I mean, is it really that odd? They talked up the Locust in a big way when they introduced it to NCA. They're shelving NCA and the Locust is a blister. It would be odder if they had put the Hexa in.
I spose I just mean, when I thought of the units that would make it into Winterfor, I probably wouldn't have picked the Locust from the existing roster. Unexpected, rather than necessarily odd. Unless you'll believe that ODD was a pun, of course.
Well, even Bostria noted that Locusts share a role with Nokken. I think it might be a similar case as with old Ninjas and Kunai; their skills will (mostly) overlap, but their weapon loadouts won't at least not that much. Because we'll have four different kinds of HI there, most likely 2 of them with ARM 5 or higher.
Fluffwise, they make a lot of sense. Svalarheima is effectively a (no pun intended) cold war between YJ and PanO. Would be sensible for the Hexahedron's deniable action teams to be extremely active there.
The Nokken also can't shank someone with his knife if his life depended on it and doesn't start at the middle line. But has MSV1 and better BS(correct me if I'm wrong, think he was 13) to be a much better gunfighter. Locust might get a lot cheaper looking at some C1 Profiles and the relatet pointcost for troops with CC bloat apparently going down. So he might at least become viable (and the BSG+Drop Bear+Grenade guy is already just shy of greatness).
I mean the Lazarus atm (with their C1 profile) are headscratcher. Unless they are obligatory to finish 5 man link team (or have some weird linking). Their current profile (again C1) doesn't give any reason to include them in link. Usually you don't want that a doctor is a first guy unconcious after some random wierdo comes from behind a corner with a chain rifle or something. I really fear that someone at CB again had a idea "I love this guys fluff but I don't even know how to make him usefull on table".
Worth mentioning that the wording used about the Nokken has been making it sound like the BSG is the MSV profile, not necessarily the Nokken period.
Kharu and Vargar, what kind of gap in the list building are they meant to fill with AVA5? Kharu can only FT:duo so another type of Skirmisher of some sort? I really wonder what they are going to be like since so far Fusi, Nisse and Orcs cover a lot already
Betting that the Karhu are going to be kinda weird, with base Duo but also auxbot options that can't link. We've actually seen the Vargar on the Beyond Kaldstrom box, they're the light gunslinger.
The more i see the list, less hyped i am. No paratroopers, no marker units... I think im gonna stay with Military Orders
Oh man, Knight of Justice Missile Launcher in a defensive Fusilier fireteam is going to be awesome. It's like the Father Knight ML Order Sergeant fireteam in MO, only about 12 points cheaper!
Still guessing we're missing something like Doctor Plus on the C1 Profile to make the opportunity cost of high CC and Mono CCW worth it. Might also be able to link with things completely inept at Close Combat or better weapon choices than a Combi, Nisses would probably like him as a filler. Other than that, there's always a dud. Might surprisingly not be Orcs for once.
Sure there looks to be a lot of options but I see no world where the Svarlaheima list doesnt start with Nisse HMG, Nisse sniper and a lot of fusiliers to form a fireteam with them :p
I hope not. One cancerous defensive link team is enough. And it would be too similar to varuna to a point where new units would have to be super awesome to justify taking SWF over VIRD. There are currently too many linkable msv2 units. It was cool to have it in 1 faction only (same as jammers) but when everybody gets it, not so cool.
Now that would make it nicely differ from Locusts. Of course we're unlikely to see this before N4 hits.
Or maybe they can get TO camo. Assuming CodeOne does not have hidden deployment and Nokken are the TOs without camo state in N4.