Now... it is the time... for... THE 3RD GLOBAAAAAL TTS LEEEEAGUE! RULES Season 3 Aristeia! AGL 2.1 + TTS event. MODs: AGL Manager + Omadon Arena So we will use the rules for buying Aristos, sponsors and equipment. The matches will be paired after each round has been finished and the players will have a two weeks timeframe to finish their matches. If a game is not reported by the deadline it will count as a 0-0 draw, with Aristos played picked at random. If a player has missed a previous round, he will concede a 0-4 loss. If a player drops from the tournament, all the games he didn't play are being counted as loss according to the AGL rules. This means his opponent gets a 2 TP victory with VP + FP calculated from the other matches. Once you have played a match, please fill in this information in the Google document: picked squad per player total VP + total FP which characters scored and in which round which characters fragged SCENARIOS Round: Broken Land Round: Assault Round: Gates of Fire Round: King of the Hill Round: Frenzied Dance PARTICIPATION If you want to be part in the event, please add your contact details to this Google document (under contacts): You will be added in OTM afterwards: Registration will close at 29th March 2020. After you are a confirmed participant, please lock in your teams here before the start of the event: IMPORTANT (DOUBLE TROUBLE) If you don't use the Spanish Aristeia TTS Mod and want to play with Moonchild and Lei Gong, please contact me in Discord or here in the forum. I will add you to my Steam contact list and you will get an unofficial temporary version of @Azrael's mod with both characters playable. However, the Spanish player ojodekuervo, who created and maintains the Spanish Mod will try to make his mod multilingual. So some time in the future we will maybe be able to play with just one mod.
OTM event created. I received the data and permission from @Azrael to update the mod with Double Trouble. Should be on Steam at the weekend. However, the project by ojodekuervo is the future of Aristeia! in TTS because of much more features. My idea: Update the old mod with Double Trouble as backup to ojodekuervo's mod (which has more features and will be multilingual) and upload it to the workshop. Afterwards upload the files to a cloud service as second backup if ojodekuervo or I decide to step down from gaming (which won't happen at the moment but who knows what happens in the future).
There is a discussion about playing this event as AGL League + Omadon or another mode. So my question is: What are your thoughts about this? Alternative game mode: Zlavin + Croepoek + Omadon.
So this time a little bit of less participants but that doesn't mean less fun! :) Because OTM still doesn't has a mailing feature: Rules and sheets for buying your first Aristos will be online this weekend. Event will start on Monday.
Oh, perfect, we don't have to start with the "set 4" arrangements? I will be SO much happier with that!
Rules for buying your first Aristos are online. As well as all player sheets. Please select your starting lineup until Tuesday evening.
I heard that you still searching players so I've put my details in the Google Form :) if you still need someone I would be happy to play :) Gesendet von meinem EML-L29 mit Tapatalk