Well. Maybe it's because I don't know tools in engilish that can express what's on my mind. My point was that yes, his post was connected to daofei discussion and it could have a meaning but in a much "softer" way. I won't defend that was daofei that Koni was referring to. It can be daofei or it can be this nokken. I don't know if you understand now. If not don't worry. It's not that important after all.
It was also 5 minutes after Eciu called Näcken a "kinda Bagh-Mari with FD2" and 20 minutes or 3 posts after the screenshot was posted. I take that as referring to the screenshot in general and not any of the immediately adjacent comments. There's some obvious things that's wrong that Bostria has shown or told us will be in N4; Hundun doesn't have Hidden Deployment in CodeOne and also it seems a bit odd that Näcken has a CCW when that is not in their dossier and that Daofei doesn't have a Shock CCW - and it's very likely that it's these types of differences @Koni meant. Which doesn't mean that we should prepare our pitchforks if 6-2 turns out to be unique to C1, just that we should view all of it with the lens that these are the simplified rules.
Limiting the skills in C1 - yes; completely different skills in C1 and N4 - no; different basic stats on C1 and N4 profiles - that is a big NO. The idea of a simplified version is to learn stuff. One of the important things is to learn the stats of your troops as well, so you don't have to always look them up. Switching to N4 would be easier if you have to add certain skills to the guys you already know, without re-learning everything else. I am pretty sure CB understands that and the basic stats will be the same.
The communication from CB is inconsistent. Sometimes they say this is an introduction to "larger Infinity", sometimes they say this is a standalone simplified system. In the first case you're right, in the other it doesn't make a difference, theoretically.
While in general I agree this is how they should do it, there's no guarantee. I can see the value of maybe simplifying certain skills to functionally adjacent skills such as Speculos getting TO Camo and Infiltration instead of Impersonation for C1, however. I'd also particularly underline that movement and size values are probably the most problematic if they change between versions for any given unit.
Worth remembering that these are all CodeOne profiles, not N3 nor N4. I would expect some tweaks in both the N3 and N4 profiles.
Depends on the final cost. He's marked as 3 C1 points and while BS11 isn't stellar, if the N4 points is close to Lynx sniper I'd say it's more than enough to merit experimenting with
We also don't know how climbing+ will change in N4. If it allows you to deploy clinging to a wall, that could be huge.
Ya the the first thing i saw was the BS11 and thought, how is this different? And a horrible case of the fluff not matching the rules. Which happens a lot but when you say they train to become excellent marksmen... prove it. He doesn't even have Marksmanship! I'm wondering if MI is going to 4-4 move. The Infirmarer is MI and 4-4 and the a few MI that have come out have also been 4-4 or even more.
Yeah, I was hoping they'll make him less CC-oriented, but with superior marksman skills to compensate. This is just a "good" old Ninja sniper.
I just noticed he gained Climb+ but lost Infiltration. That should make him significantly cheaper. But is it a good trade off? I don't think so.
he costs 3 points, so about 30. Infiltration and Hidden Deployment have been the biggest selling point to bring a BS11 shooter with high CC. Without Infiltration, why would I wanna have a high CC skill?
On the other hand, a merc that's available to everyone probably shouldn't be the best option in it's niche . I don't mind mercs being a bit odd and behind the curve as that way they don't encroach on "faction identity"
Jesus that Knight of Justice is dissappointing. It is like, the pinnacle of generic spitfire knight. Yeah code one and all that shit but its not looking too hopeful. +1. The sniper ninja is trash, swapping infiltrator for C+ doesn't change that fact at all.