sorry, but I cannot aggree. That argument can be used to the combis: "its an spitfire with worse rangebands to cheat the SWC cost". While also at the other side we have an MK12 with a SWC tax. The RF problem is that it allways pays the same SWC, which is the same problem MSR have, but RF is not so overcosted, only a bit undercosted, but it doesn't deserve paying 2 SWC in HI as spitfire does, and paying 1SWC to get shock on a DMG13 is not so problematic, maybe it could be 1,5. In nomads is not so strange to get SWC taxes after all. other point, don't think that targetted as something that will buff geckos. Is something that might buff anything, and that kind of buffs help more the allready good at firefighting that the medium ones.
Yes, but years ago and not much. Is my... 4th? 5th army? not sure in which possition it gets XD. Actually I've played all vainillas (most of my pano and yj miniatures were from n1) but CA and Haqqyslam. Why the question? I can put my experience in time here, but that is of not much use IMO
The Mowang Red Fury is almost exactly a Gecko with Mimetism that drops all the goofy TAG stuff like Tac Awareness and Pilot.
speaking a bit more generally, YJ now also seems to have everything you keep asking for here, especially in regards to command skills.
Personally I feel like my armored units are afraid of Yu Jing armored units, but I have specialist units that see them as prey.
so and strawman in the end. Let me explain I said CoC could be nice on a character but we will not see it on a hypotetical character because that kind of rules is baned for nomads CoC is not as nasty rule as you think, or at leas, some people think its ok (and I'm here) Nomads have limited access to command rules (other factions have limited access to other rules, some might be as impactfull as ours, some are not, but I don't see the need to remind that in here, is not relevant), but if we are limited because "nomads are more chaotic", why don't we have access to more rules that represent that as wildcards, more versatile fireteams, or TAC-AWA in solo troopers ? and you think "you want YJ because it has those rules". Why doing strawmans all the time and rebate the arguments? Taskmaster is also a big guy with access to redfury, better at defending a zone than gecko (only not as sturdy), and with a "command rule" that could be more used in nomads (but in expensive troopers and in a edition without command groups is useless), or kriza, which also applies the -3 and has burst 4 with its MK12. I said gecko is a mediocre TAG. Its only merit is beign cheap and several options to make it more interesting, be it move better (The slowest TAG in that), being a bit better at shotting (is tied as the worst TAG in that regard, but we all know that he will not get BS14. with the worst weaponry), it got hit the most by the TAC-AWA tax while being the one that can have less benefit (and explained why), he should have never paid that tax, and it is allready paying a SWC tax because reasons. Beign "cheap" is one thing, being "good" is another, if not, wildcats would be better than intruders allaways, and we all know that isn't true. I just want gecko being good for its costs, not just an S6 mobile brigada with only 2 not so good weapon options that has not a real niche (a mobile will do the same work most of the time) The problem I see when improving the gecko, is that any rule/option we could put in, will make it very similar to another troop in the game, be it mowang if mimetism, taskmaster if stealth or free agent, al fasyd if something like mines, grenades os similar, etc. But that might also be applied to most of those units people in the other sub-forums complain about also, I would like to see some changes and improvement in nomads, not an stagnation as some other people seem to want (no new sectorial, out some profiles, no to new profiles in troops allready in, no hacking improvement, no this, no that, and so). But I think that troopers that are underused because they are underperforming need a look into, and gecko or wildcats (not only them, but seems that CJC is the only sectorial that deserves be talked about) are of those IMO (Well, I would say almost all TAGs in the game, not only geckos, but there are some that were performing ok, just were too expensive to be fielded so they needed special lists).
Maybe give it ED1 to reinforce its expendability? I know we already have Lv2 on the Iguana but it could be established as some kind of Nomad way of TAGs or Manned TAGs in general :D
That would improve their current niche instead of trying to find a new one. I'm not really looking for something new on them until I see if what they currently have is already good in N4.
Give them AD: Combat Jump. Wouldn't be too strong given their weapon loadout, points cost, S6 silhouette and the risks of AD. This would keep them from stepping on the toes of the Taskmaster and Kriza while also keeping them different from other TAGs.
Give ED1 to all manned TAGs, at least that way you have an appreciable upside when compared to Rem. Pres. TAGs what with their 2 levels of unconcious, re-rollable repairs, Lack of Cube (great if there is a high number of CA players around), inbuilt courage and immunity to expel, all at a negligible increase in cost.
That was actually publically tested and I believe the general consensus was that it was way too good.
yeah there was a mission in the last campaign that gave everything with zero g AD2, geckos rolled through entire flanks. I loved it, my opponents, not so much. Also the caskuda got deleted for a reason.