Forget about following the Orc around then, the Infirmarer still has a solid position linking with the FK ML 2.0 He's also not pointless for the Hospi Haris, gives the option to shave points off the Haris as a cheaper body if you need to squeeze.
are you sure? having a BF and a FK in an OS link is a perfectly viable team. same wording, don't see why it would be any different
One more reason to clean up this fireteam mess in N4, it's too convoluted in many cases. Lazarites aren't bad in a vacuum, but they pay a high CC tax without skills to pull it out reliably (so does Boyg, though to a lesser extent), and the fact that they can link doesn't matter for a defensive fireteam, which could just as easily have a Trauma Doc or his Palbot nearby. It can be useful if that link is supposed to advance, especially since it allows them to bring a BS 13 shotgun to the party, and paying 11 pts over TD for that isn't that steep a price, but it's still a unit squeezed by TD from below and by Hospitaller doc from above. I know that it's a good thing to be in the middle, but not always :P And of course the issue with joining Hospitaller Haris clearly shows that this whole thing was put together in a hurry. I expect seeing Fireteam: Haris becoming a general skill in N4, like it is on Nisse right now, so Hospitaller Haris with Infirmarer will become a viable option. And Duo with KoJ is a nice option already. But I'd really like to see something more interesting than a MI Doc with high CC
It honestly just feels like n4 cant get here fast enough. All this extra quarantine time to speculate is not helping matters at all.
At least in the case of the Boyg you might only need to wait until code one to see if theres something interesting that was left off their n3 profile.
I just want to know what's in store for MO. More specifically Sepulchers, mobility joan and Teutons, all units which could use some revisiting . It wont do to have my hopes up but ...
I'm going to guess that they thought she and Gunnar might overlap too much? I dont care though, I want to use my Valkarie model in Sval.
probably because hes a norse inspired beserker, traditionally they dont walk it off, they just take everyone else with them
I started infinity with Pano and painted them white with snow bases when I got into the game years ago with ice storm. I've been waiting for sval all this time. I even built a snowy industrial sval table. I'm probably going to stick with playing varuna and vanilla, not much has grabbed me.
To be fair, the Zulu was released with VIRD, alongside IA, and all the new IA units were also AVA 1 in Vanilla YJ. So it's more so a case of ''You were unlucky enough to get the good stuff last sectorial release, and we were lucky enough to get all of our good stuff in the sectorial release with more lenient AVA restrictions.'' Still sucks tho. Really wish Zulus we're AVA 2, so many damned good profiles there. It has no fancy modifiers or abilities, so it is clearly a big useless unit. >:( Okay, on a more serious note, I still honestly find the Mk12 to be the overall more interesting profile, purely for the added burst and more overall flexible rangeband ( Having to resort to only shooting at stuff further than 16'' does limit your options quite a bit, since outside of linked snipers/launchers and TR bots, I rarely ever managed to see people leave out anything worthwhile shooting at from further than 16''-24'' away. ). The SWC discount is great too, especially since it released with a bunch of new 0.5 SWC units.