@Koni @Aiwe Many countries in EU are suspending international flights for people (cargo air traffic seems unaffected so far). The Polish Post office has suspended taking in international packages to limit the possibility spreading the virus internationally. https://www.ulc.gov.pl/pl/aktualnosci/4968-zamkniecie-miedzynarodowych-polaczen-lotniczych http://www.poczta-polska.pl/zmiany-w-zwiazku-z-wprowadzeniem-stanu-zagrozenia-epidemicznego/ The question to CB Staff and our Spanish friends - are such limitations set in Spain as well, especially for the carriers that would ship the Kaldstrom preorders (e.g. Spanish Post Office)?
Can't speak in CB's name but... We have a (total) lockdown in Spain, meaning we can't even leave home unless it's for buying food, medicine, or go to work, etc. At this point...forget about this.
I think the way things are progressing in Europe that even if postage is ok, there will be delays in manufacturing. We are in exceptional times.
Weird coincidence, I got a job at a small town post office in the US, and we’ve been proceeding on the directive that package handling should be safe—person to person contact is the risky behavior. But, then again, it’s the U.S., so that might be denial. :-/
Well, then we should probably hear from CB soon, because the Kaldstrom preorders are only until April 3rd. They might hope it will be all over by then, but I wouldn't be so hopeful. How long is the lockdown in Spain supposed to last? End of March?
As far as i know the survival of the virus on a dry surface is quite short short, like a few hours or something, a few days in a humid environment (5 hours and 5 days respectively being what i was told). Presumably there was cases of it surviving for longer reported a few weeks ago but i don't know (and don't think) that actually went anywhere or is confirmed, considering that it was reported at a time when the information cycle in Europe was still rather sketchy.
No such facts are known (source: my friend, an Oxford evolutionary virologist and bioengineer). The assumed staying time on surfaces is up to even 10 days.
If. In Poland, the borders are effectively closed to passengers, true. The cargo, however, can still move through.
Borders are close only for people, cargo and goods are travelling(maybe slower than before but are still traveling) otherwise global economy will take an hit more harder that actual one
Not completely true. The Post Office will not take international packages. CB uses their post office iirc, if they take the same measures, it's a problem.
Again, if. I see no point in worrying about things we have completely no control of. Especially given they are a possibility, not a fact yet. Honestly, man - if Kaldstrom release / delivery gets delayed because of the anti-epidemic lockdown, what are you going to do? Myself, I'm gonna say, "well, that's a bummer, but I guess we have bigger problems around" and wait patiently for the storm to calm down. But well, that's me...
Just to ad something.... You are worried about courier, but if Spain got a more severe lockout(or something worse happen to cb factory, I hope no but can happen) cb could slow down or interrupt his production Well if kaldstrom will have some delay, patience. Is just a game and people's health is a little bit more important
15 days, so yeah, around end of March. Then Congress must vote to extend the "Estado de Alarma". And this legislature it is Clown Circus: many parties needed to agree, and some only care about "their thing"... so we will see once the day arrives. Maybe they extend it if doctors say so, maybe not, maybe alliances change for this special case and "their thing" parties get relegated to a corner by all the rest. They all have acted slowly at best, completly childish at worst. OTOH, Internet shops should still operate... that means couriers should be working. Spain seems to be roughly two weeks behind Italy, if that helps figure anything.
Also, this so called "lockdown" is not very strict: you can go outside to work, to buy food, to walk the dog, to buy cigarretes, to go to the hairdresser, to buy a new pair of glasses...