I'll be here, nomming an artichoke, waiting to see you lot explode once it turns out nothing much changes in N4 in regard to Sval's issues. I'd love to be wrong, but something tells me this is the year of the PanO :D
6-2 HI is very likely going to be a C1 and N4 thing. Just not a N3 one. Same thing KoJ and FK are both in N3, would be surprised if the FK won't be merged into the other one. So yeah, as @daboarder said, N4 Sectorial stuffed into a N3 skin. Theres a few things that don't make sense and a few things that are pretty much obvious. The Boyg is definitely lacking something that's gonna be part of his kit in N4. Locust or Nokken suspiciously looks as if one or both of them gain HD after it gets disjointed from TO. Agnes looks off. Some Links look very off. If point costs in C1 and N4 are supposed to roughly a match, a lot of pointcosts for Profiles will change as well.
Wow, 6-2 movement. Amazing. Suddenly the Orc isn't a bare bone HI anymore.......oh wait. At least in winter force they have climbing plus which is a very useful skill. The more vertical the terrain you play with the bigger the impact. It still doesn't really help you win ITS missions. I'm not sure what amazing set of skills and equipment are you expecting or hoping for to come in N4 that suddenly is going to make Winter Force better at winning ITS missions. Right now, its certainly a force with a lot of mobility and the same old Pano weakness when it comes to grabbing objectives. Now if the Nokken gains Hidden Deployment in N4, that is going to be a very big deal. But even if that happens, is Winter Force really going to be better at completing ITS objectives over shock army or VIRD?
Well if 6-2 is the new standard i don't see how the orc will be good. It's not like the other HIs that are currently outperforming him won't get the MOV buff. But overall i like HI being 6-2. And hopeful no one being 4-2... That really is holding MI models back.
Better at buttons than shock? no, but lets establish two things, 1) shock is probably the strongest PanO faction and 2) SWF definitely is going to have a stronger gunfighter presence than SAA, so it trades off utility in the objective game, for more punch in the gunfight
because it runs 6 up a wall and shoots a bunch of dudes. not gonna be seing a lot of other HI doing that 6-2 move is fast, Climbing plus is fast, Climbing Plus AND 6-2 move is faster when combined than one or the other, thats how force multiplication works
I do hope the N4 rules will allow the mixed Vargar and ORC link to somehow work. I don't see how mixing units who have either superjump or climbing plus is worth anything. I get flashbacks of the Seraph and his anchor...
Well, you don't want to be superjump shooting all the time and denying yourself cover. These Vargar guys are kind of fragile. Hmm, if you want superior firepower theres NCA and its Hexa spitfire + Swiss Guard HMG. Orcs with climbing plus is certainly something that could be very effective but overall winter force seems like an average sectorial in power level. Thats not bad its just not amazing. Its certainly not as exciting as VIRD was on release. On the other hand, these new units look great in Generic Pano. Especially the minelayer Nokken.
Well given MI are going to 4-4 (code one again) Then you will just have 4-4 and 6-2 mixed together so they will work fine, the main limitation on 4-2 and 4-4 is that when the link Move-moves the 4-2 gets left behind. thats not going to be a N4 problem
The problem is in N3 if i use superjump the rest of the link doesn't have it so they stand around doing nothing. That could be void tho in N4. We need to see the link rules for that. It's just not i link option i would use in the current N3.
Vargar are the standout unit in Winter Force. The profiles are amazing. Superior Bolts that are worth the high price? Yes Plz. Standout profiles include the sensor wild parrot combo, K1 MMR minelayer, and FO HRL/shotgun
Thats not because Nisse are bad it just their only link option, a haris, sucks compared to the other haris options. The Nisse still has its tried and true role of MSV 2 HMG FtF wrecker. And they are still as great at the role as ever but they don't really do anything else for winter force.
Unless you are super jumping every order, you wont be leaving the link behind. Even the auxbot Seraph issue I feel was overstated. Nisse have core as well.
I think the sectorial is interesting but it's really hard to play a reasonably priced core that isn't Fusiliers + Orc/KoJ. Thematically it struggles though. I wish the knights had just been dropped entirely and CB had really played into the Norse themes. Three slots in the army taken up by Knights, two of which are identical or near identical to existing profiles, is not what I would want to play in my Norse sectorial. Same for the locust inclusion -- while the new profile is super interesting (SMG+WildParrot halfway up the table!), it feels kind of lazy to me.
SWF now is so strange it should be called WTF instead. Looks like a hard pass for me. 'I've already canceled my preorder' level hard.