I purposefully didn’t mention our conversation about this because I wanted to be the -first- one with this conversion. Now you have put me on a timetable and I don’t know where I’m going to get two Feuerbach bits from!
I know I've said to keep grimdark out of my Infinity, but this can be an exception Spoiler XKCD is sfw, and that one is hot and funny ;) Also, stop shitposting, people. STFU, GTFO, take it somewhere private or make a dedicated thread in the off-topic section, and stop spoiling the fun for the rest of us.
And PanO boosters complain about the Yu Jing players. Man, you Nazi apologists are terrible people. The moral relativists who police other people’s feelings on kuang shi grounds are damn near as bad. Shame on you. There’s a lot of that going around. https://gph.is/g/ajyDRG9
Kaldstrøm will have a booklet with fluff for the contents as well as rules, same size as the Wildfire one but not Bilingual so twice the page count. There is a Code One Softcover planned, CB were hoping April or May but Coronageddon might have affected that.
You remind me of all the Karen's who clutch their Pearl's and demand to speak to managers for every minor offense.
So my friend just pointed out that the Vargar Dossier has a Breaker Combi and Boarding Shotgun listed. I understand this could've just been a mistake, but maybe we'll get a couple more profiles when N4 hits? I also wish we had gotten a double pistol profile, like the box art showed.
I wouldn’t mind a Breaker Combi profile (but I’m a breaker combi fanatic). My thought was that the C1 profiles will have different loadouts? Although that doesn’t explain why there’s no HRL or Spitfire on there. Either way I wouldn’t worry too much about it, look at the Varuna dossiers. There’s a bunch of mismatches on there and we still got what we got. Never trust a dossier.
Fair enough. It would be strange to have vastly different loadouts for Code One, though. It would make the miniatures obsolete for people moving from Code One to N4. I agree that it's probably just a mistake on the dossier.
I’m not a huge fan of the Spitfire on the Vargar, to be honest. There’s enough Spitfires in the faction and when there’s K1 MMRs and HRLs in the offerings I think it’s like ordering the chicken when there’s prime rib on the menu. I’m glad they are making the model because it looks like it will be relatively easy to convert to a MMR. I’m expecting the eventual Vargar box set to be HRL, K1MMR, Combi/HFT and a WildParrot. I’m hoping for a Karhu blister sooner rather than later, but they aren’t listed in Code 1 PanO so probably not until at least September. Honestly they are one of the most exciting things about Sval - good mobility, great ammo variety, solid stats for low costs. Of course the Boyg in Beyond had to be the crappy profile - the Mk12 is so much more interesting and I have a feeling will look a lot cooler. I’m happy to see a PanO Mk12 on the dossier, it looks really neat. I dig all of the PanO gun designs so much. Anyone want to speculate on what our upcoming hero and reinforcement packs are going to contain? The C1 product list has a bunch of boxes for the near future and scarce details on what will be in them!
I just can't wait for that Support Box. I'm one of the few people that have been able to resist the urge to buy the old support box all 5 years of playing PanO. The time has come! The day foretold in prophecy!
The distinct inability to create a plural or spell correctly in your own native language and the forced usage of outdated memery are really telling, you know. The cynical jaded indifference is just a cherry on top.