I'm certain that the silhouette system will not become disappeared in N4 and Pan-O has space for a few S5 profiles, no? An S5 TAG, a mini TAG, or pocket TAG, for Pan-O would make perfect sense. Something tells me that such a TAG would be well-suited for the sort of operations that Pan-O conducts on Svalarheim, well-suited indeed. The Azra'il and Al Fasid are really fine minis, due in no small part to being S5. Why is everybody being so nasty to Pan-O anyways? let Pan-O have a nice S5 mini, or even 2. Pan-O can have 1 nice thing. Just keep smoke away from them. Heaven knows that where there is smoke, there is fire, and do you really want Pan-O forces playing with fire? Oh geez, those no WP twits would burn down the entire Human Sphere in short order. Don't you give no matches to Pan-O.
My thought as well. I'm curious about the armament. ML, obviously, but what else? I find myself wishing even more for Fatality L1 morphing into something like High Calibre, with S5 units' weapons getting +1 damage, and S6/7 ones getting +2. It'd finally adress the size differences between human-sized HMGs and the ones wielded by TAGs. Oh, we have lots of fire. Can haz Eclipse nao? :D
Missile launcher on an S5 guy is a really weird place.... To make something like that viable you would basically need full auto or two of them or something. or ODD. I'm more interested to see what kind of skills this guy is going to get, maybe something that will make him comparable to the Yan Huo?
Fixed that for you. As long as the Kriza remains as it is, S5 is supremely in Nomad's court. Also a sample of 1 Remote Presence S5 is not a sample of dignity...
This time we have no choice but to order from CB if we want the exclusive miniature (with a nice 15-20€ shipping) Lats time it was like this it was with coldfront. Then, people who preordered from CB store received their order weeks after Coldfront was made available on FLGS shelves (which caused a lot of grudge). Will it be the same this time ? It would be nice to have an official answer (@Koni ?)
This time it's very much out of their hands, though making the mini less exclusive probably wouldn't be impossible. Speaking of hands, wash em.
At this very moment I cannot tell you with 100% guarantee about when we'll be able to ship the orders. Our intention, if nothing from government changes the situation, is sending everything on mid-late April (both Distributors, stores and customers of our online store with no "weeks of delay between each of them"). But it not depends on us, unfortunately. Anyway, we'll keep you totally informed about everything, as this tough situation will affect everyone all around the world. Thank you for your understanding guys :) And please, stay safe and healthy!
From the videos we saw; "YEAHH JUJAK DOSSIERS! OH WAIT" "THEY WROTE THE WRONG SPELLING!! XD" No, really. That's a different animal, maybe similar but different like wolf and a fox. 주작 is the spelling D; Good dossier btw.
PanO is the HYPERpower we don't need some obsolete, unelegant S5 HI. All the S5 HIs are some low tech constructions bar the Charontid (but that thing is not an armor but a complete synthetic-lifeform / cyborg, not a suit). Yan Huo? YJ's hasty answer to the Dragoe / Szalamandra (with only 4-2 MOV) Ahl Fasid, Azrail? Old tech Su-jian? That is a REM-TAG hybrid (albeit a really fine one) Sogarat? Even though Morats are part of the CA their tech doesn't seem to be any more advanced than PanO's or YJ's despite having the EI's benefits. Ajax - botched experiment on the way to achilles. Achilles, Asura, Hector all are superior AND S2 :P . On the other hand we have Swissguard (ARM5 BTS6 TO-Camo) and Father Knight (ARM5 BTS9) armours. Stay true to panO tech supremacy! Say no to S5 Heavy Infantry! -Sponsored by Omnia Research Corporation.
Nah, don't listen to this, it's an obvious sock puppet account clearly controlled by YJ infiltrators to prevent PanO from developing new tech :P