"I know I'm about to troll hard, but I said this so I feel excused". Mmmm, such tasty representation gatekeeping. Muh Spehs Muhree... Knights can only be male... BECAUSE! Girls have cooties anyway! Encouraging the "female now!" movement, the dumbest thing they've done - the what now? Wow. You're really not coming off well here, mate.
Dude, I think your brain fell off. Better pick this up quickly before it gets hurt by mods. Anyway, I'm in love with the models. Can't wait for those reinforcements in my MO <3 I'm really curious about the Nokken too. I'm just a little bit sad for the Orc and fusiliers since long time PanO players will have pratically no uses for their minis, except if you're looking for an alternate winter-version of your regular troops for Sval ^^ Surprised the monk being a merc (and PanO available). Japanese, ninjas... now monks, what will the State-Empire will have left in N4? :D
So it is 15 Code One points per side... Speculation: 1 Daofei w Spitfire: 5 points 1 Guilang w BS:2 points 3 Zhanshi w combis: 3 points 1 Húndún w MSR: 2 points? 1 Jujak Regiment with Combi/HF: 3 points? I can see the Hundun switching in price with the Jujak. Thoughts?
Nah, I'm good. It's stupid that they've encouraged certain 'fan movements' while denigrating others as "fanatic peat". CB did a fairly good job long before the "female whatever now" movements started being a thing, and given how many of those posters supporting the "Female Wulver Now!" movement had sigs with stuff that bordered on furry erotica? It should have said something that encouraging it wasn't encouraging actual gender parity, but the "sExY" trash that makes the game a harder sell to people. But sure, pretend that I'm saying "GURLS ARE BAD!" or whatever trash you want to believe.
Probably should remember the inspiration for the game and consider it's pretty tame by those standards. What you've got really just is the price of doing business with this aesthetic, might as well complain about grim dark if you play 40k.
How exactly is a female knight bad? You haven't given a proper reason outside of "I don't like it so it's bad" and whining about "female everything". It's a woman in power armor, in a sci-fi universe where you can literally be reborn in a new body. I fail to see a problem. Seriously, if you think that a female knight in power armor make the game harder to sell, I think you need a break from the Internet.
Nah, it's because they are all clone-implants of the clones of a dude that makes them all grow into a different species than humans, plus makes them all lose their gonads (unless they're wolfy mcwolfssons). I think there might be a gene-seed that's defective in a way that it allows it to be implanted into women without catastrophic consequences now (which might be wolfy mcwolfsdaughters because of how very non-conformative that gene-seed is), but I'm not up to scratch on my 40k-fu. In either case, GW made Sisters of Battle for this reason, so it's not like there's no female Astartes there, either, though I guess they're not sterile non-humans genetically modified to get extensive genetical defects along with two hearts and more lungs than they strictly will ever need, and they sort of make the spess muhreens seem like reasonable and progressive individuals. Did they do it to poke fun at the basement sexists among the fan base? Nobody knows.
My favourite mini on the PanO side is absolutely the female knight, most dynamic and attractive miniature...
Both knights are great, and I don't care about the female knight being female, so much as being unable to stand on a base!
She's a MotherKnight, isn't she? Armored looks the same. I hope someone taught her how to swing that sword, this time And wtf with the hammer guy?
How exactly is it good? It dilutes what is supposed to be a major difference between the Observancy and the Church, dilutes what makes Joan of Arc unique, etc etc. We can certainly just "play pretend" and act like Avicenna isn't considered unique as a character specifically because of "male in female body to hide from ALEPH". Yes, because it's the concept that makes it harder to sell. Has nothing to do with the kinds of posts or conversations that come up about how "hot" a model is or any of that nonsense...
What make Joan of Arc unique is that she's a RECREATION of a historical figure, not that she's a woman knight. You're honestly just raging for the sake of raging, because you're narrow view of things cannot accept the knight could be female. I'm afraid YOU are what makes the game hard to sell. Because your attitude would turn me away. Luckily, most of the community isn't like this.
I think he has a point about the Observancy, but I don't actually think that was ever actually a thing. The Riot Grrl's are women, and the Reverend Moira's and stuff treat their men as crap. I don't think that means the Knights of the Church have to be male dominated though, but I can understand where he's coming from.
Am i the only one who doesn't give a shit what gender my models have or how fat or thin they are as long as they look cool? Also i am thinking of getting the box just to paint that orc a christmas sweater.
There's no indication Knights have been all male until Kaldstrom. The models being male doesn't mean it's male only. Riot Grrl and Reverend are pretty specific about the gender, but Knights aren't beside the Father-Knights, who are also priests. These are the only Knights with any form of indication for male only.