I've been thinking about the new crit dynamic. Sure, it's good for TAGs but I feel a lot of our lighter HI, especially with NWI are going to be susceptible to being taken off the board to one crit. I think an easy way to have fixed it is to keep it the same, but the most wounds you can do on a crit is one, even if both rolls succeed. It makes me steer away from taking many of the pseudo HI units we have. Thoughts?
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dU0lt6IdUKugwFNvF0PBt3jltR8pjY_f3zs9vyk#gid=0 For anyone interested some people made a calculator for the math on crits
Wow that actually looks kind of painful now. Most 3/4 ARM HI seem like they might be even worse off now...
Keep in mind they will often have a cover bonus, so against the HMG 0 wounds 30.25% 1 wound 49.50% 2 wounds 20.25% And it gets better against less damaging arms, so a Marksman rifle/Red Fury 0 wounds 42.25% 1 wound 45.50% 2 wounds12.25% There is indeed some further risk in the new system off massive critical failure but it's also offset by a superior chance to completely shrug off the crit for no damage.
Ah right, cover bonuses. Forgot about those for a second there. Actually, remembering cover is a thing... holy hell does this sting for most warbands then. A 36% - 42.25% for the majority of them to outright keel over is great.
If you're going after HI, you're going to be shooting the HI in a positive range band while trying to catch the HI out of cover, at least in most cases.
Good. On the whole the new system should make expensive, armored troopers more resilient (with a slight risk of suffering additional damage), while reducing the threat of warbands/warband analogs with Dogged.
That would be the optimal case scenario, but most people would either: A: Try and avoid exposing their singular big expensive attack piece so heavily. B: Brought several of them that are probably not making your job of flanking any easier. Actually, I'd argue it's easier to catch any unit in their poor range-bands than out of cover, unless it's Impetuous, with how religiously people stick their models up against terrain. T:
As somebody who loves sticking multiple such expensive, armored troopers on a table at once... this can only be a positive for me.
BEHOLD! The time has come my fellow lovers of limeted insertion! Let us rise and dominate the 'sphere with our powersuits and big stinkin' guns!!! In all seriousness, I expspect a lot more TAGs and HIs played.
Let us decry the naysayers who dared levy criticisms upon us such as ''You don't have enough orders'' or ''Infinity isn't a game about killing'' or ''Crits kill all.'' Let them suffer a baptism in fire, 2W specialists that can double as gunfighters, liberal use of coordinated orders and bold gunfights!
Simple, by releasing an S6 Yu Jing HI, that's how. 9: And a second S5 PanO HI. And turning Haqqislam into the fifth vanilla HI faction.
I have to remind that N3 lists are not N4 lists and may or may not represent what the units will look like in N4 And of course I would also like to remind personal attacks are not allowed, and the fact you are attacking a CB employee does not change the fact.
Someone badly needs to QC Antonio's work here. The hair, jacket and pose are awesome, but In the dossier Jing Qo has the same boot as a Zhanshi or celestial guard, with the sunken shin and the raised calf plates, but on the render she has some kind of new boot with the shin overlapping the calf. For whatever reason he's sculpted the highlight on her tits as a massive groove, and sculpted the grooves on her trousers as ridges. Compare to the Zhanshi concept and render who wears the same trousers and boots. Somebody fucked that up on the Celestal guard SWC box and the Kuang shi too. Why they switched sculptors between the Celestial Guard in the starter and the Celestial Guard in the SWC box I will never know, but every deviation from the starter design was for the worst. How long will it take for it to sink in that the lines on Zhanshi armour are cuts not slits? The message has been in the design notes for a lot longer than I've been playing. If I can work it out, why does this keep happening?
The "ear" parts of her mask were also separated and pushed inward instead of flowing from the sides of the faceplate. In the dossier, her mask looks a lot like a militarized full-face diving mask, not a tall visor attached to a recessed full-face mask. And the armor at the base of the throat in the dossier looks like a lower-profile version of the raised collar armor on a zhanshi, but the sculpt has a weird flat plate there? I like both the dossier and sculpt, except for the weird thing about changing the flatter, more flexible-looking chest design for grooved big-bewb armor; her overall look seemed to be "more flexible, less armored zhanshi suit, plus armored jacket and mask," which somehow didn't make it through the sculpting process, but mostly the end result looks fine. At least she's not wearing Combat Heels?