That was an army that A) didn't sell all that well and B) didn't fit where they were taking their rules and storyline (which influenced A heavily but hey). Remember, they were just "there" in the 2nd edition of that game, and didn't even get rules beyond the get-you-by ones and rules in the 6mm variant. I'm not sure that CB have any real reason to take a gamble on disrupting what is, IIRC, one of their largest-played factions like this. Two words all businesses should keep in mind: New Coke.
Wrong about A. Squats were one of GW's best selling armies at the time but they got rid of them as the designers just didn't think they fit. This is pretty well documented with interviews with people from GW at the time. Carlos has also said that what they're doing at the adepticon announcement will make a lot of people mad so that could be a 100% cut of JSA and YJ even though I'm of the mind some things will still be available in vanilla even if just as mercs.
Do people (especially at CB) actually think remaking GW's worst mistakes is a good idea? Especially if your business is tiny compared to GW when they fucked up royally? I think many veteran Yu Jing players are still sore about the Ko Dali affair (I know I'm still are), so why risk alienating them even more and losing sales only for the "fun" of it? Also, as I mentioned, why instaurate a state of uncertainty when it comes to purchases for the rest of players?
I agree that by keeping it they shoot themselves in a foot. JSA is one of the best selling sectorials and it did not get new starter for a while because the old one was still selling well. I personally wanted to branch out from pure ISS to JSA, but now i will hold before I buy anything.
Because pissin off your buyers is always good business decission,lol I know I would be pissed if suddenly some of my models became unplayable...might as well just proxy models & save $$ .
For every you, there will be a good slave who pads out both his Yu Jing and JSA fractions to 300 points overnight.
Given that proxying models has always been allowed in Infinity, you could just play removed JSA troops in vanilla anyway. Keisotsu could be played as Celestial Guard, for instance. A full split is almost certainly not going to happen, but a large-scale AVA rebalance isn't unlikely. Vanilla Ariadna only gets AVA 2 for Metros and Volunteers, so seeing the same for Keisotsu wouldn't be surprising.
I agree, but those would still buy into JSA if they are still available to JY, so it's a net lost if you wipe them from JY. On an related note, the new box is named JSA sectorial army, and that's the name of the jap army in the YJ organization, so make of that what you will.
For me YJ was my main faction as I bought into Red Veil, play mostly vanilla with Keisotsu speciaists, Have Raiden&Shikami and aragoto character cause they are great sculpts. I planned to tackle ISS (everything ready in Boxes/blisters :( ) next, with a strong bias to invincible when they arrive. Now with this new Cover Art for the army box I'll do new JSA too. Have to retire or paint quicker ;) As my main faction is Haqq and only Qk is almost done... I think a few JSA units will stay in vanilla if not, I don't care.
Imho it will be only a Role thing. Japanese will still be under YJ. The only difference imho will be that a (Big/small) part of the Japanese population will mount a revolt against YJ. They may call themselves the "Japanese revolutionary army". This way you get a Japanese sectorial for YJ (in the same way that US had niseii corps during WwIi). And you also get a non aligned army based on Japanese troops (with mercs and strippers).
They said "bigger than ko dali" and "will make people really mad". Not "kinda acceptable and reasonable" So I'm going to bet on the Japanese plot armor, folded one trillion times, can cut through anything full independence. I don't like it, but I doubt corvus cares. And they shouldn't, this will sell like cocaine at the US border.
But if YJ stayed the same and JSA simply got a separate sectorial, what would fans be upset over (as Carlos has implied)? That would mean no game changes at all, besides the new units for JSA. If they got totally removed (which I think would be fun!) or severely restricted in vanilla I could definitely see some people being upset. In fact I've seen a couple already in this thread. :D I actually think this is the spark that lights similar splits across the Human Sphere as PanO and Ariadna, as has been noted, is bloated as well. Now, the big questions.... is this what has kept the Shasvaasti busy? Spreading fake news, sluicing funds to anti-government groups and impersonating some key people to divide their prey? Hmm... Again, while some people might just see "jap" as a handy abbreviation, for many it is actually a derogatory slur. We could perhaps strive not to insult. :)
To all the people referring to the art with the maybe-drop-HI as 'fanart'... it's not? Not at all? It's in the RPG books. Can't remember which book offhand, but I first saw that art last year, and I'm a late backer to the RPG. It might have even been shared during the initial Kickstarter campaign back in '15, before I ever heard of Infinity past 'something some guys at my FLGS were talking about' - but I don't swear by it, I haven't gone through all the updates to the campaign so I probably didn't see it there.
Oh, and I'm so happy to finally see some more non-samuri and non-ninja units for the JSA! They are kind of cool, and I'll probably find myself painting a Domaru link one of these days, but they also feel a bit tired. Looking forward to seeing what the Unit-9 and Kuge Delegate can bring to the table.
I believe, and some other people on this forum, that the split will be partial and JSA will lose few current units/characters and will slowly get new ones, while the new revolutionary Japanese army will be composed of few old units from JSA and new units slowly being introduced. Losing few units.characters from JSA is what is supposed to upset many fans I believe.
For the life of me I can't think of a single business that would think making their clients mad would be funny...
Yes, I think this would be the safe way to go. I just personally hope they go completely cold turkey and shake up the game properly! :) Well, except for the ninja which I expect will be available to YJ/ISS in the future as well. Time will tell and all that.