Archangeleong's Army Log: Nomads

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by archangeleong, May 10, 2020.

  1. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY NOMADS BAKUNIN: Reverend Healer (Combi Rifle)


    Reverend Healer (Combi Rifle)
    One of my favorite all time Infinity miniatures. This gal is the reason I went into a panic last December and bought the battle pack that was going out of production. Likely this mini will be rereleased in an army box, dang those clever people at CB tricking me into buying more miniatures... Actually I quite like their new sales strategy of battle packs being replaced by army boxes after a year. It makes planning collecting much easier.

    I painted her with more white than my Tunguska guys, which fits in with her role but is also consistent with Bakunin colours. Loved working on her face and spent at least an hour on it alone. Even managed to pull of a sideways glance for once! Lots of freehand too made it quite a tricky mini to finish. I also upped the highlights on her black leggings etc to invoke a more glossy sexy leather fetish vibe to her (probably should have gone all the way to white though). What's the deal with sexy scifi nuns with white hair dressed in leather anyway? I may not be adding much to her sectorial but geewiz I like her a lot.

    infyrana, Robock, Oni and 12 others like this.
  2. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    This is absurdly good. I especially like the faces you paint.

    Mine is blond and she reminds me of Anna Kournikova because she is taller (without looking thin) than the other female Bakunin models :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:
    archangeleong likes this.
  3. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Man, this is great. I'm just about to tackle my Aragoto KHD and took inspiration from your posts yesterday; and now I find this one, and it's making me want to work on my Corregidor. Also, I've been resisting diving into Tunguska since forever... your posts aren't helping, haha.

    That face is absolutely divine. It's funny to me that you say you spent 'at least an hour' on her face alone - to which, my only response is, that's not a long time for the quality you've achieved.

    That freehand, though; I'm only now starting to experiment with freehand details and designs, and very slowly building up courage to do more complex and/or geometric shapes. Yours are clean and precise, fit in perfectly with the model and the lore, all the while not being intrusive, overwhelming, or distracting at all.
    archangeleong likes this.
  4. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    thanks :-). Yours sounds sexy too lol!
  5. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks for kind words :-) Good luck resisting Tunguska! I was inspired by many works on this forum and succumbed eventually to my inner nomad lol.

    Freehand can be tricky. But with practice it’s not too hard (just time consuming). One trick is to understand the geometric shapes you are painting. For example on the Tunguska logo, I painted two circles, three lines and three triangles.

    I can’t paint freehand perfectly in one go but I’m pretty neat these days and don’t have to do too much cleaning up. For example (in logo) I paint a black circle as neat as possible, but then clean up imperfections with white as well as round it off better. I then move on to the inner circle in the same way. After that I cut across it with white lines at the three intersecting black lines. Then do the black lines. Then do the three triangles and clean them up with white to make them sharp looking.

    Hope this helps if you want to try out more complicated someday.
    Willen and Ecthelion like this.
  6. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Thanks for the tips. I recently tried painting some pseudo-traditional Japanese wave designs on the sideboob plates on my Daiyokai, and I think they look alright. Most importantly, it made me more confident with my random ideas. Now I'm more likely to experiment, since even if some idea doesn't end up looking amazing, each one is an opportunity to learn.

    Oh on that note - hope I'm not derailing the conversation, since this is your Tunguska thread - but could you maybe tell me a bit about how you did your JSA bases? I've looked into some asphalt base tutorials but can't seem to find one that I like as much as yours; it seems simple but the subtle variation in the hues you give them are great, and I prioritize texture more than anything when it comes to bases. Any tips would be appreciated.
  7. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Nice. I was going at 2 per week during Corona too, but since I'm back at the office and uni started up again my pace has dropped considerably . But I also see you're using a much simpler color scheme than me. Really like your deep red!

    The idea of doing a separate thread for each faction is nice! Since I only have one so far that doesn't apply to me, but the way you say it makes sense.

    Any plans for further additions to your Tunguskans?
  8. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Good luck with the freehand (it’s worth it)!

    Glad you like my JSA bases. TBH I’m so lazy with them that I didn’t think people would notice lol! Process is simple:

    1. PVA glue
    2. Fine sand
    3. Base coat German Grey
    4. Wash black
    5. Drybrush (heavily) German Grey
    6. Drybrush (lightly) Dark Sea Grey
    7. After model is finished apply Burnt Umber weathering powder in spots and over boots etc

    paint and powder by Vallejo

    hope it helps
    #28 archangeleong, Jul 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
  9. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks :-) Its true I deliberately chose a simple palette for both my taste as well as reducing time painting.

    I do plan to expand eventually but the army is on pause for a bit. I have the Beyond Icestorm pack on back order and may get to painting it this year or maybe next. My aim after this would be a couple of Sputniks and then move on to the big sali. But that’s really long term and into next year.

    I’m very happy to have reached my goal of 3 small armies by mid year this year (Invincibles, Tunguska and the Pano half of Icestorm). Next up though is Kaldstrom. Can’t wait to get these guys done!
    burlesford likes this.
  10. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Somehow I missed this. As others have said: That face is divine! How did you do it if I may ask? I want to give my nomad ladies without helmets the faces they deserve, too, but I'm still not sure how to do it. What colors do you use and what techniques?
    archangeleong likes this.
  11. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Have to admit I'm not a super fan of the look of these line troopers. The Studio ones are painted so red they look like they are wearing prison jumpsuits, the blokes look like they pumped iron but skipped legs day and I think the shoulder pads remind me too much of 40K orks from the 80s. That said, they are an essential Nomad trooper so I had to do my best to make them shine.

    I wanted to keep them mostly red due to their sectorial colours but not do them like the Studio. To this end, I muted the red on their fatigues, which as it turns out harks back to the N1 Alguacils lol! The male models were a bit tricky to assemble as the arms didn't seem to line up well so I had to use quite a bit of greenstuff to make them work. Other than that they were pretty easy to do and I batch painted the lot fairly quickly (but not overly enthusiastically) over a couple of days. They turned out OK I guess and I tried to give them as much personality as possible.

    Alguacil 1 (Combi Rifle)
    AKA Finger Guns Joker Lady

    Alguacil 2 (Combi Rifle)
    AKA Rasta Man Tiny Pants

    Alguacil 3 (Combi Rifle)
    AKA Carrot Top Obligatory Shooting Pose Guy

    Link Team
  12. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Thanks for encouragement.
    So far as face technique goes:
    1. Paint black undercoat (this under colour gives depth to the flesh tones. Artists often use green, but I don't notice too much difference in the end).
    2. Base coat of Basic Skin Tone (takes about 3 thin coats)
    3. Wash shadows with Beige Red
    4. Wash deep shadows with Brown Sand and blend a with Beige Red
    5. Paint the eyes using Black and White by applying: Black line to outline the eye and form eyelash, white for eye, black dot for pupil, white dot for light reflection, then Basic Skin Tone to clean up eyelid around the eye, then add a black eyelashes to sides of eye. Lastly a little eyeshadow applied using Violet Red mixed with Beige Red
    Note: the eyes take ages to do and I don't work on any other part of the face until they are completely finished as there will be no chance to go back and fix them without messing up the face.
    6. Wet blend Violet Red mixed with Beige Red for blush on cheeks. Glaze Basic Skin Tone over the blush to blend it in better.
    7. Paint lips using Flat Red base, Black Red shadow and flat red mixed with Light Flesh for highlight to lower lip.
    8. Highlight raised aras with thinned down Light Flesh
    9. Paint black eyebrows
    10. Frame face with hair colour (Sky Grey shading with White highlight)

    Note: Paints are all Vallejo MC

    Phew! Done! (Takes about an hour on such a small area but worth the time as the face is the focal point of the miniature)
    redeemer and Robock like this.
  13. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY NOMADS CORREGIDOR: Mobile Brigada (Multi Rifle & Light Flamethrower)

    Mobile Brigada (Multi Rifle & Light Flamethrower)
    This guy is one of my favourite heavy infantry. I think Mobile Brigada power armour is one of the best looking in the Infinity range. They have this manga, gridiron, Masumane Shirow vibe about them that I really like. I was a bit sad that Mobile Brigada are not part of Tunguska, but no matter as I painted one anyway! Kept him red like the Studio, but darker as is my style. The freehand was not too hard to do and I varied it only slightly from the original. It took about a week to get him finished as it was a little bit tough one on the personal front so I struggled to get him done. All up though this guy was a real pleasure to paint and a fitting end to the Nomads from the battle pack.

  14. burlesford

    burlesford Sheet guy

    Apr 14, 2020
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    So simple, so smooth, so nice Do you just drybrush the black underarmor, or do you highlight it?
  15. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    A little bit of both :-)
  16. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    INFINITY NOMADS: Operation Icestorm Battle Pack


    NOMADS: Operation Icestorm Battle Pack
    So I had no real intention of expanding my Tunguska army in the short term as I thought It would take about 6 months to get my painting queue of Nomads and Yu Jing done. Then I went into a panic late last year when I found out that the Operation Icestorm Battle Pack was going out of production. It was just one set that I always wanted to do when I got into infinity. 6 months later I managed to get everything done (including the Pano guys), thanks largely to the extra time that the Covid lockdown has afforded me. Strange times we live in but good for hobbyists lol! Here is a group shot of all these lovely miniatures.
    redeemer, Ben Kenobi, LeGweg and 4 others like this.
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