I mean, wildcats are very clearly sized and shaped wrong. I don't think they look bad but they kinda look like you're pulling them from another game.
I'm still not so sure about if CJC or BJC has older. Moiras were our first 3D miniatures, and prowlers, brando castro, lizzard and zeroes are older (and older thab O:IS), and 2 of the sineaters weren't redone On the other side, CJC has morans and mcmurrough from before 3d, is just that t Wildcats are from before the change of scale
The entirety of the Corregidor starter(that means Wildcats with CR+LFT, Intruder with CR+LFT, the female Alguacile Hacker, and the basic Hellcat), the Hellcats(barring the Spitfire from Beyond Icestorm), Tomcats(barring the Doctor+Zondcat), Wildcats with Spitfire+HRL...none of those were done 3D. It also wasn't "before the change of scale". They were hand sculpts that were put into production while Icestorm was in the planning stages and they started doing 3D work. So no, Corregidor has way more stuff "from before 3D" it's just that you don't know what you're talking about. Because you were. They were sculpted for N2 aesthetics while N3 was starting to get planned out via Icestorm. Alguaciles were purposely kept out of the CJC box in favor of Wildcats to let Alguaciles go into Icestorm.
Debatable. They're still on the small side of things, given that the available sculpts are: Combi Rifle(F) from the starter, Boarding Shotgun(M) and Hacker(M) from the double blister(which remember was actually originally a Hacker(M) and HMG(M) with BSG(M) as its own blister...but they ditched the HMG from the double blister and replaced it with the BSG for some dumbknown reason), and the Spitfire(M) from Beyond Icestorm. You cannot look at that new Hellcat and tell me it's "in line" with the blisters. It's a question of the bulk, much like Mantic and their awful Elves(fully armored...and apparently skinnier than the skeletons supposed to be made from them!)
Not really. But the issue is that CB has let the sectorial's releases rot, to the point where things need to be "prioritized". The CJC starter should have been redone before a second PanO or YJ 'core' starter came out.
I wouldn't want Hellcats to get some big goofy-looking jetpack like most other combat jump troops get. I think they are fine. I would concede on the Wildcats that they can look better than what they do now. as for the age of BJC and CJC, CJC has more older models, but BJC has some of the oldest models going back to N2. BJC did see some updates after they finished what they wanted to do for CJC in N#, but then TJC halted those revamps. BJC needs an updated Uberfellkommando, updated characters excluding Zoe/Pi-Well, more Sin-eater options in the N3 standard, updated Zeroes, etc. And Riot Grrls... a pet peeve. They started updating Riot Grrls in with the new BJC starter, and then with the Riot Grrls box they completely changed direction in the design of the Riot Grrls. The new design direction is fine, but my link team looks like it has a conflict of personality on the battlefield.
Of course, which is why I don't mind the "individualist" design approach. But the one in the N3 BJC starter and those of the past are uniformed and have that "I'm a conformist" look. The Spitfire models also looks small compared to the newer minis.
That's because (SPOILER) the Spitfire model was done to match the sculpts from the same timeframe as Campaign: Paradiso, which were in line with the size of most traditional sculpts at the time. Read: "it's the same age as the CJC box and was designed to mesh with the previous Riot Grrls box".
Not sure if I get what u mean. You're saying that the Beyond Icestorm Hellcet is much bulkier than the repacked blister ones? First of all not deliver Defiance, release C1, N4 and another mystery game all in one year. That sounds like horrible idea and I hope I'm wrong but I feel like something has to give. Especially combined with Covid-19...
That is correct. Just the chest armor alone is bulkier than the other four Hellcats that CB released with Paradiso's timeframe...and all five models are wearing the same armor. N4 isn't supposed to be 2020, at least from what I recall. The problem with Defiance is they're seemingly treating it as a range by itself, rather than the glorified bundles of intro product that its Kickstarter indicated. They really need to hurry the hell up and release the O-12 and CA stuff from Defiance, since there's missing profiles locked away in there.
N4 is Gencon 2020. Mystery Game That's Probably Replacing Aristeia In Rotation For New Releases is November(ish) and probably the most expendable release.
Defiance, Aristeia!, and probably the November release are also a different design team running in parallel to the C1/N4 team.
Aristeia! doesn't seem like it takes up a lot of CBs resources, so I can't see why they would need to remove it from the rotation, unless they are just ending the game. The only thing that seemed to strain CB's release schedule was Defiance.
as far as I know, aristeia was supposed to have slower releases since the beggining, but CB decided to give them an initial strong push so it had a lot of models soon, and then grow slower. N4 is this year. What might not be this year is all of factions at the same time. Some of the discontinued sectorials will be approached in a later time if CB thinks they cannot make it in time The halt was not because of TJC. CJC started late n2 and halted with N3. Then CB started with BJC but halted to focus in other sectorials, some time later we got TJC (in a rushed way, IMHand recently, CJC was checked to be "on par" with N3 sectorials. 2 sectorials without almost no updates and a 3rd one rushed. You know that CB, during some time, mixed 3d-sculpts and traditional ones, right? their sculptors didn't learn to use CAD-tools instantly. Moiras were our initial 3d, but that doesn't mean that after them all the sculpts we got were 3d. Also, sometimes CB sculpts something and gets on store after other sculpts that were sculpted at a later time... or even they might announce reelases that will never occour, like a few years ago that there was planned a repack of both moran, but they never appeared. I might be mistaken with wildcats, but they are newer than the start of 3d for sure. Just look at their weapons! They are from after the start of 3d even if they were traditional sculpted. Moiras where the first unit with those weapons
I felt like it was just unwarranted whining for a long time, but at this stage I kind of agree with Kanluwen. It's got to the point where I think it's a bit off if CB launch N4 with outdated, mismatched, out of scale N2 era models still outstanding from the one of the sectorials they started it with in Icestorm. The production limitations they may have once had is not really an excuse anymore, given all the extra stuff they have done, and it just feels like sugar hit cash grabs like kickstarters are increasingly what they care about. I mean, I want the company to be financially healthy. But I also wouldn't mind a 3D sculpted Moran we've been waiting like 5 years for now, and could have reasonably have been expected to come out some reasonably short time after Icestorm. Loyalty works both ways.