Carlos said he may have more things in N4. I was going to get Taowu as an HVT and will probably still do that. Funny he's a great figure but has Holo 1! He may never see the board lol. I don't understand why you make profiles you know, no one will use. The Counterintelligence is much better than a Contender and costs a pt less! If i get this right NBW negates all CC special skills and the I-kohl makes them -6 to hit. Not bad. Just add here. General release of Liang Kai. No changes to rules. Well he's awesome again!
Nice stuff. Liang Kai looks like a decent sculpt, not as good as the limited one though. Probably also gonna change the weapon to the Dao from Jing Qo. Both his sculpts make for great Shaolin proxies as well, so they are pretty much a must have for me. Taowu seems a bit expensive/bloated, but he's a nice disguised defensive toolkit. WIP 14 flash pulse, 2 DTWs, Monofilament CC with iKhol2 and NBW he can deal with a lot of things. First Counterintelligence option for YJ as well!
I’m actually convinced that CB are masterfully trolling with those Tau Wu stats. It’s bloated beyond reason and makes the YJ forums explode in salt, while simultaneously summoning all the CB bootlickers out of the woodworks, defending the profile as a hidden gem and “trust CB”, while ALSO simultaneously undermine their efforts of downplaying order spam, by introducing yet another counter intelligence unit. If this isn’t 4D-levels of trolling then I don’t know what is.
Consider that he has counterintellingence, and is available in ISS. While he is ridiculously bloated for a profile that will most likely never see action, I think anything less could be very dangerous for ISS and vanilla balancewise.
Any word on which sectorial Taowu is for? 26 points is a difficult fit, but that's an interesting profile and a lot of feature creep in just one unit for Yu Jing. Is it great? No, not like most Counterintelligence profiles whom are unreasonably auto-includes. Is it terrible? He's no Krit, that's for damned sure. I get the feeling he's going to sit in that awkward spot where it's unreasonable to get worked up about hin either way.
If he's linkable that also might matter a lot. Mixing a useful 26-point close-combat unit in with some decent HI or even MI is often useful. Also, are you guys missing how mice Holo 1 and Counterintelligence are? Gotta love making opponents semi-waste a Command Token, or second-guess themselves after the first time they get surprised.
Interesting. Well, I think vanilla has least use for him and in ISS it depends heavily on if he's a wild card or not. This probably makes both sectorials a lot more Speculo-proof than chain of command ever did particularly considering that Dodge and Engage seem to be merging and the Shotgun alteration (though weird there's no Kinematica)
Heh, ditto. He just oozes style. As for his weird profile, in a faction with Kuang Shi, I can't ever imagine Counterintelligence being on an optimized profile.
I can only find one that has a combination of I-Khol and NBW. The Chimera Uberfall. I know she's taken apart some of my good CC guys and that's with I-khol L1! Tao has L2. Even McMurder will hesitate. His martial arts and Berserk wont work and then Tao has Viral Pistols.
His kit is cool, and I like it. I don't know if I'm jumping to pay his entry fee for every list, but what he's got is unique enough that it's at least worth the consideration of messing around with. As noted above, his fireteam compatibility will probably make or break him in ISS. I do look forward to what promised goodies N4 will bring him, albeit with cautious optimism.
Tao looks cool, but think i will hold off until I see the N4 profile. Still think the limited Lian Kai model looks better. The regular ninja however looked cooler and with more usable weapons than the limited ninja from code one.
With holo and his cute cc skills it might be fun for him to pretend juicy assasination target and then amush the assasin in return :O
I'd be surprised to see Taowu in any really serious event lists unless there's some major unforeseen format changes in N4, but he's a fun troll piece.
Pretend him to be a Hsien against Dashat or Corregidor to magnet McMurrow would be maximum troll level achievement.
These are some of the things I had in mind with my previous post :) Its also super funny thaat he has upper hand in FtF against McMurder and using pistol its like 20% to deal 2 wounds in 1 hit :0
I didn't realize that NBW actually negates all of these CC skills! No idea how it would negate scavenger . But the big thing to me was Surprise Attack. I was thinking he'd be good if you know there's going to be Impersonation enemies. But now he's even better knowing he negates the Surprise Attack and the Martial Arts. So no matter what, it at least comes down to the dice and them at -6. (Another NBW would negate his I-Khol). Even a fantastic CC monster like Mushashi will be at a 19, no Martial arts, no dual weapons. Yes yes I know it's a shooting game but I still think it's pretty cool. Assault Berserk Dual Wield Guard (Human Sphere N3, updated in Daedalus' Fall) i-Kohl (Human Sphere N3) Martial Arts Natural Born Warrior (Human Sphere N3) Poison Protheion (Human Sphere N3) Scavenger Stealth Surprise Attack