Nah, that's just medieval. A profile with Korahtar Disciplines would be a straight-up wizard though, and I'm absolutely game for piloting a half-ton suit of armour with only a CCW and Space Fart Magic.
A huge suit of armour is just medieval?! Point taken though. An option for a Gecko to be used as a wizard mount would be a good excuse to use the Cosmo Full Metal skin
After having played another game against another fireteam with a MSV2 (semi) wildcard, I finally nailed it down for me why these Fireteams suck so hard. Because you are not able to get any modifiers against these pieces and additionally they have B2. So except for the high-burst weapons, you even loose against them when using SWC weapons like a HRL in your active turn. They only mod you can get is Cover and even this can be avoided with REMs using MML2. So, while the whole game is about mod stacking (cover, camo, surprise shot aso.) this is not possible against these ARO-pieces, so effectively they are breaking the game. Not bending, breaking. And because it doesn't look like Fireteams or their Boni are going away in N4, I suggest/demand/propose two new additional profiles for the Intruder HMG and MSR: Intruder HMG FTO and Intruder MSR FTO Stats as usual, but they become a Wildcard and instead of Camo they get ODD. Since Nomads invented ODD I don't go for Mimetism, I go for ODD. It only seems logical that they gift it to their best unit. Wildcard is covered by fluff: From the Storepage: "Whenever a contingent of Corregidorian workers reach their new destination, it is safe to assume there will be one covert Intruder among them" ... "They act as an expeditionary corps, scouting new environments, making first contact and gathering information. Intruders can do anything from military intel, to covert ops, to urban combat, to tunnel guerrilla tactics, to sabotage. They also frequently act as military advisers and field instructors when the situation calls for an accelerated boot-camp to turn blue-collar workers into a reasonably capable combat force." So they work together with ... everyone. So, if these pieces have to be (I don't think so, Fireteams don't have to be at all in a skirmisher game and these boni neither) give them to every faction!
Yes, Sixth Sense annoys me too but can we not buff Jaguar and Alg links further? KK Thnx. Just give MSV2 to the Wildcat HRL in CJC only if we really need links MSV2. And mod-stacking is only one of the multiple tools you have available it is absolutely not the 'whole game'.
Sorry I had to exaggerate to make my point clear. That's why the demand for the linkable ODD-HMG-Intruder instead of the linakble Mimetism Intruder. To show how f*cked up the whole linkable MSV2-bullsh*t is.
DTWs were the whole game back in N2 when they inflicted -6 to dodge. Re stupid fireteams. Nomads are better off against them then many others. Instead of trying to exploit mods, you need to exploit timing. Use coordinated orders. You can use the traditional put up white noise then move an attack piece in the noise and a Moran+koala outside the noise, force the kamu to attack or dodge against the koala and land mostly unopposed shots from the spitfire/hmg/what have you. *Sniped out some wrong advice" You could also just do something very traditional. Take 4 panzerfaust jags and do a coordinated order, sure one jag dies, but the kamu probably does too. That's a solution that's existed from m the launch of N3 to be used against tricky opponents such as an avatar. This game is so fun because it rewards creative plays. Just getting a better way to stack mods is boring and dumb.
While I agree that makes sense my understanding is that it is use it or lose it in this situation. Edit: Been a while, @loricus has the right of it, still 2 out of 3 simple solutions seems good.
You're really calling the White Noise + Moran + Koala + Rambo Maneuvre a simple solution? This only works if your 3 parts are still alive. Morans tend to be primary targets, so if you don't have turn 1 you can not guarantee that all your 3 parts are still alive and well. A simple solution is ... something else. 4 Panzerfaust Jags are fun, but it's still 2 SWC you have to spend. So you invest in 52 points plus 2 SWC to counter a possible MSV Sniper. Sounds somewhat game/meta/whatever defining and definitely not fun. The game would really be better without fully linked MSV-pieces. They bring nothing positive to the game. So why not get rid of them, instead of having to find some ARO exploits like the White Noise + Moran + Rambo Maneuvre?
There are plenty that aren't causing a problem. Just wait until N4 to see how things change. Last time DTW were dominating and that got changed to N3.
You only need two for that Manouevre. White Noise + Moran. Use FO through the White Noise. This is most effective if you have a Vertigo or good Spec Fire option, but Targetted fundamentally changes the maths on any brute force option. But yes, Vertigo lists are hot right now. TM RF and White Noise also works. You can also easily do Panzerfaust Jag x 2, Moran + any REM. (Aside: because CB is bad at writing Rules/FAQs Triangulated can be coordinated with other BS Attacks; it's the only Entire Order skill with the BS Attack trait). Or you can use Coord a disposable troop rather than the Moran as the distraction piece. 8pt REMs are good options. So yes, Nomads are pretty OK when it comes to the tools for this.
I feel like taking a long hard look at Sixth Sense especially level 2 would be the more productive approach compared to rebalancing specific profiles. Imo SSL2 also limits design space when it comes to fireteams since it's arguably the most powerful of all the bonuses.
If they just ditched the part of that stupid cancerous rule that ignores Surprise it would be much better and allow for somce counter play to be leveraged against them. I have the feeling this rule was just added to reign in smoke shooting, in which case nuke the rule in it's entirety and replace it with; At 4 members a fire team may ignore the -6 from being shot through a zero vis zone and may delay it's ARO against models within the Zone of control of any member.
I only list Moran's because they're pretty ubiquitous in vanilla. This tool can be done with lunkoholds, or solo with a red fury taskmaster. If you're out of deployables you can use the same exploit with any dude you're willing to sacrifice to take out a Kamu, a transducer or a jaguar is a pretty good unit to sac to force a crap aro out of a Kamu. You're not forced to take/keep alive a Moran. 4 jags is a prototypical example. You can pull the same move with something like a kriza, a jag and something else, a TR not, tysklon whatever... Bonus points for combining this with white noise per above. The solution is not to demand CB give your a bigger gun, or to beg CB to nerf theirs. It's to use your head.
The last sentence is one of the worst arguments, ever. Because with this you can defend any shitty rule in any given game. But back on topic: Have you calculated to odds of the coordinated order? A Jaguar has only BS11, in range it's 14, against cover and maybe mimetism it's just an 8. Not the best if you have to sacrifice another model for it. Sure, everything is possible, but this doesn't make linked MSV2 pieces better or even good for the game. Having to exploit ARO timing to work around some unit that takes almost zero skill to deploy right and is not even taking a significant points tax in your list can not be good for a game.
The Problem is not the fact that there are efficient and affordable ARO options out there, it's that imho CB is only using a part of the possible design space. I'd be ok if they make ARO overall stronger (like making weapons in the reactive turn only Burst -2 or something) as long as there is an underlying papers scissors rock mechanic where every army has access to basic counterplays. The "problem" with Visors like MSV2 plus fireteams or SSL in general is that they are too broadly applicable. Where scissor looses 33% of the time, wins 33% of the time and just kinda does nothing the other 33% the troops with SSL+MSV+C&H come out on top in 80% (total guesstimate) of the time. Yes, you can totally counter them but the counters are either very specific and not widely available, much more expensive or a lot less order efficient. One idea that comes to mind would be to give the reactive player orders (AROs... literally) just like the active one. Make every unit generate one as baseline. Maybe Total Reaction gives you 2 or 3 three of those and just like active turn orders some maybe can only be used by the units generating them (like the beforementioned total reaction AROs). Everytime you want to react to something the opponent does you have to spend an ARO. So much cool stuff you could do with that and you don't even need a lot of extra tokens. Just print AROs on the backside of the active turn regular and irregular orders. Opens up a lot of cool design space without really adding a lot of unnecessary weight to the rules.