Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The Lunk's position up the tree provided great lines of fire to the south. This gave it an excellent view of a pair of Suryats hunkered in the cover of a rock formation. This provoked something of an 'oh shit' moment for our intrepid REM as, unfortunately, this left it exceptionally exposed.

    This mistake did not go unpunished. The lead Suryat opened up with sustained HMG fire. The first burst tore through the jungle around Atl. Frantically, Atl loosed a Panzerfaust off in response. T

    The needle round clips the top of the rocks exploding the in face of the Suryat. Enough to wound him, but not enough to make a difference.

    he final HMG burst slams into Atl; his power systems stutter and fail. It tumbles from the trees to crash to the forest floor, likely unsalvageable.

    Ric and Xo

    To the north, the dual between the Xo and the Rodok Hacker continued. The Rodok leapt across the gap between the thicket and a larger tree firing its BSG en route. Xo, reacting quickly, ducked behind the bulk of the large tree it was using as cover. Unfortunately this meant Xo lost sight of the Rodok as it landed. Descending it's tree, Xo closed to better identify the camouflaged trooper in the Jungle.

    Meanwhile, in the grave, Ric was having troubles of his own. A burst of fire from the advancing Suryats impacted that back wall of the grave, Ric having rolled out of line-of-fire: gritting his teeth and shaking off the jarring pain from his fall.

    As Xo closed with the Rodok Hacker, Ric reacquires his network. Firing off another viral packet he tears apart the Rodok's Firewall. Again, the Rodok's mimmetism fails and his outline becomes visible. This time the attack was worse, memes and dick-pics momentarily flood the Rodoks visual sensors.

    Xo seizes the opportunity: another burst of Spitfire fire roars and multiple rounds hit the Rodok making him appear to dance momentarily before collapsing. @All: Xo killed Rodok Hacker

    As soon as the viral packet was transmitted, Ric rolled back to other side of the grave getting line-of-fire to the Suryats. A rapdid burst from his Fulgor felled one. Setting the stage to Eddie to finish off the fireteam.
    #161 inane.imp, Apr 18, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  2. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie thought he was safe. He knew better. You were never safe, anywhere.

    A jet of napalm came roaring through the jungle from the Suryats who just assaulted into their position. It passed over Konrad's marker but also carried on over into him. The jet of fire latched onto his arm. The pain wasn't instant thanks to the light armor and subdermals. However, it would leave a mark and worst of all the flames didn't die out. They clung on burning at his flesh. The pain filters kicked in to dampen synaptic responses.

    Eddie's first thought was to drop to the ground and roll to put it out but the tacnet indicated Konrad had to do the same. He wouldn't be able to bring his combi rifle to bare and hose the Suryats down. Everyone else was busy or to far to help.

    Eddie barred his slightly vampiric in design teeth, drew his Americolt Eagle from the drop down holster, and let out a warcry as he charged from cover, still on fire. Ric already laid on of the Suryats low leaving two left. More then enough for Eddie to deal with.

    He jumped between the two Morats. Shoved the giant revolver into the chest of the one on his right and pulled the trigger. The giant projectile punched right through the Suryat blowing out a head size hole from its back. With slight twist of his upper body his sword came down in a tight arc catching the other one in the back, another swing, and then another. The blade dug in deeper with each swing. Flashbacks of his time in illegal Aresteia matches came flooding back as he dispatched these two as he did so many others in those pits.

    Like that the last Suryats fell and Fred was blaring in Eddie's ear.

    "Bad guys are dead, now put out the fire you damn moron!"

    Eddie quickly dove to the ground, rolled, and flung dirt on his arm to put it out. He laid there for a few second catching his breath.

    Fuck this planet is all he could think about as he looked up into the jungle canopy.

    There was no more contacts being tagged by the tacnet or anyone's passive sensors from their comlogs. That didn't mean anything wasn't coming though. Most likely the rest of the Morat platoon the Rodoks and Suryats came from were on the way. Then there was the tree thicket going up in flames. The column of smoke would be able to be seen for kilometers. It was time to get out of here.

    In a Safe Spot, Hopefully

    The team picked up or got anyone that couldn't move onto Waremart and booked it. Good thing they did so as well. Saito from high up in a tree looked back at the area they were just in. The rest of the platoon showed up and were investigating. It was another squad of Suryats, a scouting team of Zerats and M-drones, and a command element of Suryats. Then there were the Wasps.

    The Wasps were the smaller cousin of the Buzzer however don't let the small size confuse you. These things were full fledged gunships. Two of them got called in and were providing overwatch and releasing Xhantri Bumblebee Drones to scour the surrounding area. The team should be fine but they'd have to move in about an hour to keep ahead of them.
    #162 Solodice, Apr 18, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
    stevenart74, Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    @All: Kenn, give Konrad a hand. We've got to get moving asap.

    Ric climbs out of the grave, noticeably favouring his side.

    @Eddie: Chuck us an EM grenade hermano, I need to fry Atl's memory.
    Catching the underarm'd grenade, Ric rapidly over to the Lunk. Ideally he'd have salvaged some of the equipment but there wasn't enough time with that plume of smoke revealing their position. Ric ejected the quantronic core that contained Atl's LAI-kernel and then set the EM grenade touching the Lunk: this was the most expeditious way to ensure all memory of their mission here was wiped.

    Gabo@Eddie's Geist: Grab that LFT fuel; we've been after some since Tunguska.

    He takes point again for the main group and leads them away, stopping once they're some distance away and he finds an area of thick concealment and cover.
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Hopping through the trees as the team makes their escape. Saito decides to stay in the upper layers where possible to keep a better eye out on any pursuers that their sensors might not pick up. With the CA. Anything was possible.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn-Taal: "I know. Considering I'm the medical expert here. I out of everyone would know." Taking a breath and readying himself Kenn began preparing to administer medical relief to the wounded Human called Konn-raad.

    Kenn-Taal: "I can do this just fine Igor. It's just a simple.." Taking another look at the burns of the human made Kenn reconsider the statement he was about to utter. "Perhaps more involved routine than I first thought but I have confidence that success is..What?" He turned to look at the Chaksa in the middle of his sentence. "No, I'll be needing no help. I can do this just fi..Yes, I know Igor, it is a bad..No, I won't go get someone to help. You heard Ricc. All "lets get moving" while iterated with that pain in his side. Which I failed to somewhat..Do you think I can't do this?!" Igor stood in silently as the Tohaa started to ramble.

    Kenn-Taal: "Just because I failed a couple of..So what..I..I don't have to prove anything to you. In fact the exact opposite! J..Just for that I'm doing it myself. Yes you heard me. I'm going to complete this complicated, difficult treatment without you. I know very well the odds are..Oh stop it! I'll Watch me. Watch me succeed and not crumble & collapse under the specter of failure."

    Kenn-Taal attempts to succeed a D3 Medicine test to heal Konrad of his wounds. Using a serum to grant 1 point of momentum and an extra die to the roll. The results are: 14, 2, 12. A trifecta of medical success! Looks like Kenny has managed pull off an amazing feat of skill. Just barely. Konrad's burns are dealt with and he should be fine now.

    Kenn-Taal: "See Igor! I did it without anyone's help! I've vindicated myself! And now..I'm going to find a place to lay down so no one can see how much I'm shaking. Please come over and let me know when the Humans start leaving."
    stevenart74 likes this.
  6. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Ric: 5
    Saito: 5
    Eddie: 3
    Pappy: 2
    Xo: 1
    Igor: 0
    Kenn: 0
    Konrad: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 18

    The signal was given that the team needed to move. The best idea was to follow the mapped out route they found from the scrapped Mulebot. One thing that gave everyone pause was the distance. Runenberg was a 320 Km hike. No way they would make it with their supplies nor was the research team. They must of expected to be rescued as they got closer. You all know that wasn't the case. Something happened to them between here and there.

    No better way to see what happened but to retrace their steps.

    A Few Hours and 50 Km Later

    The tired and battered team roughed it through the jungle for over 50 Kms. Daylight was beginning to dim and it seemed another day would pass on this forsaken planet for them.

    Everyone decided pressing on a bit further wouldn't hurt. As they did so they ran into an old campsite. They almost missed it as the jungle had taken over most of the equipment left behind. Everything pointed to this being the research teams from 3 years ago.

    Most of the camp was overgrown and covered by foliage but everyone could make out a few things.

    4 Tents
    A tarp hung between some trees covering what seems to be a communal area
    Another tarp covering a workstation

    The darkness of Paradiso was going to be upon them soon so what was once a campsite becomes a new one. Also going over the old camp for clues wouldn't hurt.

    [Clue searching time! Everyone give me a Observation D2 test. More momentum generated the better the find.]

    [Team has also once again used up all its water and 5 more rations. Water refill this time is a Survival D2.]

    Eddie checks out the communal area. Hopefully something would give an idea on why this was all left here or maybe where the research team went off to next.

    Spending 1 Momentum for extra d20. Pappy will also assist Eddie.

    Pappy Observation Assist D1 (TN11, FOC1): 15
    0 Successes.

    Eddie Observation D2 (TN12, FOC2): 13, 13, 18
    0 Successes. Test failed.

    All he could find was some utensils, cooking equipment, and some small fold out chairs. Why leave it all behind? It didn't look like they came under attack. Something else must of happened here.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    The kilometres practically flew by as the team booked it away from the combat site, making speed that would be enviable over open ground let-alone through thick jungle with wounded. '

    En route, Ric ensures that the group pauses for a moment to refill and purify their water.

    [Finding Water (Survival D2 TN12 FOC0) + 1d20 from the Nav Suite: 3d20 1, 16, 15 = 1 Success + 1 from Super AWA. Passed]

    On arrival at the campsite, Ric conducts a detailed search of the site while Xo mostly takes up an overwatch position: keeping an eye out to spot any potential surprises before than can cause as much of an issue as the last lot. Anything Xo spots, Gabo flags of interest so Ric can investigate it.

    [Xo assisting Ric. Ric will spend 1 Momentum to account for absurd Dice. (FakeEdit: I honestly typed this out before rolling.... I think I jinxed myself)

    Searching the camp (Obs D2 TN13 FOC1): 3d20 16, 17, 20 Lol. Re-rolling the 20 due
    Sharp Senses: 1d20 17. So that's 1 Success due Super Awa.

    Xo assisting Ric (Obs TN15 Foc 1): 2#1d20 2 1
    Extra dice was from Arachne-Eyed. So that's 3 Successes, good Xo.

    Overall, that's 1 Leader + 3 Assist successes, 4 total. Passed with 2 Momentum. Spend them both on more info.

    Ric. -1 Momentum.]
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  8. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    @inane.imp Xo tags the workbench for Ric to look at. At first there's nothing of note. A few odd bits and ends of some long forgotten project from a bunch of mismatched parts. He then pops open a container on the bench. In it is a broken multitool and the remnants of an repair kit that wouldn't be any use to them. However in the mess Ric finds a small cylinder that's out of place. It looks like a data disc carrier. He was right. Inside of it are 3 discs in decent condition.

    He loads them up in a virtual machine on his comlog to be safe.

    Disc 1: Personal Video Log 19/User/Dr. Erica Torres
    - Torres, looking worse for wear, is in her tent. It's dark out and she's whispering with a red light barely illuminating her face.
    - She goes on that Pedro and Jasem made the wrong choice. They should of tried to go to Zawacka. Runenberg is just to far with the supplies they have. She says she thinks Jasem is having doubts about his choice as well but Pedro is a man on a mission. He won't listen to anyone and he says they'll all make it no matter what.

    Disc 2: Personal Video Log 20/User/Dr. Eric Torres
    - Daylight now. She over by the workstation working on the thing Ric found. She's whispering so others don't hear.
    - She says she is worried about Aria Bat-Levi. She isn't taking anything well and she's constantly arguing with Pedro. Something about a romantic attachment to Pedro but also that she can't make the 320 Km trek. She wants to go to Zawacka. She pauses as she hears something. Everyone else in camp freezes as well. The sound of Buzzers is clear to all and three of them pass overhead. Everyone waits a few minutes to see if they are going to live. Nothing comes of it and Torres ends the video.

    Disc 3: Unknown/User/Unknown
    - This disc is heavily encrypted
    [To brute force it's a Hacking D4 or a Progressive Hacking D2 test for a slow crack (success will get the encryption done in 3 days and any momentum spent reduces that time down to a min of 1 day).]
    inane.imp and stevenart74 like this.
  9. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric keys his intercom with his tongue.

    @All:Hola hermanos, I found a data cache. Checking it out now. Looks like they left in a bit of a rush.

    Hmmm, the third disc was going to be a doozy to crack. What he really needed was some more processing power.

    @All: Hey, Konrad can I borrow Pappy for a second.

    With Gabo managing the connection and Pappy providing additional processing power, Ric proceeds to attempt to brute force the encryption on the third disc.

    [Group Test, Ric Lead with Gabo and Pappy assisting:

    Brute force encryption +3d20 (TN13 FOC1): 5#1d20 6 12 2 17 12. Tricks of the trade reroll: 1d20 3. 5 Successes.

    Assist Hacking (TN10 FOC1): 1d20 19. Tricks of the trade reroll: 1d20 13. 0 Successes.

    Passed. -2 Momentum. Waiting on Pappy.]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  10. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [Team water refilled.]


    Saito: 5
    Ric: 3
    Eddie: 2
    Pappy: 2
    Xo: 1
    Igor: 0
    Kenn: 0
    Konrad: 0
    Waremart: 0

    Heat: 18

    Pappy Hacking Assistance (TN11, FOC1): 18
    0 Successes.

    @inane.imp Ric successfully brute forced the encryption. He's presented with a bunch of info he really can't make out. It looks like field data from the research team. On top of decryption now he needs a translator. However one thing is clear. It must be pretty important if it was that heavily encrypted. The University of Medina or maybe someone else would probably happily pay for it.

    [Science D3 for anyone that wants to try and parse the data from that data disc.]
    stevenart74 likes this.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    D2 observation roll. TN 11. Roll is 10, 15. One success.
    D2 survival roll. TN 10. Roll is 16, 17. Nil.

    After the day's fiasco and the constant energy being spent to both monitor the team's progress forward as well as watch their back's against pursuit. Saito was absolutely tired. "Man, i'm out of shape for this kind of environment. Too much time on spaceships these days."

    Pulling together enough energy for a search, Saito couldn't really find anything of value. Then the call from Ric came through. Science, Saito thought. Wasn't his strong suite, so he left that to others and focused. Somewhat tiredly, on what he could do for his teammates.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  12. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After being shot in the head and nearly getting grilled by some MAF troopers, Konrad is absolutly exhausted.
    Pumped with some Meds from their Alien Medic Konrad notices nothing until they stand in the camp of the expedition.

    [Observation Test D2 Target Number 12 with 1 Foc
    Observation: 2d20 22 [2d20=15, 7]
    1 success - failed

    Well someone had been here earlier. Is the only thing Konrad can get pocking around in the leftover stuff.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  13. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    @Golem2God Kenn moved over to the abandoned tents. More looking to get out from the sun more than anything else. He enters one and finds most of its contents are gone. However, in the corner there's a notebook in a plastic cover half buried. It's similar to the one they found back with Nero's body hours earlier.

    He cracks it open and takes a look inside. Most of it is field notes but there are a few personal entries.

    To Allah. Thank you. We thought were were going to have short lives multiple times. The sound of alien craft and the sounds of battle have gotten closer since our time at Ramhorn. None of it has reached us though and I hope it never will. I do ask for guidance though. Pedro and Jasem have set us up for failure. We won't make it to Runenberg with what we have. It's like trying to trek across Alamut back home with nothing more than your lunch and single water bottle. Madness is what it is. Aria agrees with me and she says she's going to do something about it.

    - TT

    She did it. She did something and damn it all. We're going to die here. Every single one of us.

    - TT

    Everyone else is to tired or preoccupied with something else to find anything in the camp tonight. It's decided that sleep and rest was the most important thing right now.

    [Everyone but the remotes and Igor (thinking about it the Chaska Servant shouldn't be effected by this kind of test all that much with his semi-mindless nature) need to give me a Discipline D2. If you fail take 3+3d6 (Viscous 2) Resolve damage. This is effected by morale soak if you have it. For Ric it's D3 with complication +3.]

    [After that everyone also replenishes their Infinity Points back up to the number equal to their refresh rate if they spent any. Additionally anyone can attempt to rest and attempt to Recover back stress lost earlier in the day. Thanks to a longer period of time (8 hours) all Recover tests are at a -3 difficulty (can't go below D1). Kenn can also attempt to perform some better treatment for people tonight but he'll have to sacrifice sleep to do so.]


    Spends 1 Momentum for extra d20 and gets a free d20 for Discipline tests from his USAriadna Stetson.

    Eddie Discipline D2 (TN11, FOC1): 14, 5, 10, 12
    2 Successes. 0 Momentum. Test passed.
    #173 Solodice, Apr 30, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    #174 inane.imp, Apr 30, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
    stevenart74 likes this.
  15. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito was all for pitching in on watch. He was tired, sure, but compared to everyone else. He was a picture of health. He didn't know if it was because he was the only one who had been on Paradiso before..... Wait. Have any of the others been on Paradiso?

    Either way. Saito said he was up for first watch. And an extended one at that. Eddie could relieve him later on. "Don't worry people. I'll watch you." Playfully adding in a mock sinister tone. "From the shadows."

    Discipline test. TN 11. Burning 1 momentum. Roll is 1, 11, 14. Barely passed. (Although, taking extended watch will probably do some damage either way.)

    Saito deciding to let the camo recharge. Found a nice vantage point just outside of camp in a tree and took up watch using techniques to keep himself hidden.

    Stealth test. TN 15. Roll is 11, 14. Two successes.
    Observation test for look out. TN 11. Roll is 8, 12. One success.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al's Discpline D2 test without any momentum/rolls added are as follows. 8 & 7.
    Glad to see that Kenny boy will actually sleep well. He should be able to help anyone who is having trouble coping since he won't have to worry about his own mental state. Or so he thought...

    Kenn Ta'al: "What?! We're moving already? Ig..Igor stop..Stop pounding me!! I'm up! I'm up!" The Tohaa stood up slapping the larger Chaksa to no effect. "Can you be more gentle next time?!" As usual silence answered his question. "Well then..let's see what is so important that you disturbed me with physical violence."

    Following the direction where Chaksa was pointing towards Kenn reached the spot where pappy was waiting next to Konrad's burned body.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Oh ya..I was so tired I forgot. As Humans say no rest for the..I'm not wicked! Do I look like a.." Another smack from Igor snapped the Tohaa out of a possible rant. "I said stop! You nincompoop! I'm going!" It took a short walk for the doctor to reach his patient.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Hello Peppy..Pap..P..Pappy? I could have sworn..Nevermind that is not important. So you are going to help me and Igor take care of this patient?" No answer was given to the question. "Well I hope you come through in this medical case. You could find that you'll have a future in this profession. Now hand me two serums..Thank you."

    Kenn Ta'al uses both of the serums on Konrad. Now came the tricky part.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Alright now Pappy your time to shine has come. Igor stand back..I want to see how this progresses. Now I need you to work together with me and if we succeed Konny here will be all better. However it would be better for me to tie up this loose end up first before that happens. Alright..Time for the procedure to begin.."

    In order to succeed Kenn Ta'al must pass a Medicine D2 and then Pappy will add a point of Momentum after it is a success to fix the final wound.
    Kenn Ta'al's rolls for the Medicine test are as follows: 4 & 14. Both rolls are successes and the Tohaa has miraculously passed without extra dice. Now comes the next part.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Well now..that went easier than I expected. Ok Poppy you're up. Yes Igor, I know I pronounced his name wrong. Let it slide. We have a big fish to fry as the aliens say."

    Thanks to Kenn Ta'al's previous medical victory, Pappy now takes the stage giving the Tohaa not 1 but 2 points of Momentum. However Pappy must pass a roll of 11 or less in order to correctly assist the alien doctor in his work. Can he do it?

    Pappy's Assistance roll is a: 10. Just made it. Thanks to passing the test Konrad's final wound will be fixed up without any problems. The guy is burnt no longer. But now his mind needs some healing from all the trauma he has been through recently.

    Kenn Ta'al: "Whoo..I'm glad that is over with. Now I can get to bed and..Oh how can I be so stupid? The Tohaa code always heals the patient's body & mind. Usually the mind is the more important in these cases as it can mean life or death. How well you can recover also depends partially on mental state. Fighters usually have a better chance."
    #176 Golem2God, May 1, 2020
    Last edited: May 2, 2020
  17. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    With nothing of note during his shift on watch, at what was supposed to be the normal time to change the watch. Saito's geist gets a prod from Eddie's letting him know that Eddie was approaching with the intent to switch. A questioning look was met with a response that Ric wanted to do his part. Shrugging, Saito got out of his perch and got ready for some sleep. The spektr armour folding off him as he sprayed some bug repellent and went to sleep in his tent.
    stevenart74, inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  18. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Ric sets up for the night. He starts at shadows. Ric is seeing and hearing things. One second there's a Morat combi rifle breaking through a bush and the next it isn't. When the wind picks up he hears chatter or is it the leaves? A bird call sounds like a whistle from a scout. What's real and what isn't?

    Gabo@Ric: You need to relax. Lie down and concentrate on your breathing. Think back to creche-training. Remember the low-O2 breathing exercises. Concentrate on that cycle. Just slow and steady.

    After about an hour, Ric realises it's not having any effect and he's not falling asleep. He gets up, puts his boots back on and walks the perimeter. He pings Saito, letting him know he's up and about. He finishes that and then turns back in again.

    He lies back down, and Gabo speaks again.

    Gabo@Ric: Find a way to get comfortable... and just take some nice big deep breaths, breathing in and breathing out...

    Gabo augments this with some white-noise, the rhythmic hum of a spaceships engines, broken occasionally by mechanical noises: vents opening and closing, doors shutting. The routine sounds of Corregidor.

    Slowly Ric drifts to sleep. Gabo wakes him 3 hours later for his turn on watch. Ric feels physically revived, but there's noticeable tension in his features still. Thankfully, he's not seeing things in the jungle anymore.

  19. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    So thats it. First you get shot by angry aliens, then you get healed by another strange alien and his mute friend.
    Thinking about that, lets hope that this doesnt happen again over and over. That planet goes to its bones and his mind.
    When they are back its time to hire a nice catgirl dactari. Maybe Konrad should ask Ric if they make it back in space if he could introduce one to Konrad.

    With all the drugs and totally exhausted Konrad starts to slide into sleep.
    Bafore Kenn Taal leaves he grabs him on the shoulder:
    "Thank you, alien nurse / doctor."
    But before Kenn Taal could answer Konrad is completly knocked out.
  20. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    It was a simple gesture but a welcomed one. Kenn Ta'al was relieved that the operation went well.

    The next morning:

    Kenn Ta'al breathed softly as a new day dawned on the emerald planet. Thankfully he managed to sleep well after last night's spontaneous operation on Konrad. It was surprisingly easier than he expected. But all the more better since helping the Human kept him in good graces with the other of it's kind. The last thing Kenn wanted or needed was to have these aliens turn on him especially if it meant leaving him for dead on this horrible planet.

    Kenn Ta'al: "I should check up on the patients.." He mumbled as he began to wake. "After surgery check ups are most..import..ant." Raising groggily from where he lay the Tohaa looked around taking stock of the current situation. Well at least his life was not threatened nor in danger it seems. So far so good. Igor stirred next to him having slept literally nearby ready to pounce at a moments notice if Kenn needed it to. The Chaksa rose and stood next to his retainer/master. "Good Igor. Lets see if our late night..laboorrrs have born fruit." He needed adrenaline to kick start his day and bring alertness with it. Who knows what this day on this nightmare of a planet would bring?

    Walking over to Konrad Kenn Ta'al sees that the alien patient is doing great. Happy to see that his efforts did pay off Kenn remembered that Ric also had a wound. One that was patched up in the middle of a fire fight. It was possible that it wasn't fully healed in the heat of the moment. Better to give him a house call just in case.

    It seems that it was a good call. Ric had a wound that didn't heal properly or wasn't treated at all.
    Kenn Ta'al: "Injured Human remain calm. I'll take care of your problem. Just hold still."

    Kenn performs a Medicine D1 test to heal the minor wound in Ric's side. The numbers rolled are 12 & 12. Double 12, not bad. The wound is fully heal and Ric should be up and running on full power now.

    Ric didn't resist the Tohaa's sudden intuition but Kenn could have sworn that the Human had a look of distrust on his face. Perhaps just barging in wasn't the best idea. Personal boundaries and all those Human idiosyncrasies. Kenn was considered a weirdo in his own culture and know his was on his way to presenting himself as a weirdo to the Humans. Again. All over again. The next course of action the Tohaa should take is a course fo action away from the current situation.

    Oh fecal matter as the Humans loved to say in situations & realizations like this. This letter caused worry to fall upon the Tohaa. It seems this Aria could have been the cause of the groups dying. Which means she was partly responsible for the group being here. Theories began running through the Tohaa's mind as to what happened that was caused by this Aria. Whatever this was the Tohaa just wanted to get it over with and leave the planet. The only reason he was back in the Emerald Hell was because he needed funds but after experiencing it all over again he promised himself that it wasn't worth it. He was going to remain in the Human Sphere regardless how far it grew or how small it shrank.

    Kenn opens the shared communication line between the other party members.
    Kenn Ta'al: "How much more or longer must we remain on this planet. For all we know these cubes we are trying to recover are destroyed or digested by something by now. Or they could already be in Combined hands. Are we going to march into enemy territory to see if we can retrieve them just cause someone paid us to do it? Think about it. In this letter left by..TT..he, I think it's a he..he writes that someone named Aria did something that got them killed. Anyone want to bet that she betrayed them or lead the Morats straight to their hyperpervial door?"
    stevenart74 likes this.
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