[POLL] 2020 Seoul Quarantine painting contest

Discussion in 'Miniatures' started by ObviousGray, May 16, 2020.


Your votes for Quarantine Painting Contest!

Poll closed May 30, 2020.
  1. No. 1 - Infiblah's Knights Hospitallers

    2 vote(s)
  2. No. 2 - KEDI's Bakunin Moiras and Kusanagi

    1 vote(s)
  3. No. 3 - Ugin's Blue Szalamandra

    25 vote(s)
  4. No. 4 - Tabukkebab's PanO Pallbearers

    0 vote(s)
  5. No. 5 - Painting Daesoon's Haqqislam

    0 vote(s)
  6. No. 6 - Kim Chum-G's Dashat Gangers

    5 vote(s)
  7. No. 7 - Gentoo's Shasvastii No.1

    0 vote(s)
  8. No. 8 - Kongkongkongkong's Yu Jing

    0 vote(s)
  9. No. 9 - Shalshal's Tropical Tunguska

    9 vote(s)
  10. No. 10 - Aoriapple's Foreign Company A-Team

    10 vote(s)
  11. No. 11 - Zzammae's 'The Good Morat, Bad Morat, Ugly Morat'

    5 vote(s)
  12. No. 12 - Anabi's Nerf Gun Ikari

    0 vote(s)
  13. No. 13 - Doubletime's PanO Celebs

    0 vote(s)
  14. No. 14 - Shy90's Druze Core Team

    1 vote(s)
  15. No. 15 - Dashing-Polarbear's All New Combined Army

    0 vote(s)
  16. No. 16 - Cabrera's Invincible Army

    0 vote(s)
  17. No. 17 - Pakpak's Varuna Water Ballet Team

    3 vote(s)
  18. No. 18 - Kuribo's Combined Army Baterds

    4 vote(s)
  19. No. 19 - Elladan's Practical PanO Bundle

    0 vote(s)
  20. No. 20 - OTGarlic's Cyberpunk ALEPH Investigators

    8 vote(s)
  21. No. 21 - Jawsman's JSA

    2 vote(s)
  22. No. 22 - Krenshaw's Tartary Corps

    0 vote(s)
  23. No. 23 - CatsgoWoof's USAriadna brothers

    0 vote(s)
  24. No. 25 - Archive's Bakunin Koala Lovers

    0 vote(s)
  25. No. 26 - Spitfire Dragon's Ariadnan Sniper Contest

    0 vote(s)
  26. No. 27 - Sucralose's Yu Jing

    12 vote(s)
  27. No. 28 - Synorapsus' Teutonic Order

    1 vote(s)
  28. No. 29 - Datep's Ariadna Roadsters

    1 vote(s)
  29. No. 30 - Alphango's Colorful ALEPH

    0 vote(s)
  30. No. 31 - Pinhead Larry's Chappy, Big Boi, Weird Boi

    0 vote(s)
  31. No. 32 - Jak J's Dead Jungle's Society

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Hello for fellow Infinity players throughout the world. Due to recent coronavirus we are all unwillingly containing ourselves inside our home scratching our floor mats, thus we had an idea about having #stayathome Infinity painting contest!

    Total 33 Candidates submitted their assembled-primed minis, the contest began in 04/15. Candidates needed to paint at least total silluete of 7.

    In 05/13, 31 out of 33 projects were finished, we were pretty shocked about the quality of miniatures and the zeal of our painters - and now we are asking you to pick two of your eye candies.

    Below are our candidates and their minis. Since we were not able to gather up for taking sorted photo, the pictures were highly influenced by individual's photo skills and editing. But please,take your time, and do us a favor by picking two!

    Let's begin!


    No. 1 - Infiblah's Knights Hospitallers

    Total Sil - 8

    He was highly hyped by upcoming Svalarheiman Winter Force, so even being a husband and a father to a child, he made it finishing the contest!


    No. 2 - KEDI's Bakunin Moiras and Kusanagi

    Total Sil - 8

    A very zealous painter and modeler, with overflowing zeal, led to convert a new Kusanagi with LOL vibe, with some Moiras to support her treads.


    No. 3 - Ugin's Blue Szalamandra

    Total Sil - 7

    The guy who slowly paints Nomads were ready for this thing.


    No. 4 - Tabukkebab's PanO Pallbearers

    Total Sil - 18

    A new face, He devoted his COVID-19 self quarantine into something very artistic one, including giving colors to his killer flamer bots.


    No. 5 - Painting Daesoon's Haqqislam

    Total Sil - 17

    Owner of Dog Daesoon and also a very fast painter, Painting Daesoon finished his painting within a week - making people rush to grab a silver medal of finishing!


    No. 6 - Kim Chum-G's Dashat Gangers

    Total Sil - 10

    Already a renowned painter, ChumG showed his best technique of painting - optical camouflage.


    No. 7 - Gentoo's Shasvastii No.1

    Total Sil - 18

    Owner of fabulous jacket and very devoted Combined Army player, He did not missed the chance of cleaning out Shasvastii tower of repent before Defiance to add more to the tower of repent.


    No. 8 - Kongkongkongkong's Yu Jing

    Total Sil - 11

    Although he was away from main Infinity scene, the guy from south submitted a nice themed Invincible Army. Clean bases and lovely color scheme!


    No. 9 - Shalshal's Tropical Tunguska

    Total Sil - 17

    Fantastic airbrush skills incarnated into fantastic dreamland themed Tunguska, with diorama!


    No. 10 - Aoriapple's Foreign Company A-Team

    Total SIl - 12

    This guy lost his Senor Massacre without reason, but he compensated it with converted Massacre.

    No. 11 - Zzammae's 'The Good Morat, Bad Morat, Ugly Morat'

    Total Sil. 18

    He gladly vowed to achieve victory with his lovely painted, old-sculpted veteran Morats.


    No. 12 - Anabi's Nerf Gun Ikari

    Total Sil. 17

    Lover of rag-tag mercenary concept presents a fabulous nerf gun themed Ikari, with such distinctive colors.


    No. 13 - Doubletime's PanO Celebs

    Total Sil - 18

    The reasons why you play PanO - Big Robot, Joan and Cool looking German Sword.


    No. 14 - Shy90's Druze Core Team

    Total Sil - 10

    A professional soldier with enthusiastic painting will. We do hope he can return to club with these minis.


    No. 15 - Dashing-Polarbear's All New Combined Army

    Total Sil - 14

    He said losing Mentor's hand was not in his plan. He's looking for suitable Scepter now.


    No. 16 - Cabrera's Invincible Army

    Total Sil - 9

    IA players will naturally try Yan Huo Haris someday, thus his brushes naturally headed to Yan Huo Haris.


    No. 17 - Pakpak's Varuna Water Ballet Team

    Total Sil - 18

    He said the Water guys will help him throughout hard semester for graduate student.


    No. 18 - Kuribo's Combined Army Baterds

    Total Sil - 7

    He wanted to paint a Rodok HMG, but it turned out that he always uses that stuff in game making no empty schedule for painting.


    No. 19 - Elladan's Practical PanO Bundle

    Total Sil - 10

    'Like a kitchen utensil home shopping!' His motto was this while painting the essential PanO units.


    No. 20 - OTGarlic's Cyberpunk ALEPH Investigators

    Total Sil - 18

    With exceptional object source lighting, he wanted to demonstrate cyberpunk's neon light upon remorseless ALEPH.

    No. 21 - Jawsman's JSA

    Total Sil - 13

    Everyone tries the Evangelion color scheme, not all one succeeds, but this guy did it.


    No. 22 - Krenshaw's Tartary Corps

    Total Sil - 17

    Also known as 'The guy who drinks', Krenshaw is enjoying his vacation before returning to Canada.


    No. 23 - CatsgoWoof's USAriadna brothers

    Total Sil - Over 18

    He's still looking for Gen Con Unknown Ranger.

    No. 25 (Due to No. 24's dropout) - Archive's Bakunin Koala Lovers

    Total Sil - Over 18

    We all love crazykoalas and its bearers, but this guy means real koala business.


    No. 26 - Spitfire Dragon's Ariadnan Sniper Contest

    Total Sil - 12

    Guess Autocannons counts into 'Sniper Rifle' categories?


    No. 27 - Sucralose's Yu Jing

    Total Sil - 8

    Citizens, Sun Tze V2 is endangered species - treat him with exceptional cares and paintjob.


    No. 28 - Synorapsus' Teutonic Order

    Total Sil - 18

    He said he'll paint these knights with his wholehearted wish for Teuton's resculpting.


    No. 29 - Datep's Ariadna Roadsters

    Total Sil - 16

    One can love bike, one can bring out bikes in game, but no one have ever thought about painting four bikes at the same time except this guy.


    No. 30 - Alphango's Colorful ALEPH

    Total Sil - 17

    His ID represents his playing factions, ALEPH and PanO - but he recently bought CHA army. He wishes it would remain as a secret. I can guarantee it tbh

    No. 31 - Pinhead Larry's Chappy, Big Boi, Weird Boi

    Total Sil - 9

    O-12's finest ready for action, this time with shiny boots.

    No. 32 - Jak J's Dead Jungle's Society

    Total Sil - 17

    A classy way to let one's iceboxed army live once more.

    Thank you for participating!
    Usashi, Willen, ETEA and 7 others like this.
  2. Packpack

    Packpack Active Member

    Feb 7, 2018
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    Thank you for your service during painting contest, Mr. Mushroom!

    And another shots for my water-PanO team:) KakaoTalk_20200516_235157790_01.jpg 1589640335.jpg
    toadchild, jherazob, Sungwon and 3 others like this.
  3. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Have i mentioned lately that you guys over there are goddamned wizards? Because i should have, you guys over there are goddamned wizards, not just is some of the painting masterful, but there's quite a bit of fantastic conversion work there too. Having only two choices is borderline cruel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    ObviousGray likes this.
  4. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    Always lovely to see everyone's work; it's going to be hard to pick just two. I also always appreciate how your posts include painters from all skill levels. It's nice to see how welcoming and encouraging your group is to newcomers.
    ObviousGray likes this.
  5. Capo.Paint

    Capo.Paint Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Great amount of very nice paintjobs! It is a pity to only choose two of them.
    Big shoutout to the blue Szalamandra, the Eva 01 TAG and of course the Druze-squad.
    ObviousGray likes this.
  6. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    So lets begin
    i will do something yu do not get often im gona make a write up

    1: Safe play all tho white and black is one of the hardest things to do - so the bast looking part is brown orange magazine will look good on table
    2 : again white is your enemy you know what you want to do but your tech is not on correct lvl to pull of white black and red on one mini
    3:There ius like a lot of things going on - swiching weapons , not mounting parts of armour (that looks strange on mini ) and placing reflections from places that they have no intrest to be and forgeting about them in other places - but over all Very good job it is eve catcher a bit over load one but hey
    4: hard to tell a lot of small minis
    5 : From what i c it is save and corect use of basic tech - like dry brush + wash - you not gona win a comptition with it but looks good on table
    6 : This is interesting as it is very good idea realized in not perfect way way to fast - this could be a stunner if it was fuly realized concept with nice finish - it looks like very fast job
    7:a lot of smal minis but again hard combo to pull - black and red - even good painters tent to escape to a tricks to pull this off
    8 :Well it is done and i c a interesting ideas but skills not yet there
    9: An interesting things complementary colours galore save from black white and red - this always helps a bit missing final detail part but will look stuning on table as a team - good job
    10 : Well lit is even painted squad not mutch to pick on looks like painter could go way better but decide to stop at specyfic lvl and made whole squat at exacly same lvl - looks good all tho tous bases lover the over all effect
    11: o god again black + red and green - wel at lest this time it is clean made but lack in details and looks like a fat dry brush at a times - at lrst at table will look good
    12 : a lot of minis a lot of washes and risky coloursa like red and purple - this will make your eyes hurt as red and purple + green is a common optical ilussion
    13: not best photos in terms of rez but looks clean and flat one is good other not mutch - never less will look nice on tables
    14 : Save erthy tones - always good as you may anounce "i was up for down to earth dirty and natural look " all tho it not saves from lack of details ;)
    15 : red black and green and gooy ,,,. it is hard to pull of this colours and it ia another work proving it
    16 : Yellow + orange wash and dry brush on guns - well it works on the table will not win a reward but will work
    17: there is always problem with blue - how to shade it if you mix it on wet palette you doing it right but if yoiu applay layers from the botle you get rainbow instade one blue as paints are blue but not same shade - safe way is to just applay wash and let it do the shading - thing is base colour must be a tone brighter then final desired colour other whise your end way to dark especialy with a mini that cack up black to - but congrats for clever avoiding white trap and going for grey and off whites
    18: look atthat a CA in YJ colours i realy like it - easy to read nice wethering could go one step more on yellow armours but it is realy goood ;)
    19 : Blue , and grey khaki - well it works and is done
    20: this issomething interesting with hard osl ideas acroiss whole squad and shity photo soi may not c details to write up about how actualy good it is made - but looks in theory realy good - but devil sits in the details and thous photos lack of them
    21 : So it is Neon Genesis JSA - good idea but lacking in tech department
    22 : there is a lot of grey - it is a n idea to paint an army in this way again not best photo to show details and in this caind of lo contrast more to real look minis details ae things that do mini or dont
    23 : this is basic will do on table feve corectly made washes could push this nicy in correct way but now is flat
    24: and we got true metalicks .. and whitee token bases and lo rez photos and this not helping at all
    25: What with this white bases - they do not help a colorful minis from above but make iven worst effect on green cammo units - in the flat snow. Green and earthy tones are safe and this shows - even if it far from perfect it looks "narural" - thing is white bases make this look out of place
    26: ye this looks good - bases looks awfull and purple colour just h8 you - it is glossy and shading is way to much visible - there is feve things to do purple - one is : "don't do it" other is "shade it instade highlightning" and last one is purple is red + blue paint it with thous and avoid pure purple like a poison it never mix well from a bottle as it is already usualy mix of at lest 3 pigments or more . - whole squad looks very good but bases ..
    27: props you stay away from white (pure white ) ad rest looks clean ish and now the rest - it lack in finish and bases brown got same colour as the one got used for leather pouches - are thet waliking on leather ground or they got pouches made of dirt ??
    28: ow a red + blue green and it is recipe for tragedy - looks good on ice cream but is damn hard to paint this nicly - you made it harder for yor selfe by colour selection
    29: red and purple and another god for ive cream but not good on mini lolour idea - hard to pull of
    30: so this is canon o12 theme - never like it congrats it is clean and it is hard to get blue + yellow clean as it makes things to go green hue - you cheated it by using metalic paint and a orange hued one so it do not run in to green teritory (but crate a purple ilusion instade :)P
    31 : Well it is done and bases are not white so not bad will work on table

    So as you may c above ther is a lot of ways to make your work harder - it starts with colour selection sometimes is better to sit 1h thinking on colour theme instade rushing to the desk slap colours around and then struggle with clashing colours and colours that create third one if they mix even a bit .

    so who is best - dunno im missing good photos of feve minis mostly nr 20 with osl -
    most ppl will point out nr 3 but i would like to point out how good as a team looks nr 18 and how colours fith with bases and over all mood of the squad and yes it lack this final touch .... and ofc nr 20 .. with way to small photos
    and i hope you like my write up and not get offended by it as it was not my intend but if you start in a contest you will be judged and better to know what and why you got placde here and there instade of "it was judges vote and buzz of " ;)
    Xeurian, jherazob and ObviousGray like this.
  7. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Wow, totally golden comments! Thanks!

    Yeah, although it is not a master tier, we all wanted to encourage newcomers to step into painting. No matter the quality, its a good thing!

    We all want more newcomers as a gamer and a painter!

    Druzo core is better on table! Thank you for the comments.

    We really, seriously appreciate your detailed opinions about everyone's painting and skills! The comments are jewel, and it will surely help our mates to improve their skills.
    jherazob likes this.
  8. OTGarlic

    OTGarlic Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Hello this is OTGarlic (Entry 20).

    I saw comments that it is hard to see the details of the work. So I upload original photos :D

    I'm very nervous because it's my first work to upload on the Internet XD

    Berjiz, Willen, Koin-Koin and 2 others like this.
  9. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    IF ANY OF authors would like more detailed write up he just need to ask and i may try to give some hints (beside nr 20 - he need god .. i mean good photos ;) ) and if they wonder if i can paint - just send them to my topic there is a full range of minis the things tat may be missin may be a competition peaces totaly not related to this forum

    o hello a mr 20 just posted - this will be edited as i check his photos
    jherazob likes this.
  10. OTGarlic

    OTGarlic Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Thank you So much :)
    jherazob likes this.
  11. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Ha !
    So mr Garlic you made a big leap of faith with this one.
    Where to start
    maybe from pros :
    congrats on interesting idea and to be brave enught to put it to work - usualy osl is made in a way you put it on the mini or in a base and then light propagate around it - and you made that (orange lights on pink blue ladys ) - you will find it on a lot of my minis - it is a good way to get eye cacher :)
    Then you decide you need 2 more light sources and by this avoid any "base colour" of the minis - it is a way how you build night scene and this is a good idea to simplyfy work process as in light deficiency sytuacion all colours get dimmed and a strong light turn a lot of colours in to same one (blue / green and even some of red hues will look milky in the night ) - good thing you have not forget about bases and pout same thing on them as on minis (a lot of ppl forget about this and this ruins whole effect )
    You also menage to place light more or less correctly not for getting that one thing may obscure path for light for another so creating shadows.
    Things you missed - is light propagation on materials and reflection of such
    so you will not end at any point with as strong light you put on a mini with a single black spot - there will be always a light bounced back from one source or from the other - or from the ground creating reversed higlights on edges as if the light come from the bottom - that for "hard materials" but all fabric and leather and skin will propagate light and colour of it loosing intensiviti of such - it is like your own hand became red if you look on light true it - this is light propagation (and this is why princes Leya in rouge one looks so fake - it lacks of it and deep fake made by some guy looks way better - as it include it from orginal source photos same go for Tarkin )
    you may check recently posted by me Thor + Valkir and Hela with osl for this topic
    so basicly you never get a hard cut light on things it is rather fade away effect or in case of more light or intense colours it is area where they mix - and there is one exception (actualy 2 ) laser light it is on point or on area and do not grants propagation - it may penetrate and then disperce but not "slide" over it - other is extreamly powerful light source - it will propagate and it will bounce from all sides but share amount of light will make all other lights dim to the point it will look black - never less it will propagataand bouncing but human eye will not register it - works for making a nuclear bomb explosion display ;).

    ok to wrap things up lets talk about tech :
    it is a strange mix of good clean tech with total mess, sometimes you got this nice sharp and clen edges and just near by you get this big sploch of colour and slopy smudges - usualy with white or angry orange
    your work would benefit gratly from final touches and from better planing before painting - doing osl usualy require some planing , doing 2 - twice as and going for 3 is a bit crazy as light will do all the things you do not want to think about but you should if effect have to look good.
    you can find some examples in my topic - an old Specter on page one it is a night scene with light on a pole that got obscured by the hand of an operator - adding context to light usualy help to tell the story
    on page 4 you will find a "Ragic in a steel mill " - it is a thing on how colours will dim with strong light near by and how the light will propagate
    and then is Joan of hot and dangerous and how light will bounce create reflectin on a different things
    and Armand le Omlet with light placed on the base - similar to your own base block and tactical rocks ;) and ye it is caind of night scene to.
    But the thing you made is the caind of Thor Hella and Valkyr and one of the star lords and this effect is sold by correct placing of final highlights
    So basicly you jumped on very hard thing to do and almost made it right - CONGRATS !
    You got other minis done in "normal" way ? to show
  12. OTGarlic

    OTGarlic Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I am very pleased with your kind and accurate advice. Since I haven't learned anything about painting, it's very helpful to suggest a direction for what I should study more :) And Oh my.. Your works are so Great! I hope someday I can paint with rich colors like you.
    I have some 'normal':grin: works (like my profile photo) but quality is not clear because it was taken on a mobile phone.
    Maybe I gonna upload those photos later at new post :D
    Thank you for your advice!
    jherazob likes this.
  13. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    hi im kuribo!

    Thank you for your comment!
    Recently I've been getting the same evaluation over and over and over. It said, "That's still good! But you can do better, right? Why aren't you doing it?" At the same time, I feel a little less popular with my painting (although it wasn't very popular before), so this time I tried stronger weathering, chipping, and more colorful photo editing (not like putting a filter on the picture or anything like that. That's a scam, isn't?) I thought it was basic to raise the layer neatly and prettily, so I wasn't being careless. I uploaded 5 layers of layering and regret not shading this time.
    The excuse has been prolonged, so to begin with, were the techniques used in this painting the wrong choice? I wonder if I should have focused on adding more basic colors.
    #13 mr.bushido, May 17, 2020
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
    jherazob likes this.
  14. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Hello So you are nr 18 - a Yellow CA and like 2 years a go you got a JSA but photos of it was washed away from the forum.
    It is not the tech or application it is the lack of final touch and by this i do not mean nice bases or or decals
    you probably know "Kujo Painting" and his YT channel - his final pass are thouse white dots he make ... i even made a tutorial about this like 4 ~5 years ago .. it is a way to add a finishing to an area to crank up contrast from 7/10 to 9/10 and in your case thera are 2 things that would puss you up a lvl in skill - CONTRAST and MAKING DIFFERENT MATERIALS TO NOT LOOK SAME
    for contrast thing : http://chestofcolors.com/about-driving-and-contrasts/
    it is nice article to get the idea what is the problem
    and in term of the materials - all parts in your mini got same contrast and lvl of detaling Yellow parts the NMM blue grey ones a, the grey ones and Green ones - they are same but should not be if an Yellow armor is this non reflective carapace and blue grey parts are metalic - they should shine and be on high contrast , include some scraches and all things associated with NMM pipes and blades ,
    Green on Guns got same glow and contrast and shading like armor on Shavasti - one of thous are "glowing" weapon parts other is a bug like Carapace - make this look different - and this can be done without changing colours - just with type of shading for different materials and detailing.
    So we could say you play things to safe.
    got pictures of other minis ??
    jherazob likes this.
  15. archangeleong

    archangeleong Deadly Ninja Assassin

    Jul 7, 2018
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    Very nice painting all round. Congrats on such a great community coming together in these hard times ;-)
    ObviousGray likes this.
  16. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    Thank you for your valuable comments! If I had seen this comment before this competition, I would have had a better result, but the results of this competition have become very sad for me. I'll come out with something even better next time, so look forward to it XD
    There are so many pictures of requests and personal work before the competition! However, I haven't used a lot of thread-type bulletin boards, so I can't upload a lot here. If you do Instagram, please visit my account. The work so far has been gathered there. And the pieces will be uploaded a little bit slowly, but I'm going to upload them here.
  17. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    in terms of insta - it helps if you add a link or nick ;)
    it would be hard to c this comment before - it would require a time travel
    is the result that bad ?? - don't think so, you got one of better works in this and you got free of charge tip from me ;)
    Rules of this competition are a bit rigged they require to paint a S7 minature or minatures so painting a TAG is deffinitly a easy way out as it would be like comparing an 32 mm scale to 70mm - and then presenting it on same scale photos - the ammount of details will be owerwhelming on bigger scale if scaled down and will be downgraded if looked in magnyfied photo
    it is like comparing this 2 minis of mine :
    not realizing the scale difference
    they actualy look like that if set one by one - a thini scratch on his chest i the size of half other mini
    and lastly :
    this is again fake scale - i up scale thini mini to the size of big one - and everything look now heavy handed
    tats why you got categorys in minature comp ;)
    jherazob and mr.bushido like this.
  18. mr.bushido

    mr.bushido Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2018
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    my insta nickname is @kuribo_ht I would appreciate it if you could visit me and see the models I worked on!
    I totally agree that the results of this tournament are not bad. Recently, I was hungry for sound and logical criticism, and the various comments you gave me have made that thirst very cool. I was a little hesitant about my activities on the bulletin board, which is not my country's, but now I think I should do more. Thank you very much! Please look forward to studying English more and working at this forum (actually I have been writing very slowly with a translator plus my low English skills).
    maru likes this.
  19. maru

    maru Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Holy fuck it took me an ages to log in to my instagram and look at your stuff as my account was from the era begone when instagram was not called instagram but it imported my account an it cause bazylions of problems. So you would like me to comment here about minis or there .. and are yo a cat in the photo or one of the persons in the glasses ? - asking as a lot of ppl online think i'm a cat .. or not a real person XD
    jherazob likes this.
  20. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Lots of really good works and efforts, keep it up! Voted on my favourite, more about how the pieces made me feel and the clean painting.
    ObviousGray likes this.
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    We are a company founded in 2001 in Cangas (Spain), and devoted to design and manufacture games and figures. Our main product, Infinity the Game, was born with the ambition to satisfy the most demanding audience, offering the best quality.


    Why are we here?


    Because we are, first and foremost, players.

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