Impact template is in CodeOne getting changed to a DTW according to Bostria. No idea if that carries over to N4 nor if the DTW is AP or not. Also no info on how that affects Light Shotguns.
Huh, I see. As for Light Shotguns... actually good point about those, they only have one profile, and it'd be pretty silly if they become a re-skinned Chain-Rifle/Colt.
For Sval they kind of need those fireteam options. No camo (unless we want to count Kunai), no AD, and 4 units (Locust, Nokken, Kunai, and Peacemaker) can start outside there DZ. That's a very firmly entrenched force with very little projection power. That seems to be the theme. Then there's WB. Camo? Yep, got that in spades (Daofei, Guilang, Hundun, and our new war crime bot Long Ya). AD? One of the best in the game. 5 units can start outside of the DZ and some actually have proper Camo and not just ODD like the Locust or Nokken (Jujak and Blue Wolf will have a field day with those guys). Not to mention some other fun stuff WB has up its sleeves. WB on a thematic level is more based around raiding, guerilla tactics, mixed with some hard hitting counter attack units. So both are pretty thematic you can see where both are trying to counter one another. WB might not have the breath and width of fireteam options but I don't think they need them. If one wants to run a link team in WB there is the option but I like seeing sectorials where they're not the main focus like WB.
Well it helps that camo is one of the best defensive AND offensive skills in the game. Guerilla themed forces tend to also have more flexibility in them compared to the more beat them up forces.
Just to say I am extremely hyped at this moment. All prof-ok maybe Shang is still lol and I frankly dunno why Qiang is here; Other characters are quite down the hills but-iles are pretty neat, I do like Spitfire fire Jujak profile. Long Ya, Jammerboy, Hunduns are clear winner IMO. You cannot express more delight when YJ's good old Raiden finally came back as a comfy man!
Or, they can also disguise as Zhanying Mad Traps in Vanilla. I'm not sure what would be the point, but the option is there. As a new player still trying to learn the game, the amount of special skills on some of the new characters like Jing Qo is making my head spin....
By the way, what a joke that they took JSA away from us because "design space" (space that PanO doesn't seem to invade with MO strangely) yet now they give us back almost the same units like Raiden and Shikami. Gutier, eat a bag of *****
By different you mean just flat out superior, right? The Hundun is already pretty sweet and hidden deployment will make it amazing.
Hundun's primary advantage over the Raiden is that it exists in a faction that now has plenty of DZ camo markers. During Raiden's days and during Ryuken-9 HRL, there are very few camo markers in the DZ that doesn't/didn't come from Yuriko Oda. We'll see if Hidden Deployment will be available to all Hundun or if it's going to be Multi Sniper Rifle (Hidden Deployment) 35 points 1,5 SWC. But with a tiny bit of list building and you've got plenty of camo markers for the HRL Hundun to pretend they're a mine regardless of that.
Yeah He's fine, really, but what I wanna know is how the bald defiance man came to Sval without any hints. At least Lei Gong had some explanations about sweeping a shas colony.
Actually, the price is good enough to actually make it a convincing way to hide a KHD Tiang. You thought your hacker was safe? We'll think again, surprise DZ KHD!
I don't understand the comparison of Jing to the Shikami. They are similar but not the same at all. Jing is less pts. better shot, template weapon, mimetisim instead of ODD, etc. I was thinking how how to disguise the Tian 2nd. I think the Red Fury as a Boarding shotgun Kanren. The enemy might move thinking he's safely outside the range of the BSG but then finds out it's a red fury. In a mission to kill specialists the CoC Pheasant with Madtraps might be good. But really, is it worth it? For 1st there's many things to disguise them as. An Obvious Zhanshi Lt. comes to mind first. Sun Tze is perfect. My friend does several Hafza as Saladin sometimes. If want to make him look like something imposing, a Zuyong TA HMG, Hsien HMG, Haidao MSR. At first i'm going to try putting BSG+Jammer Tian down next to a Zhanshi Lt. as another Zhanshi.
There's one main issue with disguising the 2st Tian Guos: both profiles get MadTraps. And unless there's something about Perimeter weapons I don't know/understand, as far as memory serves me, you can't opt not to deploy them. So we get left with two options: Disguising them as the other 2st profile OR as a MadTrap Kanren if we want to have Holoechos off the get-go ( Which, BTW, can work in reverse if you want the enemy to waste time worrying about a Kanren starting in your DZ without realizing it. ). This wouldn't be too dissimilar to how we've been disguising Kanrens as different Kanren profiles since they couldn't really disguise as anybody else than a Kanren with a different gun. Or disguising them as either Xi Zhuang ( Decent idea if you want to hide a Red Fury Tian Guo under a relatively unimposing model. ), a MadTrap Pheasant ( IDK, maybe you want the enemy to think you have a CoC in your list or sumfin'. ), or a MadTrap Zhanying ( Decent idea since it can be a very convincing disguise, as it's cost is right smack dab in between the two 2st Tian Guos, minus the SWc on the Red Fury, and having one in your list. as opposed to the Pheasant, would not 'cause any suspicion, since nobody is going to be suspicious about you bringing a utility toolbox unit. ). 1st there's a metric ton of potential disguises, IMO: The KHD is probably fun for disguising as one of our cheaper HI units ( So something like a Wu Ming, Zuyong or Haidao. ) in order to ''fish'' for brave enemy hackers looking for a tasty hack. Red Fury as a cheap-ish looking, relatively harmless-looking bloke or close-range shooter: imagine something like a Chain Rifle Wu Ming or a Zhanying strolling up to a 16''+ gunfight and pulling a Red Fury out of their arse. The rest are... yeah, probably use those for hiding Lieutenants or as bait for the Jammer. These two are kind of offer the least mind-fuckery potential IMO in favor of, may the Guijia gods forgive me saying this, practicality. EDIT: Actually, this mention of baiting stuff around kinda made me curious about a slightly different topic... anybody knows any HD/AHD/KHDs with shotguns? In any factions? I feel like I should know of these for knowings sake. <.<
Daioying, dude! Haidao KHD, Zhencha AHD, Liu Xing AHD, Proxy Mk2 AHD, Al-Hawwa AHD, Bandit, Interventor KHD, Mentor...
Yeah, just wanted to know since ZoC overlaps with a shotguns positive rangeband... so you could possibly bait enemies quite a bit if you round the corner on some Hackable units by having them decide ''Do I Reset? I'll get shot without a FtF. Do I dodge? I'll get hacked without a FtF. Do I shoot back? He has a +6 though to shoot back at me.''