Not right this week-end as my only possible sheduled game in the week is already dedicated to the Daedalus Fall campaign I'm playing with other guys on TTS but I plan to give it a try after this. I had a guy making me a Salt Mine map for this to play against the WBA.
Ok guys, we can disband. More Combis+LSG ^^ Ok. Nokken is new Locust - but even worse. In the meantime Locust pulled some strings and actually got some upgrade. Where is your ORC now :D Man some of those profiles are meme-generators :D (double Feuerbach on LI xD) Ok. I have no idea what to think about Vargar, but I must admit to CB that they went.... creative..... Another fun fact: KoJ and FK are both present in MO :D (actually KoJ has no linking options, same as new Infirmary) Also: Neither Kerhu nor Boyg have CORE. Which is very surprising seeing their AVA @ijw Did someone forgot to add "Haris" profiles to SWF (Infirmary or Hospitallers) or am I missing something ? Also: no Warcor ? Interesting ^^ (lack of Techbee too)
Dear @eciu I'm aware of your excitement, but please, edit a single post to add your comments instead of make ultra-double-triple posting
Svalarheima’s Winter Force ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 2 LOCUST Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Breaker Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Shock CCW, Knife. (0 | 35) LOCUST Hacker (Assault Hacking Device) Breaker Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Shock CCW, Knife. (0.5 | 38) 0.5 SWC | 73 Points Open in Infinity Army hmmmmmm........
This is going to take awhile to figure out the intentions behind the profiles. There's some...weirdness. But hey, Locust got a SMG profile! One thing that jumps out is that the new stuff doesn't really have LT options. There's a LT in the Knight of Justice and it seems like that or the ORC is meant to be your Kaldstrom Lt.
Ok, so: Lack of AD and Camo (sans Uma) will make SWF even more straightforward than Morats Amount of Climbing Plus will make for some very interesting tactical options on urban terrain tables Forward deployment options are decent, though introducing a trooper as similar as Nokken/Locusts is a headscratcher Speaking of Nokken, I don't mind Combi+LSG combination given its current cost. This is a very nice toolbox unit Karhu are solid, though we're getting another "typical PanO" unit; high BS, MSV, Mimetism. At least weapon choice is interesting, to say the least. I'm really interested in how that double Feuerbach mini will look Agnes is a cool option to add to a Fusilier link. Will she also be linkable in Acon? As a matter of fact, will any of the new units get link options in older sectorials? Infirmarers seem to fill a weird spot, similar to what old Pheasant Agents did. I guess there is a niche for them between unlinkable TD and more expensive Hospitaller. And with ARM being more useful in N4 that Mono blade might be useful Vargar are good. Let's keep in mind that MI will likely get faster come N4. Good pricing, great weapon options, Albedo and linkability with ORCs will make removing pesky MSV troopers a breeze ORCs with Climbing Plus are cool Boyg are solid, though I have some questions after comparing pricing with Krizas. BS 14 Burst 2 ML will be nasty Hospitallers don't have Haris option, despite it being mentioned in footnotes. I expect some bughunting to be necessary :P KoJ are repackaged Father-Knights with slightly better CC. And since I like F-Ks anyway I won't complain. Both being available in MO is a headscratcher, I expect changes in N4 Locust with SMG, cool In general I like what I see, though the gameplay won't actually be nuanced. I'm curious about any N4 changes.
Svalarheima’s Winter Force ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 KARHU 2 Feuerbach, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (1.5 | 38) 1.5 SWC | 38 Points Open in Infinity Army You're not wrong. I'd love to know...just, why?
Who was that fellow with the two pistols?? why has CB done this to me?! long, I realized this after I searched KHDs in the army and the locust popped up what would this even look like...... my guess is they'll have haris native like every other troop in this army
So: ORC are having only few "SWF" profiles, much less than Varuna .... No special Feubarach/HMG ORCs, only close range options... Which is very dissapinting (I hope it is a bug). Vargar will be either excellent or total garbage, there will be no middle ground for this unit (atm. I can't think of good reason to take them, but I might be bad). Especially CORE of Vargars seem..... crazy bad (seriously, moving 5 S5 guys is just asking for a disaster) Nooken are even more problematic than Locust, and they dare to bring a naked HD with FD2. Also this horrible Combi+LSG options..... Locust got few new profiles ( WildParrot seems nice), second new profile is broken atm. (carbon copy of existing AHD option). Karhu: Bagh-Mari without CORE (surprising). C+ is nice thougt. 2 Feubarach profile is just silly ;P Infirmary: extra expensive linkable Doctor. Agnes: Well Infinity need own End Times to kill all those pointless (from gameplay point of view) characters. Boyg: Might suffer from FK ML syndrome, as he is not linkable. At least he has HD1 to anything to fall back once engaged by ODD/close range etc. Still kinda expensive option. Again AVA 5 for some reason ^^ B2 ML in ARO is nice, but as far as I remember Yu-Jing version was not exacty popular ?
Karhu are completly normal when you start compering them to Vargar :D Maybe it is that guy with 2 pistols ?xD
Thinking that the 'two pistols' is art based upon earlier profiles or possibly something coming with N4. It's definitely a Vargar though, as the unit emblem is on the shoulder.
I'm very excited by all Kaldstrom goodies but what I like the most is the Kunai ninja, in vanilla Having a TO with marksman rifle and good CC ability fill an intersting role in my list building. It will be very efficient at ramboing enemy DZ to hunt orders (until now I used a croc man for this role and the ninja is in the same price range). I see myself using him in combinaison with a TAG (look my big TAG, please put all your ARO in a position to shoot him while I hide my ninja on the opposite side) Also I kinda like the noken. Not being a marker make them a bit vulnerable but they are cheap specialist (for pano) with good potential to clean the middle of the table turn 2 or 3. Also having them as specialist also free me to try my zulu with its spitfire.
@eciu Vargars are S2, Boyg are S5. Vargars will be excellent MSV removers. Run them in Haris with ORCs, move both Vargar and ORC into MSV trooper's Lof, shoot with Vargar without any fire coming back at him (ORC have decent chance of surviving the ARO).