After seeing the HD pictures I gotta say the minis are gorgeous, also the video editing is even better than already high quality we had before.
This is purely why I prioritize miniatures over profile. Painting over gameplay (which is also my excuse for being crap :p). To quote a god awful movie:
Had to look that one up, we have a faction for that, it's called Yu Jing. Or Pan-O. Or Haqq. Hell, all of Infinity seem to live by it, meanwhile O-12 are trying to get them to stop (while claiming exclusivity on it)
It's not only important, it's the single most important rule of engagement. Style provide extra protection from enemy fire.
The monk is awesome so I just might get it despite not playing Yu Jing. I'd also love to get my hands on the kunai but that looks difficult seeing as I'm not willing to shell out for the whole Kaldstrom to get one mini. Not that the other minis look bad but I'm a JSA only player so....
Knowing people producing military stuff and people that had to do with orders from military procurement offices i doubt that orc armour has a heater or it was made to use on Bourak.
I was thinking that it's probably to protect the suit from the environment not the person wearing it.
ORC armour is probably designed to work in 95% of circumstances, and Svalarheima falls into the 5% it doesn't work in, so they had to add extra insulation.