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Robot_Jones Fan Art

Discussion in 'FanArt' started by robot_jones, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Well, in Bakunin WEIRDEST Modules could be a "Fancy Party Dress". . . . .!!!

    Nothing of being SHY to brag about "Appreciated Fanservice" by Authors; My best friend gloated for a lot of Time about "Aaron Dembsky Bowen" appreciation about My Besties' Posts about Gothic Vampires and WH40K (where My friend likes especially the "Nightlords", sort of "Vampiric Batman Astartes" corrupted by Kaos. . .). . . . .!!!
    robot_jones and Golem2God like this.
  2. jherazob

    jherazob Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    And with reason :grinning:
    Xeurian, robot_jones and Golem2God like this.
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Congrats on getting noticed like this. I hope for your sake that the 3d image does become an actual miniature. If that does happen would you end up buying the sculpt to have in your collection? Personally I'd at least try to acquire a miniature that someone based off of a piece of art I made.
  4. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Missing some parts because the others are disliked is not very wise. People should or could ignore part of Shirow works. In some countries, only the non-pr0n side is avaliable anyway, so in those places it is easy to go with the "classics" only. Even the bad works could have good parts, I don't know, maybe the textures or the colors, so study that and ignore the layout or the story completly. Artists change mood or topics, artists rarelly have the same quality all the time... that is another lesson for pupils.

    CB should relaunch Bootleg (as Booty&Legs, of course). And put you in charge.
    robot_jones and jherazob like this.
  5. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    What a pity, would like to see the finished result.
  6. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I get excited everytime they give me a spotlight in their newsletters, but this time senpai really noticed me. Also I definitely would buy it!

    I really like their pitch for bootleg and I think CB would've killed it if they were not only for collectors/hobbyist, but if they were also playable or easily converted onto playable miniatures (instead of diorama pieces). Also aside from drawing, I'm probably not qualified for that, and my spanish is limited to the taco bell menu lol

    Probably not happening. The reason my finished:unfinished project ratio is heavily skewed towards unfinished is because my mind is always running mostly with stupid ideas but with bad retention. So I need to put it down somewhere either in my sketchbook, a note, or on photoshop. I just don't remember my goal with that YJ Lady. I think it was a sort of detective/inquisition type mixed with a kpop star.

    Anyways I did a quick sketch this morning of the Odalisque haris I drew some time ago. I still struggle with perspective especially in relation to the figures, but I think the scale relation between the figures themselves are much better this time around.
    odalisques again_resized.jpg
    I've always wanted to draw what I think YJpop stars would look like since I watch/listen to kpop all the time. But I've never hit what have in mind.
  7. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I agree with this statement. Make the models playable on the tabletop would give them a bigger audience. No need for a weapon to be on the miniature just make it able ot proxy any loadout of the unit that is being done.
  8. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I've been really digging the new spec-ops models and the agents of the HS - they make execellent proxy miniatures, but CB could take it a bit further. I remember Bostria pitching battle damaged knights and an Asura with an arm torn off. CB already does skins for aristeia, and they made a chibi miyamoto and pulpi minis for infinity. Though a bit eccentric, I do like that Wyrd makes completely alternative models for their profiles like genderbent characters, holiday themes, cats, etc etc.

  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Maybe someday they'll do that or have alternate history version fo certain miniatures like Privateer Press does for Warmachine/Hordes.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  10. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I like the idea too but it shouldn't be happening while there are profiles without models.
  11. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I disagree. There's still countless profile options without models and needed resculpts as well. Seems like CB forgot OSS (again) with no updated miniatures for Asura MR, Asura Spitfire, Naga Hacker, Naga BSG, Dasyus (all), Proxy Mk2 Hacker (still missing since the beginning), Probots, Sophotect, Yudbots, Marut. I'm still proxying miniatures for Foxtrots among other options in USARF like Mavericks and Hardcases. Are Tohaa players ever going to get a Taqeul? Or maybe just a new Szalamandra Pilot? I still don't get why Spetsnaz got boxed together with the fourth and last option doesn't have a model which would made a perfect complete box, and I don't know where to even start with the Montessa.

    With all the profiles/profile options without miniatures in mind, there's still time for Agents of the HS, new armies, new characters, HVTs, aristeia and aristeia skins (or maybe not any more), multiple joans v2, one print limited edition models which includes the pulpi minis and preorder minis, ITS minis, sectorial-specific spec-ops, etc etc. If that's the case, then there's almost certainly time for miniatures and alternatives that could be used for one of the many missing options or simply for flavor. They're already doing exactly what we're talking about with the cute winter alternatives for the ORC MR, Fusiliers, and Zhanshis. Tippity top! They could've saved time and just throw in the Icestorm models, but thankfully they didn't. They look great and now I want more winter fusiliers and ORCs, and also swimsuit versions for Varuna,
  12. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I launch this weird idea. . .

    Infinity Famous Character somehow "Cosplaying" the Gothic-Scifi of Warhammer 40.000. . . . .???

    If there is "Elven Prince Of Lorien" for Aristeia some "Underhive Morlock Ganger" or "Dark Angel Panoceanian Crusader" is NOT too off the rack. . . . .

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Corvus Belli and their style, but as MUCH as "Atari Logo" appearing in Bladerunner2043, some kind of "Universe Crossover" could be AMUSING to AT LEAST draw for Fanarts. . . . . .???

    And BOTH Bostria and Yasbir have YET drawn some HUMOROUS visual jokes for "WH40K In Infinity". . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. archon

    archon Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I think CB is still an "Artist-Company". They - more or less - do what they think, looks awesome. It would be very nice to close all the loadout doors, but honestly I think this will never happen. Too much new stuff, too much alternate versions (even Joan Mobile 2.0 got only a new arm-set and she look so good). But sometime it looks like the forgot something very important (for the players), the Morans for example, they not aged well and are screaming for a resculpt. In the case of OSS, it seems they just think, to old stuff is good enough and added only some loadouts with new bodys (Asura Hacker, Deva Hacker (unfortunatly not with BSG), some realy needed resculpts (Dakinis), a less needed but good looking resculpt (Deva Spitfire) and an absolute not needed, but also good looking resculpt (Naga Sniper).

    In case of Köldstrom it is nice to have some alternatives, but now we have to paint up three more line-Zhanshis ... if we realy wan´t that look :wink:

    uh and by the way: nice drawing and a good amount of humor

    Aren´t the Morlocks all Comic-Inspired? And speaking of 40K, the space wolf in the newest dire foe set is something were the opinions differ wiedly. I, for example, don´t like this look for a Pan O unit.
  14. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @archon I agree. They seem to go with what looks cool. Not always for the best - for example: Joan v1, all of the Guard models, Patsy, Kuroshi Rider, etc etc. But they can easily close those loadouts by not constantly adding more or at least slow down. I don't need or want 5-6 new sectorials and 3 book expansions in one year. Also I think Joan v2 got so many versions to make you forget the awful v1 model exists lol. But I just won't accept "good enough" and "serviceable" as an excuse for poor quality or outdated miniatures. If the miniature can be improved it's qualified for resculpt. By good enough standards, nothing needs a resculpt especially since everyone is good on proxying miniatures. I do agree prioritizing older models is ideal though
  15. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Just wanted to say that My "Art Protege" is TRYING to recolour some of Your awesome BW Linearts in some kind of "Wood Elf Colours" (She is quite taken by the Actresses Evangelyine Lilly and Liv Tyler, portraying "Tauriel" and "Arwen" in the Tolkienian Movies). . .

    If She will JUST recolour it WELL I could consider to post it there. . .

    But if She HAVE to modify the Character a little (I have NO say in this; Her "Professional Comic Artist" teachers decides, I'm JUST the "Homeworks Tutor") then Maybe it could be started by Me ANOTHER Thread, maybe named:

    "Imitators and Homages of Robot Jones ART!!!"
    jherazob and Golem2God like this.
  16. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    It's weird, but can't stop you lol
  17. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Good Morning @robot_jones . . .

    How are going Your "Art Projects". . .??

    My "Protègèè" is quite trying (and, sadly SHE reports UTTERLY FAILING !!!) to draw something good inspired by Your awesome work. . .!!

    While her "Veteran Italian Comic Artists" TRUE Teachers have put Her on a "Hardcore Regime" of trials-and-errors (they gave Her some "Photo / Illustration" materials from the second Hobbit Movie, focused on Set-Photos and Sketch Drawings of "Tauriel", the Elven Paramour of "Prince Legolas", played by the talentuous actress Evangeline Lilly) I'm thinking to "Scan" for Her some MORE simpler "Hayao Myazaki" styled Faces and Character Roughs from "Laputa" and "Nausicaa" Atrbooks that I own. . .

    . . . . .

    Would You also like to have some of this "Graphic Reference" sent to You (maybe by PM Attachement)??

    While You are now creating an ENTIRELY Original "Yours Style of Art" I still believe that some kind of "Art Roots" from that awesome Japanese "Animation Pioneer2 could still be found in some of Your works. . .

    Let Me know what do You think of this. . . . .???
  18. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @stevenart74 Uhm it's going well. Haven't posted because It's hard to be motivated for something when nothing is coming out of it. Specifically Infinity. I'm not at all interested in C1 because I primarily play OSS and occasionally USARF. I'm interested in either of the Kaldstrom sectorials, but Kaldstrom still hasn't reached my FLGS (they only just got the release before Kaldstrom: kts, zhencha, nox). And it seems like nothing is happening with N4 at the moment. I've been mostly drawing Tau girls :) because I am interested in 9th edition and the new SM Bikers. I was getting a bit of impostor syndrome when my IG hit 600, I kept getting commission/collaboration inquiries, and I told people I would make a guide on painting faces on miniatures. It's nothing compared to someone like Angel Giraldez, but I'm just not used it and thought I was going to look like a bad painter if I it isn't perfect. Also plenty of people paint eyes and faces better than I could ever do it, so I don't know what I could possibly teach people in that field?

    cute_butt_L2_5 copy.jpg
    Went back to working on infinity butts for the time being though.

    Also I really appreciate the gesture, but I actually have little collection of art and anatomy books of my own. What kind of practice is your protege doing?
    #158 robot_jones, Jun 9, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  19. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Right left, specially the calf... something looks amiss. Dunno... shape? shading?
    Checked, lineart in previous page also gives me a "uh", so shape and maybe shading making it worse.
    robot_jones likes this.
  20. robot_jones

    robot_jones BEES!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    @Mob of Blondes Good eye. I think I was trying to convey a twist, but that legs does look weird
    I think it's a bit better now. Thanks!
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