I'd be 100% fine with teutons being gone. They're hardly ever used, dont fill any unique role that a hospitaller could, very outdated models. I could see them being one of the skus going the way of the dodo.
"Adepticon" video 15:40: Critical hit is an ADDITIONAL ARM roll, not double! So with normal ammo it is 2 ARM roll with DA it is 3 ARM roll (not 4) with EXP is is 4 ARM roll (not 6)
Jesus fuck, way to call out to Germanic knights and the Nazi Germany's Holocaust of Jews, Poles, other Slavs, Roma, non-heterosexuals and other "undesirables" in a single sentence with the Nazi propaganda name for factory style mass genocide! Especially when you're Polish. Are you this poorly uneducated, completely lacking in any empathy or are you actually cheering on what happened in Poland that you so happily use that hideous phrase? What the fuck.
Covid-19 is not racist, and it's proving to be a final solution for many...ergo... They still killed less than the Communist did...
So guys. Today's one of the days where I'd like to ask each of you to go into himself and make a conscious decision when a shitpost stops being a shitpost. Remember that button we never use? Yeah that one, in the bottom left of each post. Might be time to consider using it to vote for a quiet weekend. .... le sigh.... what the fuck is wrong with people
Wow... Real people who want to be offended get offended because of a sad joke... (offending no one except fictional German knights in spess with shitty rules) ...from a forum member who's been a MO enthusiast for like forever... and proposed like 9000 ways to fix Teutons. "Jesus fuck" describes the situation perfectly. ***Oh, and sorry if "Jesus fuck" offends any of you religious people, I'm just quoting it. Please throw all stones at @Nuada Airgetlam
Is that agreement with me or eciu's happy usage of Nazi terminology? And yeah, I sure as fuck used the Report button. Not that it will do anything.
You know what humor is, don't you? You might not like it and it may be in poor taste, but that's no reason to go crazy like somebody just killed your baby brother or something
Only thing im a little disappointed over from the Adepticon video was the lack of support pack news.... I've been waiting for so long!
Speak for yourself. The faux outrage in this forum is getting out of hand, lately. Calm your tits everyone and stop working yourself up over every single thing.
Maybe you could just you know Not refer to the holocaust casually Not like you need it to make your point clear and it's pretty insensitive. I know it's cool to be insensitive online and be a big sarky badass in your forum posts, but it's actually more mature to just not say stuff like that and keep the standard of discussion decent This isn't 4chan we're supposed to be a community not a shitposting club. Just think like, is this comment actually constructive and contributing to the discussion? Before you post
I agree, but being inmature or tactless doesn't mean people have to react like their teddy bear got raped
Sure, because mature and tactful rape jokes help. Fucking edgelords crawling out of the woodwork, racing to prove who's less sensitive and more cynical than the other. Gorgeous community you got here, ya lot.