Being slightly serious; I think this is a traditional policy for most national militaries and for most mercen- I mean security firms. It's really bad for morale to tell your troops that they risk getting left behind in a POW camp or worse when they follow orders. In our world, USA has made quite a bit of successful propaganda around this, but in Infinity that propaganda will have been forgotten, but the policy of all the world's armies will have survived and no doubt the Yu Jing propaganda machine is working hard to uphold that their soldiers never leave anyone behind and that the army protects their own. I doubt USA invented this policy, but I also doubt anyone could ever tell where it first was invented as it might go back to as far as when the first two human tribes fought one another.
"No man left behind" is a specifically American phrase and the idea of the regular military actually going back to retrieve their wounded and fallen is frankly exactly their "invention". European or other armies historically didn't bother, they solved this with swapping POWs if there were any to swap at all. Geneva Convention and prisoner rights are a very recent idea as well, after all.
So with the Coronageddon Travel Ban impacting travel to the US from Europe (though bizarrely not the UK) will we even see Carlos Belli at Adepticon? I guess they can still freight stock to someone else to sell (I assume Warsenal runs their booth, like at Gen Con). Of course, this assumes Adepticon goes ahead!
Its sounding like adepticon is going to cancel. Bostria most likely wouldn't be able to enter the country. Warsenal does run the booth so if adepticon goes on I'd assume they'd just ship it to them to sell.
From Adepticon Facebook: The organizers may have no choice but to cancel, or re-schedule for some *future date* if the State gets involved. Given all the other big event cancellations, I don't see Adepticon going forward. In the event of a cancellation, I do hope CB proceeds with the Kåldstrøm roll-out on schedule. Bostria can give us a kitchen table chat instead of a seminar presentation. Well, it's the break room, not an actual kitchen. I am intrigued by what I have seen so far of the minis, and that odd graphic showing points and table sizes.
Well, technically, Europe is not a continent from a geological point of view, so it only makes sense from a political point of view ;)
You can walk across the border from the EU to the UK in Ireland, and go between France and England by train, which is what makes the exception for the UK so bizarre.
It's Schengen zone countries UK and Ireland aren't Schengen so they're exempt, if you get on the chunnel to France you need a passport. Of course why you couldn't just present your passport then fly to the US from Heathrow or Manchester is still beyond me.
Someone in the US government might have lived up to all the prejudices that are told in Europe about the "fabulous great (insert other flamboyant words here)" US educational system. Sorry for straying off topic. I think all the videos are done yet - so CB just have to post them via Facebook or youtube and so on.
Better get back to the original topic : minis in the box I think I'll pass on this one as it lacks interest to me. Spoiler It would have been so much more appealing if it had Dragons in it. Spoiler I know, I may be a bit monomaniac lately.